If you Really want Benchrest to grow

What I have said is not a proposal, just an idea. I have always wondered why benchrest shooting has not been recognized by the NRA and vice versa! Yes, in order to compete in an NRA sanctioned match, you must be an member in good standing.

On the sign up sheet for most matches I've been to, they have asked if I was a member in good standing of the NBRSA, and if I was an NRA member. I've always wondered why they asked about the NRA since there seems to be no affiliation or correlation between the two organizations...................
You want to increase the participation in competitive Benchrest?? Great. We can start right here on this site by getting those folks who love to pretend they shoot BR to actually sign up and play the game for real!! No more pretending. Now's your chance to become authentic! Get off your duff, put away the keyboard and the excuses, and come sign in.:)
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You want to increase the participation in competitive Benchrest?? Great. We can start right here on this site by getting those folks who love to pretend they shoot BR to actually sign up and play the game for real!! No more pretending. Now's your chance to become authentic! Get off your duff, put away the keyboard and the excuses, and come sign in.:)

Won't many of them sigh up to shoot. That would take away the instant gratification of the internet as well as their ability to BS everybody. :)