Hog Jowels, Black eye peas and Kollerd (collard)greens

Jerry Dailey

I et mine at dinner (noon meal) along with a pone of crackling bread and sweet tea. Now I'm ready for the new year. Wishing y"all;) a happy new year
Yes, I do

Know the history of that tradition? A true case of human survival.
or at least the hand down in this area. During the war for southern independence, The yanks would not eat black eye peas and that gave us more much needed food to eat. We consider that a sign of good luck if we eat them now. At hog killing time, neighbors would help and get the feet, sow belly and jowels We consider that a sign that we will have food to eat all year. and of course the greens ( I can remember having to use poke sallat) indicates that we will have enough money to get by. Had it not been for black eye peas, many southrons would have starved. They are actually high in nuterients. Forgive the spelling
or at least the hand down in this area. During the war for southern independence, The yanks would not eat black eye peas and that gave us more much needed food to eat. We consider that a sign of good luck if we eat them now. At hog killing time, neighbors would help and get the feet, sow belly and jowels We consider that a sign that we will have food to eat all year. and of course the greens ( I can remember having to use poke sallat) indicates that we will have enough money to get by. Had it not been for black eye peas, many southrons would have starved. They are actually high in nuterients. Forgive the spelling

War for southern independence?
Yes, the war for southern independence

War for southern independence?

I don't want this thread to get off on any thing else but that's what it was. The written history of that period has been dis proven but no one has noticed. By the way. in case you still think that it was about slavery< Robert E Lee was Lincolns' first choice to lead the union army and he was not for slavery. In his own words to Lincoln " Sir, I think it better to do right even if we suffer in so doing" Several factors played in but States rights was the dominating factor. Its been over for years and don't really matter now. Wishing you and your a very happy new year
War for southern independence?

In 1861 Virginia we called it the War of Northern Aggression. And it was! That war was about States Rights. Now look at the mess we got from Washington. A teenage boy, born a boy, his birth certificate says he's a boy, but according to federal law, he can put on lipstick and panty hose and go pee with the girls..sick!

As to Jerry Dailey Southern New Years Day dinner, I'll take my beef loin, Southern fried potatos, buttered corn, and dinner rolls....no offence Jerry. Love ya man.

And a hope in 2017 for barrels that put bullets in the same hole, yhea!!

In 1861 Virginia we called it the War of Northern Aggression. And it was! That war was about States Rights. Now look at the mess we got from Washington. A teenage boy, born a boy, his birth certificate says he's a boy, but according to federal law, he can put on lipstick and panty hose and go pee with the girls..sick!

As to Jerry Dailey Southern New Years Day dinner, I'll take my beef loin, Southern fried potatos, buttered corn, and dinner rolls....no offence Jerry. Love ya man.

And a hope in 2017 for barrels that put bullets in the same hole, yhea!!


Calm down there JS. Truth be told, I 've been a lesbian trapped in a man's body for most of my adult life.
As an aside....God bless ya, did'nt realize you were around in 1861 Virginia....impressive.
As to Jerry Dailey Southern New Years Day dinner, I'll take my beef loin, Southern fried potatos, buttered corn, and dinner rolls....


I'm with you Mr. Sharrett. Now about that southern hospitality dinner invite I'm waiting on...........:p
I cooked up a pot of blackeyed peas and sliced up some leftover ham....didn't have any greens. It's a southern thing and we're gonna do it come hell or high water.
I cooked up a pot of blackeyed peas and sliced up some leftover ham....didn't have any greens. It's a southern thing and we're gonna do it come hell or high water.

Now at Christmas I just made a crock pot full of pinto beans & ham.

You tell 'em Wilbur..........if you have to explain, Y'all just wouldn't understand. ;)
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I will never eat black eyed peas and hog jowels because my mom and dad insisted on having that every New Years. I absolutly hated it.

For the past 15 years, my Familly has gathered at my house on New Years eave and we fry chicken, lots of it. It's the only night of the year I eat anything fried.

Southern fried chicken, mashed potatos, sawmill gravy, and pork&beans. Works for me.
they burnt and kilt everything but the hog jowl and black eyed peas,,the yanks didnt think they were fit for eatin and left them,,if theyd burnt the blackeyed peas everybody left woulda starved out,,least thats what my great great grandparents told about the tradition,,,
I guess, me, being from the Central South, where this nation was born, put me on a different diet. We butchered a beef and a couple of hogs, then feasted.

Black eyed peas...yuuuck!!! Nasty!!!

""The black-eyed pea, black-eyed bean or goat pea, a legume, is a subspecies of the cowpea, grown around the world for its medium-sized, a barely edible bean. (Just this copied description sounds nasty!)


I guess, me, being from the Central South, where this nation was born, put me on a different diet. We butchered a beef and a couple of hogs, then feasted.

Black eyed peas...yuuuck!!! Nasty!!!

""The black-eyed pea, black-eyed bean or goat pea, a legume, is a subspecies of the cowpea, grown around the world for its medium-sized, a barely edible bean. (Just this copied description sounds nasty!)


Jeez Mr. Sharrett just got me thinkin...............I don't have much use for goat pee or cow pee either for that matter. Oppps he said pea. LMAO
another thing----

they burnt and kilt everything but the hog jowl and black eyed peas,,the yanks didnt think they were fit for eatin and left them,,if theyd burnt the blackeyed peas everybody left woulda starved out,,least thats what my great great grandparents told about the tradition,,,

they left behind was possums. Ever et any possum innards boiled in muskee dine wine?;)