Hey Wilbur!

Thank you Kent. I try to keep the site updated timely during the shooting season. It may slide a bit during January thru April while I'm busy with my regular job. But at least there aren't many matches and standings aren't critical during that time period.

The RBA side is up to date with everything I've received as of early this morning. If anything is missing, check with the MD first as I haven't received it in some form.

And yet another week passes..............................................waiting................................................waiting............................................waiting...................................waiting...................................waiting.................................................waiting..................................................waiting..............................................waiting.................................waiting
You know, it would be nice if one of the parties involved in the change of ownership would actually explain to us, who PAY THEM to shoot, why the results STILL are not up. I shot a match on August 15th that isn't posted. That's 6 WEEKS. We shot a 3-Gun/ UL match here at Salem over a month ago and the 3-gun results are posted and the UL results are not. I sent the 2 support tickets in within seconds of each other. Wilbur and Bill, what is going on???????!!!!!!
It's time for me to jump into this fray. My last SOTY match is coming up in a couple of weeks. Can I figure out the SOTY scores from my spreadsheets? Sure... but it would nice to have the past matches posted so that competitors can also track their standings. Please Wilbur - Bill -- help us match directors out here!
With anticipated results, I thank you.

Well I see that something was done on the site but it`s so messed up that I almost wish it hadn`t been?!?!
I am just wondering if , MAYBE, it might be straightened out by Christmas?!!?
Thanks for bearing with us

We were able to tie up a lot of loose ends with Wilbur this afternoon & he did an excellent job of coaching Rachel through the process of posting results. We only need two more pieces of the puzzle before we are off & running, and Wilbur should have those to us within a day or so. We are determined to have match results caught up by later this week. (hopefully even sooner) I don't blame you all for being aggravated. (putting it mildly I'm sure) We are working hard to correct this situation, and next year at this time I can promise you it will be a distant memory.

Bill, thanks for the response and for the update. I appreciate it, and I'm sure some others do as well. Hang in there, you'll get it straightened out. We are wishing you the best, I'm sure of that.
It will be nice to get everything up to date, so we can all tell what's going on and where.
Thanks for bearing with us

We were able to tie up a lot of loose ends with Wilbur this afternoon & he did an excellent job of coaching Rachel through the process of posting results. We only need two more pieces of the puzzle before we are off & running, and Wilbur should have those to us within a day or so. We are determined to have match results caught up by later this week. (hopefully even sooner) I don't blame you all for being aggravated. (putting it mildly I'm sure) We are working hard to correct this situation, and next year at this time I can promise you it will be a distant memory.


I'm with Kent, updates are good even if the news is not what we want to hear. Looking forward to seeing everything brought up to date correctly. Good luck with this venture, remember, you can't keep everybody happy all the time.

Ken Henderson
Thanks for the update. The aggravation isn't with you. We know you've inherited a mess and it's going to take a while to fix. It's just good to know that you're working on it!
Looking forward to next year!
Thanks for letting us know that you are working on it.
That is the best way to start out. If you find that you need scores resent just let us know.
Can you please give us an update on your efforts to update the website? We've noticed that some recent results are getting posted, but I've shot 16 matches since 8/15 that aren't posted yet.
Todd Banks
Last match on Chief City Shooters Club of 9/5 missing. It would be great to know how the SOTY came out.
Todd, that's a lot of shooting man! I've only shot 6 matches since the Nationals and none of them are on the stats as of yet, and I've been anxious to see how everyone was standing. I imagine that's what the stats are for. My last match of the year is scheduled for this coming Saturday. I hope the site gets straightened out by then.
It looks the same to me as it did last week at this time. Oh well.
Kent, some of those were double matches, so it's 10 dates that are missing for me. We're finishing up in the NE on Sat. and Sun. with a 3-Gun/UL at Easthampton, MA and a double UL at Holbrook, MA. This might be my last season shooting anywhere but Salem and the two closest ranges(both 2.5hrs away), if I can even afford to go that far. Ali's shopping colleges and she wants to be a Doctor:):eek: Sure would be nice to know if I've got the .5 point I need to get to Gold this year....
That's great that Ali wants to be a Dr.!! That is commendable. Maybe they'll get this thing sorted out. Sure is aggravating. I'll have to see it get better before I believe it, and not sure if I want to stay in it that long to see. Time will tell, but things sure aren't looking up.
(this is posted by Rachel, as Bill is working out of town)
I posted quite a few matches last week & am happy to report that as of the end of last week all scores I had received via email were posted. A few more trickled in over the weekend & yesterday I got the "keys" to the support ticket system and now have access to about 56 support tickets with scores attached. I will start posting those scores tonight. Of course some may already have been posted as a number of ranges have emailed scores to us over the past two weeks, but I know most have not. This is my project for this week.
I am sorry some folks feel like things aren't moving fast enough, but 16 days really isn't very long considering the massive amount of information that Wilbur had to relay to us & to me about the software & data entry. This has happened while we're working days & Wilbur is working nights, thus the delay.
By the way, Wilbur is an awesome tutor & probably should consider writing a book titled "Website Updating for Dummies." He's been awesome.
Thanks, & I will try to post this only once :)
Thanks for the update Rachel. It is greatly appreciated.
