How do we get the "Big Names" to post???


There is another thread rambling about who should post from an authoritative position and who should not. Another post on the thread speaks to coming to BRC and it taking time to sort out who to really listen to and what needs to be ignored.

A few years ago I stumbled into "benchrest" and BRC. Thought I was pretty smart, spent hours reading old and new threads. Also made some posts thinking I could contribute. After actually jumping into real registered "Benchrest" competition I quickly learned that I was taking my "1/4 mile dirt car" equipment and equivalent subject matter knowledge and trying to compete at the Indy 500. I now look back in embarrassment at some of my early posts. Had no idea how little I knew relative to those that were truly competitive in this extremely challenging game. To me, one of the greatest things about this sport is, if you pay the entry fee, you get to compete side by side with "Peyton Manning", "Tiger Woods", "Jeff Gordon", and some guy named Tony Boyer. At my first big match (East West 2009) my bench was right next to Jack Neary. (I'm concerned that I made him nervous. I think he came in 2nd.) My point is, it can be intimidating, but I don't know of another sport with this opportunity.

This site is is a great forum to recruit, motivate, and educate new as well as experienced shooters. Yet the nationally prominent shooters seldom post. How do we get them involved? I know many of them read the posts. I know a HOF shoot that doesn't post anything meaningful anymore because he's tired of being hammered by people that don't shoot competitively or might not even know who he is. He says all he was doing was telling what seems to work for him or opinions on a given subject. Might not be supported with the latest science or might defy logic, but they were things that he thought helped him. I want to hear those things. The idea or information might not work for me, but I'm all ears when someone that actually wins wants to share something.

What if some form of "credentials" were illustrated below the users name? HOF Member, X# of HOF points, X# of yardage wins, registered competitor X# of years etc........... Maybe truly successful competitors would post with some degree of confidence that they will not have to defend their effort to help from internet experts or those that have no clue who is posting. I am sure there are some very good regional shooters that may be posting that I am not aware of.

This is a tough sport with a brutal learning curve. But it is also the most enjoyably challenging sport I have ever competed in. How many people give up in frustration or stay away because of poor or no advise?

This is just opinion.
There are some names that watch the boards and dont post.
There names that do post some of the hall of famers.
I think a lot may not post becasue they sortof have arrived and dont need the site as much as less experiences people like me.
Then there is the group of people that insist on posting opinion as absolute fact and if you dont agree with them then they get mad. See below.

And finally and I include myself in this one on occasion,,,,, manytimes we/some act like a bunch of bratty kids with our attitudes, while others are downright rude...

If I am out of line with this observation I will be glad to delete my post.
I wish I had bothered to read your post, the title kind of said it all for me. Well actualy I did read the post but everything said in the post was what I've heard a number of times here on the forum titled differently.

So here's my take...

In every part of society you have "givers" and you have "takers". It's no different here. Some people enjoy sharing the knowledge they have learned through the sport and their experiences to help others. You find that all throughout this website and other websites like or Some competitors (that are manufacturers or vendors), donate prizes and sponsor matches to help the sport and the shooters involved, others don't. I consider a person that has an open willingness to help others, an asset to benchrest, a "giver". Those that hold their cards too tight are "takers". The givers have the highest credentials in my book.

I think it was Ben Franklin or George Washinton, or Harvey Donaldson or Warren Page, or maybe some other famous guy that said "ask not what Benchrest can do for you, but what you can do for Benchrest".

Thanks for buying from Midway, and that's the way it is.

Mr. Paul Pbike,
I think the person who quoted that was 1 of 2.
Either John F. Becigneul or
Francis F. Kenedy

I cant really remember.
This is all so funny...... and so what are Randy Robinnet and Al Nyhus and Jim Borden and Wilbur Harris and Joel and Libby and Bruno and Charles E and fFFbBbBbrrRAAnsSscciISSSSss and his not-to-be-named boychild and and and and ..... I'm stuttering to a halt here because I could go on stream-a-conscious until my fingers bled and this is only US citizens.....

chopped liver??


there is no other internet forum on God's Earth like this one.

But no matter how good it gets there's always gonna' be some hag-ridden soul out there who feels a book or a campfire would be "better"............... probably the same sort of person who parks by the door and leaves the match before someone (God Forbid!! My BACK!!) asks him to help clean up....

:) :)

And man, I didn't mean to leave him out but Dr Tom Iltserdorf is famous from coast to coast even though he makes some of his shots with a BLENDER!

just read their books or ring them up I've spoken to a few of the BIG guys that dont post and to mearly mortal me,they talked openly and passed on knowledge freely try to be more direct remember some guys dont do puter stuff but are happy to chew the fat over the phone.WOW chew the fat I'm talkin American lol.jim
I think one of the issues

has been some folks like to discuss things instead of simply read what one individual's opinion of that particular subject is.

I can remember back a few years when the subject of cleaning came up. The "big Name" guy posted his method and when someone else didn't agree and said so, he left here, never to return. Perhaps Skin Thickness might have something to do with those who frequent here. There is nothing at all wrong with disagreeing, is there. I have observed since then more and more folks cleaning less and less.

There is no one way to do this game. If there was, one person would dominate every event they showed up at. Well, perhaps that is more true in Group than Score. I will say this though, HOF folks show their knowledge most of the time through their ability to pound most of the rest of us. Fortunately, for the rest of us, they don't attend every event held :p.
Mr. Paul Pbike,
I think the person who quoted that was 1 of 2.
Either John F. Becigneul or
Francis F. Kenedy

I cant really remember.


Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
"How do we get the "Big Names" to post???"

I can't speak for the others, but I read and post frequently. What do you want to know? ;) ;)

Mark How do we get the "Big Names" to post???


I am not having a go, but there is an abundant of information available and people willing to share this information, if you are prepared to look around.

Do you go to many matches? Attend as many as you can afford, as it will increase your learning curve two fold, instead of just practicing. You have to confirm in a match what you are learning in practice.

Have you tried to seek out a mentor? I highly recommend you find someone. Doesn't have to be HoF shooter, but this individual(s) should be someone who has had some sort of success. Also someone you trust, respect and are willing to listen too.

I am yet to go to a match and if the individual has the time, they will speak openly about whatever question(s) I have. Sometimes the best time is at the end of the day or lunch break if there is one.

I don't think most shooters who have a bit of success need to justify the number of points, yardage wins, there HOF Number or how long they have been competeing. I personally think that is up to you to sort out the crap, from what works for you!

Have you read Ratigan, Boyers books? Watched Jack Neary's Youtube stuff, gone to a benchrest school, Boyer School etc etc Practiced and tried a few things!

I have had some sucess and I still ask questions, as I think you always continue to learn. I have also learnt to weed out the truth from fiction, by either trying it myself or witnessing it working. You will soon work out if you turn your "bullSh**" radar on!!

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All that I have taught you may have been thrown out with the chaff. Are you coming to the SS? Is anybody from Oz coming this year?
Mark, you sound just like me. I thought I was quite the expert in ballistics, until I started reading here. Then I realized that I just should not talk anymore to save myself the embarrassment.

This place is honestly what I feel to be the greatest place to read on the net, based on my shooting hobby. If it can make a gun shoot better, it is in this forum. After coming to this forum, you almost can't go back to any other shooting forums. You feel what is going on here, and it's just not really happening anywhere else on the net.

Anyways, I like this place, and most of your names are "big names" to someone like me. Thanks for providing the show, shooters.
Many "big names" say they will not post here because someone will invariably come back and contradict what they say.

It must be lonely knowing you are always the smartest person in the room.

A number of years ago, on one of my trips over to Rachels Glenn, a well known shooter got me off to the side and said, "you would gain a lot more respect from real Benchrest Shooters if you stayed off that web site". Well, I guess I will never have the respect of the "real" Benchrest Shooters.........jackie
All that I have taught you may have been thrown out with the chaff. Are you coming to the SS? Is anybody from Oz coming this year?


Nah, everything you taught me is stored away in the memory bank.
I may indeed come to my first SS this year. Hopefully I can do better this time around at Kelbly's. The WBC was disappointing. Nationals are at my home range in Melbourne this year so no travel costs extra.
I think Mr Kerr and Mr Wittleton may be going and if they do I will tag along.

Ok while I dont know everyone who is someone by name and therefore mean no offense, I would point out that today we have had 4 somebodies from my part of the country post here.
Jackie, Butch, Dan, and Glen.
All have won their fair share of matches as memory serves me, and then some.
And I would, have and will take advice from them anytime.
Not to slight anyone else, I just dont know the reps.
"How do we get the "Big Names" to post??? "

I thought they where? Im in the wrong place? Someone point this no name, wanna be, full of questions in the right direction?

BTW... had a chance to run into a "big name" in this game. Didnt have time for this new guy. So gentlemen, with all your flaws, and all your quirks and "aggressive" debateing, you ARE the big guys on the block. Thanks for the posts, and the answers to my occasional questions.
The biggest names like Tony have computers and e-mail but simply won't post here due to all the crazies contradicting each and every word without a clue as to whats going on.The people in charge of keeping the order here should try and do a little bit better job of keeping the crazies away from the top dogs.
We lost some great posters here when Henry Childs and Bill Calfee got tired of the funny people and simply tossed in the towel.
We are fortunate that Cheechako is still posting:cool:.
Well OK.....

I finally went in search of "The Big Names" (In a sport with what, 2000-5000 members worldwide?)

NBRSA Hall Of Fame, about 1/3 of the top shooters (the 'red' list) I've seen on here on the board. Some of the others I know read here occasionally when they see something of interest to them. Several of the others have personal or business reasons not to get involved.

IBS, no listing but a LOT of IBS shooters here....

World Record holders.... a large percentage read and sometimes post here.

Presidents and board members of all the disciplines are here.... and let's not forget absolute GIANTS of discovery such as German Salazar who while it ain't "Bench Rest" per se is most certainly in the pursuit of accuracy.

Every PS writer I can think of has been on this board...

and mfgrs

The Edge stock was designed, developed and even NAMED on this board.....all the BR barrel makers are here, and the stockmakers, and the bullet makers.... Bryan Litz the head ballistician for Berger, the Sierra team, all the scope and die companies respond to this board.... Lapua has serendipitously brought out THREE brand new cartridges since I've been on this board. Within a year or two of the discussions generated here.... I mean "308 Palma" brass????? Gimme a BREAK! Who'd a thunk it?

GD Tubb came on for a while but didn't find what he wanted here.

IMO the absolute biggest name ever associated with BR would be Jim Carmichel and he's still registered here. I've only actually interacted with him 3 times but he comes on now and again, carefully.

As far as the Boyers and the Eubers, if I were them I'd probably keep a little remove too in their position. Anything they say can and will be used against them.

Henry and Bill?? Both smart, strong personalities who just don't have the stomach for argument. No harm, no foul but both of them poured their hearts out here before finally deciding it was more work than it was worth. This just isn't their chosen venue in the end.... both have written fine articles and both are a joy to converse with and learn from.

Some guys ONLY come on to expunge blatant falsehood. To preserve a veracity no other forum on the net has. Due to this alone I'm not a member of any other forum because most forums have taken the stance that all opinions are equally credible. Or at least that they have to be given equal due..... "Fairness Doctrine."

This "Fairness Doctrine" serves as nothing except a salve to certain erratic egos and I Thank Wilbur that he keeps the rules on this forum such that when Jim Borden or Jackie Schmidt or Jerry Stiller (or Sharrett or Wright or Grosbier or Gritters or etc etc.....) steps in with FACTS it's allowed to stand. And I thank all of these guys and the many others who police for FACTS here instead of just letting opinions run rife.

We have been blessed.
