IBS Annual Meeting Summary


In a situation where scoring is done manually, or compiled in something like a spreadsheet, then I can understand your confusion. But keep in mind the system used at the world open is not just a simple spreadsheet. It also does not end at the match. Results are entered in a very friendly system that makes scoring almost automatic. Targets are often scored before the next relay is firing record rounds, and that is with a delay for transportation, and a 5 min setup limit for the next relay. It was also designed with much more in mind than it does today. Currently, the data it handles is sent automatically to the club website and from there, all calculations of everything imaginable are done instantly. Results are on the web literally seconds after the decision has been made to finalize the match. Not just a JPG of the wailing wall, but actual data. So the website is another application in addition to the one used at the club to run the match, but the two are mutually dependent. The club version won't display results (doesn't even calculate them) and the web app can't work without the club database data. So, changing formats isn't really an option.

It also has the capability to do real-time results. Up until recently, there was no broadband internet available at the PA Club so this was not possible. BUT, it was written with that possibility in mind. It is possible (with rather extensive but simple changes) to have all data live on the web. This would mean you could sit at the cleaning bench with your Droid and see the match results before the targets came out. More useful tho, a person not at the match could follow the results as the day goes on. I know for a fact this would be a much used feature if it was ever put in place.

But still, even if they wanted to, the time requirements for finishing the match at PA preclude your idea of any shootoff. There simply is no time. Furthermore, if they did and scrap the system in use today, I would bet some serious money that the match would not run anywhere near as well because there would be a 'new' time problem created by all the newly wasted time. That just from a more clumsy system. In other words, it is so easy there now, everyone takes for granted how the matches run. Ok, but, it IS possible to go back to the old way. And even likely...

In the interest of fairness, I think people get tunnel vision. They look at a situation and say, X is more fair than Y. Ok, perhaps that is true, but X may well be grossly unfair compared to situation Z. So, what they do is make all sorts of noise about how they have this super fair idea when in fact, they'd not given a lick of thought to how unfair it might be.

Personally, I like the system where we measure our targets and score them. If mine is better than yours, I finish ahead of you. It's easy, it's fair, and it eliminates people saying they got hosed cause of some situational event. Not like many of these ideas where the shooter who shoots best may well not end up the winner. And, if the wind causes someone a bad day, by all means go complain to it.
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Charles like you said you've been to Pa. and shot 20" in a relay.
Not quite right, Joe. I think I shot about a 22-inch group. The BEST group was 20 inches...

But you want the top shooters in each relay to advance, but how about the guy that shoots 4" in one relay but dosen't advance but the next relay everyone shoots in the teens and they advance. Am I right about this.

Hmm. As I remember, you're one of us who claim no one can read the wind -- unless, perhaps, it's really blowing, and a 10-inch group would be considered fantastic shooting. Like Regan Green at the Hawks Ridge Nats in 2006 -- you were there.

If that's the case, the guys that shot the 13+ inch groups likely had a disadvantage that didn't come from their lack of ability, but from conditions -- it was just one of those relays.

If the guy that shot 4.xxin the previous relay had been on that relay, or more important, the guy that shot smaller than 4.xxx and won, It's pretty doubtful he'd have shot 4 inches. Like a Republican, I'd have bet big against it (I can't afford $10,000, but big!)

So to find out who's best that day, put the sub-4-inch guy from relay wonderful against the 20-inch guy from relay hellhole together, on another relay, and see. That's the way we run a normal match.

You can't have it both ways. If the shooters are capable of reading the wind, then all the big groups were their fault. If not, valid comparisons need to be head to head.

Or we could just cave in to the people who say shooting at 1,000 yards is all luck. But I won't do that.
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There is no perfect system.

In the Nationals we often have 120-140 shooters per LG and HG each. At 10 a relay that is 12-14 relays at about 3 relays per hour avg on a good day. Mabye 1-2 more relays could be picked up. That pretty much does not leave any time for a shootoff of any type unless you plan on a 3 or 4 day (actual shooting) Nationals. Right now most Nationals have been trying to get 3 full rotations per day (LG, HG, LG and Day 2 HG, LG, HG etc).

A shoot off system would limit you to 2 LG and 2 HG in a two day period, IF you could run that at 10 per relay. Only a very few clubs could do 20 benches.

Plus the whole issue with the points and number benches is the perceived point advantage at regular matches for clubs running 20 benches and 1 relay or other variations to maximze points to one winner. How do you equalize the points as much as possible without stretching out the matches? Right now some clubs are shooting 2 matches a day due to travel expenses and other costs.
Charles yes I was at the 2006 Nats. at Hawks Ridge and at Virgina and seen how Regan holds off and plays the wind. I won score at the world open because I waited, but it wasn't because I wanted to wait. I had a problem, couldn't get my bolt to close, 15 second before the record target went up. went and got my action cleaning tool, took what was in there, sat down shot ten shots and won the relay. If I would do that part were you just wait more often I think I would have won all 10 relays last year in H.G. instead of 8. Think of it this way If you sat and waited long enough in your relay and didn't want the next relay peeved at you because you were taking up there relay time and it was getting really calm. That would mean you have a bigger set than I. I think you just created your on relay! In Virgina I think Regan was in the last relay,I was watching through a realy nice spoting scope at an angle so I could see everyone of his shots hit when he started, he shot too the low left, but his last sighter was in the x ring. I know he won but what if he didn't wait?

Joe Salt
There is no perfect system.

Boy, that's true. I'm fully aware you couldn't run the system I proposed in 2 days. Williamsport would have even more trouble with the World Open; they get 150+ shooters. The only thing I'd mention is this is suppose to be the Nationals.

The point-blank Nationals take a week. They fire (in NBRSA) 23 targets, and 155 rounds for record -- 8 targets unlimited (10 shot), and 5 each for Sporter, LV, and HV (all 5-shot) at each yardage. That's a total of 46 targets and 310 rounds for record.

At the 1,000 yard Nationals, we shoot 4 to 6 targets total for both guns, and anywhere from 30 to 45 record shots, depending on the format.

Well, we can live with it. But it would be nice to have a Nationals where luck wasn't quite so big a factor -- luck amongst the top shooters, true, but still luck. We all know people who caught one relay from Hell -- or even a mild Purgatory -- and were done.
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One of the first posts stated that the Nats in WV will be Thursday Friday Saturday. I see on the IBS wesite that it is listed for Frday, Sat, and Sun. Someone else liked the idea of Thursday-Sat. I can't find where those days are listed anywhere.

Which days is it?

Are we shooting 3 days, or is the last day a rain/makeup day? I think that a three day shoot would be great....The WV club moved things along extreamly fast last year....a forth target would get us done early during the day.

If memory serves me...wasn't last years match Sat/Sun, with Monday a makeup day?

It doesn't matter to me, just curious.