How do we get the "Big Names" to post???

Ok you got me you wanted a big name shooter to post!!!

My only advise as a big name shooter is that if you don’t travel with your toy box no one will recognize you as a big name shooter and that can be very lonely….
Ok you got me you wanted a big name shooter to post!!!

My only advise as a big name shooter is that if you don’t travel with your toy box no one will recognize you as a big name shooter and that can be very lonely….

Ah-Ha ! We have our 1st BNL(Big Name Lurker) to post. :) We have a pot going to see which BNL's post to this thread. My money for the next BNL is on the Blender Maestro out of the MetroPlex area !

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Im one of the guys who ask questions on here. I feel my knowledge of shooting wouldnt fill a very big book. Ive got a benchrest rifle but I ve never been to a shoot. I agged a .250 one time on my bench. I was walkin on air that day. Its hanging on my wall now. That came from stuff I learned from here. Powder, bullets, primers, cases, you guys taught me what to use. Yeah, the other shooting sites just dont stack up after youve been here and I never get on anything but the general discussion or factory hybrid rifles. Doug
the other shooting sites just dont stack up after you've been here.

Al I like the sentence posted above.That one other site that started out with good intentions fell apart quickly when it fell into the advertising,spellbound with a couple shooters trap and then all the posts got modified by a non-shooter rendering it useless dribble without any substance.
Wilbur has the best website by far but the top shooters don't post here.Selling stuff here or making announcements doesn't mean they are posting useful tips.
Yes Bart,Joe,Wayne post occasionaly and the video's on you tube by Jack are very good but ceam of the crop doesn't hang out here.on a good note the cream of the crop doesn't hang out anywhere so this site is still the best thing going you just have to cut through all the chaff to find the little tidbits of usefull info.
Bill and Henry still post so it was atmosphere related no matter how much sugar you pour on top of it.
. . .the other shooting sites just dont stack up . . .Wilbur has the best website by far . . .Lynn

BR Central is the one to go to for Benchrest related threads but it is far from perfect and there is more than one shooting discipline. I vist several other shooting, ammunition, and gun related sites and Forums and they all have their good and bad points. You simply have to sort out the good from the bad.


Who says there is more than one shooting discipline? I have heard benchrest is the only shooting discipline and the others are just wannabes?
Another Take

Shooters who are involved in Benchrest are more than likely competitive by nature. Many have what are called 'class "A" personalities', in the civilian world, they are more likely than not a "Boss", used to being in charge, and used to having the final say on what ever matter is presented.

One of the problems is that many of these very same people can lack the neccessary 'people skills' to carry on a conversation such as what we encounter on Web Sites such as this.

Many of us are used to dealing with people on regular basis in our Business World, you have to develop the communication skills that allow you to present your suggestions in such a manner as to not alienate the very people that you are trying to either win over, or explain things too.

At my shop, we have a perfect example of this. My oldest brother is one of the smartest people I know, certainly more so than I. We have worked together for our entire adult life, and in that time, we have all learned that we need to keep him from discussing things with Customer to a minimum. Simply put, he comes accross as crass, and unfriendly.

Regardless of how well our work is performed, if the customer simply does not like you, it will cost you in the end. You have to develop the people skills that allow you to convey ideas while instilling confidence in the person who will be writing the checks.

This is not the old "if you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, then baffle them with bullsh-t" thing. It is the ability to discuss important items of interest while instilling in the person you are talking too a complete sense of confidence that you do indeed know what you are talking about, and more so, what you are doing.

If you simply have to get the last word in at all times, or ignorance offends you, then you are better off staying off of sites such as this. All you will do, sooner or later, is show some character flaws that you probably would have rather kept a secret, ......jackie
Bill Calfee is probaly the finest rimfire benchrest gunsmith alive today.He is posting like mad and everyone is enjoying his posts.The difference is the moderators don't let things get out of control to begin with.They still post that tuners don't work and that Bill is wrong about everything but it is done in a friendlier tone.When somebody at the pinnacle of the sport is offering free advice and you don't like it you can simply ignore it.
Thank you German and I want you to know I used GIANTS advisedly...... you really do go over and above to share, to spread the word and to keep that big goofy grin on your face always. Racing carts down the berm with guns on??? I 'bout pee'd me'self!

You have fun, make fun and still take your sport dead serious. And think about the future.

I really do want my grandkids to be able to shoot.

It's up to us

Great post Jackie #31 the lost art of people skills! These skills are more important today then ever before, that is, unless you are independently wealthy!


Nothing you can do is going to cause this to happen. If these "Big Names" desired to post on the internet they would already be here . Wilbur has essentially set up the perfect place for them to do so. Some simply do not do the internet, some watch what is said here but would never join in the posting for several reasons not the least of which is Tony Boyer himself could make a statement here and someone would try to tell him he is wrong.
When I started long range Benchrest in 1970 I found articles written by short range shooters and tried them out, a lot of them were a great help and alot of these guys I would like to thank for getting me started. This is what is important, that they all one way or another kept me shooting to this day. The biggest thing that has helped was, try one thing at a time, not five, if it doesen't work put it back and try someting else.

Joe Salt
I am but a lowly second class "score shooter", but in my humble opinion............ A more telling question might be,"Why is a "Big Name" shooter, who goes out of his way to help many other shooters on a personal basis, reticent to post that same advice here?".

I am but a lowly second class "score shooter", but in my humble opinion............ A more telling question might be,"Why is a "Big Name" shooter, who goes out of his way to help many other shooters on a personal basis, reticent to post that same advice here?".


peer review
I'm going out a limb here and define "Big Name Shooter" as one who wins regularly or has won enough to be perceived as credible. These folks have reduced the benchrest equation to one of simple arithmetic (analogous) rather than advanced theoretical calculii that seems to be popular in discussions. The average reader refuses to accept that simplicity. Not only refuses, but is often adamant that no such simplicity exists.

Truth is, all that is important has been stated in simple terms many times over and those "names" have tired of posting the same thing time and again. If that's true (and it is) why not just list them on a static web page and close this forum?

What fun would that be ?!?!
Wilbur you need to just STOP posting!

You do this every steenkin' time.

"Let's all just mutter and jerk around until we get The Wilbur's attention and he'll come on and cut to the chase, burn off the dross, purify the mind and cleanse the soul...."

And stop the conversation like a faucet...


Thanks Wilbur...... I do love to unwind at your place.

