IBS Annual Meeting Summary

Jeff, a question: Most 1,000 yard clubs have something similar in their match registration/fees rules. This one is from the North Carolina club, of which I'm a board member:

$50 IBS membership (required to advance to the shootoffs and/or receive IBS points)

Since the proposed ammendment failed, i.e.,

"Amend Section B in tournament procedures to add the following language "4) Membership in IBS or IBS International shall be required of a recipient of the IBS Awards, Trophies, Records, Precision Rifleman Points of the Year Standings"

it would seem our rule, used since 1995, is indeed contrary to the general IBS rule. Or, are the long-range matches exempt from this rule (i.e., long range has "different tournament procedures")?

Why are the White Horse Nationals set for Thursday, Friday and Saturday instead of Friday Saturday and Sunday? It makes it tough on the working man to get there shooting on two business days! I thought that last year’s Friday Saturday and Sunday worked rather well. Seeing that my crew change day is on Thursday the 30th!
Al, I think Colorado had a bid in also. I just read the minutes. It appears somebody from the IBS thinks Colorado is not conforming with the rules. They say Colorado has never had nationals, seems to me they held NBRSA nationals. Just another self serving sanctioning body. What's the deal with the .6 max points for a relay win? Is this a temporary rule? Was it on the agenda prior to meeting?
My senses detect an aroma of geographical politics coming from self serving directions.
Was it a major infraction? or something simple that made for a motivated excuse?

And what is the deal with the 0.6 max points for a relay win?
I did not see that agenda item and was not on my ballot card.

IBS Member - Donovan Moran
Gmitchell, Donovan: I believe you are astute in those observations about CO losing the bid for Nats. CO has held a few national events before in the NBRSA. Seems like shaky reasoning to deny a bid and award it to the club who held it last year...
Geography/politics or not...

The decision probably has more to do with how many shooters are within 8 hours drive. How many is that out there?
Why do we have to compete with 15 shooters to get the same points as someone else shooting against 12? We have three more chances of losing for the same points. Does IBS think we are not competitive?
Tod, yes I and all others who had relay and match wins at CRC did earn SOY points but that's not my part of contention. We do usually rank lower overall because our turnouts are far lower and we have fewer matches per season. I'm much less bothered by that notion than a club being excluded from hosting a national event.

If it is about a driving distance, shouldn't the IBS just tell more western clubs joining that they ought to not bother submitting a bid because this eastern weighted International organization shouldn't have to drive so far just to attend the Nats?? Just saying. Maybe dividends are attached to ones membership say the closer to population centers their zip code lies?

I suppose by saying these things I am possibly making enemies as others have before on this forum. I guess I can't really help that but I'm a bit fired up.
Well guys lets look at it this way the Muzzle breaks got passed so now all the clubs are equal in that respect!. Haven't been to Colorado since 1983 would have liked to see it again just to look at the stars.

Joe Salt
Tod, that's a valid point. I thought you might have been going that direction but I wasn't sure.
Geography/politics or not...

The decision probably has more to do with how many shooters are within 8 hours drive.

That's the biggest asinine statement I've read today.

All IBS clubs should be rotated for the Nationals.

BTW, I believe the midwest shooters out numbered the eastern shooters at White Horse this past year.
That's the biggest asinine statement I've read today.

All IBS clubs should be rotated for the Nationals.

BTW, I believe the midwest shooters out numbered the eastern shooters at White Horse this past year.

Here is the reason the Nationals were awarded to White Horse. The Colorado club in 2011 did not run their matches in accordance with IBS rules in terms of handling the sighter and record targets. Had they done so we would have awarded the Nationals to them. The IBS Executive Board did not want to have a Nationals where the course of fire and target handling is not exactly as it should be under the rules.

Would we have gotten complaints from the eastern shooters if it had been awarded to CO? Sure, but we are much larger than a eastern sanctioning body. I wrote to the Colorado club that they first need to run matches to IBS rules THEN bid for the Nationals.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
I wrote to the Colorado club that they first need to run matches to IBS rules THEN bid for the Nationals.
I was told that they were going to comply with the rules as required for the 2012 season, which, IMO, should not have ruled them out for the 2012 Nationals.
I look forward to that club running the matches according to the rules. Once they have done so this year they can bid for next year. I just don't think it would be in anyone's interest (including Colorado) to have a big match that has not yet run one per the rules.
Jeff, As I recall Harris, MN was pasting sighter targets, we agreed to change and still hosted Nationals. That wasn't a problem.

A justifiable maneuver is the conception you bring. I myself will except that, if you will except conspiracy and controversy is on the minds of many others.

IBS Member - Donovan Moran
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