Hog Jowels, Black eye peas and Kollerd (collard)greens

Who would choose blackeyed peas over T-bone steak? Nobody I know...unless it's new year's day. I often wondered why I ever won a shootin' match and once or twice got pretty cocky about it. Then, after all these years, I finally learn that some of y'all don't eat blackeyed peas on new year's day!

I made $100 bucks once selling possum hides (dollar per hide) to a fellow that I believe was a buyer for Sears and Roebuck. Wasn't very hard to catch a bunch of them....skinning them was the ugly part of that deal. A friend of mine gave me some hide frames and I gladly passed them on. I'm surely bound for hell for doing that...among other things.

Sears used possum hide/fur to line gloves.....
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I just knew those stinky old critters that get under my buildings were good fer somethin'. Now everytime I get rid of one I'll think....." hmmmm another pair of glove liners wasted". :rolleyes:

And I just read about Hoover hogs...and Hoover blankets....and Hoover flags. My Dad lived through those tough times. Sometimes we just don't realize how lucky we really are. And to top it off, I actually learned some things on here besides gun stuff.

Now I'm wondering if a bench rest rifle would slide good on a fur lined set of bags..............
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Possums? We called them Hoover hogs. You older folks might understand.

Herbie Hoover didn't start that mess. It started before his term. Unlucky that he got used by those FED crooks. Then they got him out so FDR could help the communists with 400,000 Studebaker trucks, 7,500 airplanes, 4,000 tanks....LEND/LEASE...look it up!

Did they even have lack eyed peapossums back then?

Fur makes a really great thing to put on your bags. It seems the most exotic fur you can get works best. Bill Hice had a piece of fur from the underside of a South African barking spider. If you hollered "boom", his rifle would slide a little.
Fur makes a really great thing to put on your bags. It seems the most exotic fur you can get works best. Bill Hice had a piece of fur from the underside of a South African barking spider. If you hollered "boom", his rifle would slide a little.

I simply do not know what to believe anymore, now that you've admitted to being a dastardly possum skinner.

I went to 3rd grade with a kid that was raised by possums that escaped from southern persecution. What other animal on the planet reacts to harassment by simply rolling over and playing dead ? Truth be told I did date a girl once with the same tendancies.
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JS, I just know that my Grandparents called them that. Didn't understand why until a few years ago. You're probably close on FDR.
I cooked up a pot of blackeyed peas and sliced up some leftover ham....didn't have any greens. It's a southern thing and we're gonna do it come hell or high water.

I thought the favorite national food down there was Grits. .....
If you really have money then you put your fried over easy eggs on your grits anyday during the week like I did this morning.
If you really have money then you put your fried over easy eggs on your grits anyday during the week like I did this morning.

Naaw that's for middle class folk. When you really have money the eggs go over the steak
right next to the grits and hash browns and the thick sliced sugar cured bacon.

Dagggnabbitt now I'm hungry.