That's the truth. All of this Cr-p floating around about how this food and that food put on pounds is a bunch of BS. Lower your calorie intake to a level lower than you burn calories off and you will loose weight.
The problem is the vast majority of people do not burn enough calories in a week to get rid of one bowl of Blue Bell Rocky Road. Sitting in a recliner and clicking the remote is not exercise.
I am 70. I weigh about 180, with a true 34 inch waist. I work every day, climbing around boats in Shipyards and on my feet 90 percent of the time. I do 60 push ups every night before bed, alternating each night between reverse push-ups and regular.
I don't drink any kind of Soda Water. Three years ago, I took a battery of physicals, I was having migraines and had got up to over 190. I had a good diet, but was hooked on Dr Pepper. I'm talking about walking around with a 48 ounce DP 10 hours a day.
So, I went cold turkey. I lost 15 pounds, and I have not had a single headache in three years.
There is something in those things that is addictive, and horrible for your health.
I am fortunate to own a thriving business. Yes, I have to put in a lot of hours. But I love what I do, and thrive on being a intragal part of a major industry. I like being in charge. I like the idea that customers are willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on my word alone.
I would hate having to get up every morning and going to a job that I loathed.
Most guys my age are retired. I will work untill I either physically or mentally can't. Most of the guys I know who are "retired" are out of shape, overweight, and in many cases, sick.
Yeh, sign me up for that.
FWIW One Can of Dr. Pepper has 41 mg caffeine ( cup of coffee is 8.6-13.9 mg)
20 oz Dr Pepper has 250 Cal. from sugar...
t\That will do you...weight gain and headaches from caffeine withdrawl...