In the Sunny South

That's the truth. All of this Cr-p floating around about how this food and that food put on pounds is a bunch of BS. Lower your calorie intake to a level lower than you burn calories off and you will loose weight.

The problem is the vast majority of people do not burn enough calories in a week to get rid of one bowl of Blue Bell Rocky Road. Sitting in a recliner and clicking the remote is not exercise.

I am 70. I weigh about 180, with a true 34 inch waist. I work every day, climbing around boats in Shipyards and on my feet 90 percent of the time. I do 60 push ups every night before bed, alternating each night between reverse push-ups and regular.

I don't drink any kind of Soda Water. Three years ago, I took a battery of physicals, I was having migraines and had got up to over 190. I had a good diet, but was hooked on Dr Pepper. I'm talking about walking around with a 48 ounce DP 10 hours a day.

So, I went cold turkey. I lost 15 pounds, and I have not had a single headache in three years.

There is something in those things that is addictive, and horrible for your health.

I am fortunate to own a thriving business. Yes, I have to put in a lot of hours. But I love what I do, and thrive on being a intragal part of a major industry. I like being in charge. I like the idea that customers are willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on my word alone.

I would hate having to get up every morning and going to a job that I loathed.

Most guys my age are retired. I will work untill I either physically or mentally can't. Most of the guys I know who are "retired" are out of shape, overweight, and in many cases, sick.

Yeh, sign me up for that.

FWIW One Can of Dr. Pepper has 41 mg caffeine ( cup of coffee is 8.6-13.9 mg)
20 oz Dr Pepper has 250 Cal. from sugar...

t\That will do you...weight gain and headaches from caffeine withdrawl...
I once saw

FWIW One Can of Dr. Pepper has 41 mg caffeine ( cup of coffee is 8.6-13.9 mg)
20 oz Dr Pepper has 250 Cal. from sugar...

t\That will do you...weight gain and headaches from caffeine withdrawl...

a display of soda bottles of various brands with the actual amount of sugar they had in them. It was quite enlightening. I rarely drink soda but do drink my share of coffee.

It has been my observation over the years that medical science has changed it's mind on many of the things we eat and drink, Coffee being one of them. I can remember when coffee was suspected as being a cause of Pancreatic Cancer, but NO MORE.

A friend showed me and gave me a coppy of an article in a Bottom Line Magazine with the headline , COFFEE: The Ultimate Health Drink.

The article goes an to explain why and which coffees are best are grown high up and close to the equator in Kenya, Ethiopia, Columbia and parts of Brazil. Those provide the most benefit they say. AND don't drink Dark Roast, the extrey roasting kills the benefits inherent in coffee.

So, I think we can all pretty much agree that most of us are addicted to sugar and that it is bad for us. Of course, if one wants to enjoy the taste of most things it is pretty dern necessary to throw some sugar on it. That being said, the artificials are likely not good for us either and there is no "Free Lunch" in Honey or Fruit, sugar is sugar is sugar. I have also heard more than once that there are no miracles in the Gym and I believe that to be true. Once past the lips, forever on the gut.Once we make the fat cells, they stay with us.

So, what to do? Based on what is current, drink lots of Light Roast Coffee and forego sugar. We also need to understand that Carbohydrates turn to sugar once we ingest them soooooo, what does that leave us? Not most veggies and NO FRUIT; all sugar! That leaves us MEAT. Good old meat.

It has been my observation over the years that medical science has changed it's mind on many of the things we eat and drink....

So, I think we can all pretty much agree that ... sugar ... is bad for us....and there is no "Free Lunch" in Honey or Fruit, sugar is sugar is sugar. I have also heard more than once that there are no miracles in the Gym and I believe that to be true....Once we make the fat cells, they stay with us.

So, what to do? Based on what is current, drink lots of Light Roast Coffee and forego sugar. We also need to understand that Carbohydrates turn to sugar once we ingest them soooooo, what does that leave us? Not most veggies and NO FRUIT; all sugar! That leaves us MEAT. Good old meat.

Pete, your take on diet and exercise is about as far from mine as the "Cold North" is from the "Sunny South"; one of us must be relying on bogus medical science. I wonder what happened to all those fat cells in fat people who lost a lot of weight due to changing their diet and exercise routine? Regardless of your analysis, I'd choose more veggies and fruit, rather than less. Bottom line for me is: Eat moderately and exercise often.

BTW, I've enjoyed this thread; it's helping convince me to strike sodas off my list.
He used a cane and had a nasty limp. I decided that night to stick to enduros.

I used to do Enduros back when. 125-175 milers. Sometimes topped out near 80, in the woods! Never did have a tree pull out in front of me. Walking with a cane? Just luck some of us didn't. Now it's a cruiser and looking out for the pulloutters!!

Diet drinks....water. No calories, no cyclimates....and it is recycleable...saves the environment.

Sometimes after an enduro, I'd lay down to sleep, close my eyes and see a muddy rut with a big root across the far end. Can you say "flying W"?

Worst thing I ever did dirt biking was to have my shifting foot slip off the peg just as a big rock came along. Couldn't go back because we only had a sequential route sheet. Rode 62 miles shifting with my heel. Had to have the joint removed from my big toe.

Thinking about all this makes me appreciate shooting more.
Hunter - If you can, start smoking three packs a day and drink 50 cups of coffee. In a short time you'll be as healthy as I am!

Pete, your take on diet and exercise is about as far from mine as the "Cold North" is from the "Sunny South"; one of us must be relying on bogus medical science. I wonder what happened to all those fat cells in fat people who lost a lot of weight due to changing their diet and exercise routine? Regardless of your analysis, I'd choose more veggies and fruit, rather than less. Bottom line for me is: Eat moderately and exercise often.

BTW, I've enjoyed this thread; it's helping convince me to strike sodas off my list.

NOT, Medical science has been wrong all of these years. If you don't think so, just look at the diets professionals set up for lunches in schools. Fruit is Sugar Period. Carbohydrates change quickly to sugar once ingested.

A doctor I was seeing @ the VA asked some of we Obese folks to try the Atkins diet for a quarter to see if we could loose some weight and perhaps get rid of some of the pills we were taking. I lost 23 pounds in 2 months eating mostly Fat Meat. My cholesteral numbers went to normal. He found this to be true with every one who stuck with the diet.

We are the hostages of Medical Science because we believe what they tell us and we don't know anything different. Same is true with the pharmaceutical people. I couldn't tolerate cholesterol meds until I had a Dr advise me to cut the dose in half, which I did and suddenly I can take them !

No, much of what we have been conditioned to believe is just flat wrong.

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Hunter - If you can, start smoking three packs a day and drink 50 cups of coffee. In a short time you'll be as healthy as I am!

Wilbur, I can't afford the three-pack-a-day habit; I've got to save some money for wind flags. But, I'm making progress toward getting as healthy as Jackie Schmidt and Larry White; I went to Wendy's today and got H[SUB]2[/SUB]O, rather than my usual Dr. P -- with a refill. I even had some of that "Fat Meat" Pete recommends.

I wish we could meet at Jon's in Indian Hammock, shoot till dark, have a steak and some adult beverages as he used to say. Sleep till daylight and start all over again. Heck they let you ride KTMs and BMWs in real flat track races now. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS UP WITRH THAT??? But as I understand it a couple of Indians with American riders win every time. But it ain't all as good as it seems, Indian motorcycles had the engine designed in Austria or Germany. It has been a long time since I rode and endure, I think I still could. would they let me do it on my four wheeler?
I miss Jon

I wish we could meet at Jon's in Indian Hammock, shoot till dark, have a steak and some adult beverages as he used to say. Sleep till daylight and start all over again. Heck they let you ride KTMs and BMWs in real flat track races now. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS UP WITRH THAT??? But as I understand it a couple of Indians with American riders win every time. But it ain't all as good as it seems, Indian motorcycles had the engine designed in Austria or Germany. It has been a long time since I rode and endure, I think I still could. would they let me do it on my four wheeler?

Can't seem to delete his phone number or email address. Guess I am hoping to hear from him again. Jon was an interesting guy. Only man I ever knew who watched tv without sound and did not like any music of any kind. Jon loved western everything, from what I could tell.

I raced Moto x and Flat track as you may know but I am quite sure I could not nver do it again. Wouldn't expose myself to the danger. I like the Indian story. I have never been a Harley fan. Never liked the whole aura of them and many of the people attracted to them nor have I much cared for their arrogance through the years. I always thought they were a sucky, unreliable excuse for a motorcycle. Thrilled me to see other companies kicking their butts.
