Hey Wilbur!


I don't know if you're caught up yet, but it's obvious from the updated results you've made a LOT of progress. THANKS!

Jim Pherson
They are not quite caught up. There are several matches at the Wawarsing and Wallkill NY clubs that I know of that are not yet included. The Wallkill match was on 8/15. A bunch of progress was made. Hopefully it'll be all completed soon.
Rachel/Bill H,

When do you think you might get all caught up? It looks like there are still a lot of match results that are not yet posted. If you are missing results and need match directors to re-submit results, just put the word out there.
Bill B., do you feel like you are talking to yourself... Wallkill NY match over 2 months ago and still no listing. I was on the internet looking for motels for the Piney Hill Benchrest on 11/6,7 and I will stay home. Where is the good changes from the old to the new.
Update on results

(Rachel posting)
Hi all,
As of now all but about 10 matches that I have results for are posted, and I will work on them them tonight. Each has a problem that needs to be fixed before it can be posted. I also need to convert the San Angelo results & post them.
Bill & I will go over the 2010 schedule tonight & look for any additional matches for which we need results and if there are any we will contact range masters & ask that results be resent.
I know there are a few matches that need to have results corrected & that is next on the list.
Results from this weekend will be posted as they come in. Bring 'em on, I'm ready!Wish I could have moved even faster, but Bill wouldn't let me quit my day job :)
Sorry we didn't reply to the post, but aren't on the forum everyday. I'll have to try to check in regularly.
Happy Shooting,
Only the Unlimited results for the Wawarsing 10/2/10 results are posted, not the 3 gun. Is there a problem with the 3 gun scores? The Wawarsing 9/11 match results are not posted as well.
Wawarsing Results

Results are now posted. I wasn't able to access the files as they were previously sent, so Ken resent them this morning & they are up.
Rachel, and Bill Hinegardner--
Thanks for getting the results updated! Great job!! We shot our last matches of the season at Blue Ridge yesterday and the results are already up!! Man that's fast! Thanks for the effort, we appreciate it a lot.
Kent Owens
match results

Hi All,
Remaining results from this past weekend's matches, as well as a few others that have straggled in, should be posted tomorrow night or Thursday. The software that is used to post results is being "de-bugged" & should be available for me to use within a day or so. Just didn't want you to think I was in the Bahamas sipping frozen drinks while you are waiting for results :)

Hi All,
Just didn't want you to think I was in the Bahamas sipping frozen drinks while you are waiting for results :)

You can both do that next November first and we wouldn't mind. HMMMM- might be a good place for a shoot.
Bob Pekaar:eek:
Bill and Rachel,
Thanks for the updating. Will the debugging fix the errors in the soty standings? Camillus has some scores that are listed in results but are not being calculated in the soty standings. Also, There are a few double postings at other clubs I have noticed.
so bill

did wilbur tell the real secret to running this?
which headache remedy worked best?
just think this is the off season.
good luck, you seem to be doing a good job.
thanks tom