Hepler, Kenimer, Young Q&A at PSL/Kettlefoot Challenge


New member
Team USA will have a question and answer session on Friday May 22 at 5:00 at Kettlefoot. This is the Friday before the PSL match. They will tell about their trip to Italy as well as answer questions. Come and ask your questions so that you can learn from some of the best shooters in the country.

What kind of questions do you have?
I will start off with a couple,
What is your cleaning routine?
Do you zero your scope in no wind and then just hold off, or do you dial your scope into the prevailing wind condition?

What kind of questions would you like to have answered at that Q&A session?
Dan, that’s great and two good questions to start with.

Maybe you can put a question for me:

When on the line, do they try to watch all the wind flags or do they favour the ones closest the bench. Also when using a wind meter where would they set it – closer to the bench or the target.

If it’s possible to publish the question and answers on this forum in due course it would be appreciated by those of us who cannot be there.

Here is another that may help many shooters:

After they do sighters do they keep doing them or do they allow & adjust according to the wind? They seemed to shoot very fast in Italy especially DJ, which leads me to believe he trusts his knowledge & instinct in the wind while we all play with more sighters.

Great forethought Dan. Please keep us posted as to the answers of the questions. You might even video the session.
Great forethought Dan. Please keep us posted as to the answers of the questions. You might even video the session.

Just beat me to the punch - maybe put it on YouTube, would save a lot of writing.

Don't give the microphone to Craig, it might take a while to get it back :D

We will video it.

I will have a list of questions for them as well as taking questions from the people that are there.

So, keep the questions coming, I will write them down and make sure they get asked.

When the professional bass fishing circuit started, they would have sessions similar to this. They would share their fishing techniques and lures to help others become better fishermen. I hope that we can have a different shooter, gunsmith, barrel maker, or whoever share their knowledge at each PSL match so that all of us can become better shooters.
Dan, this is a great idea, Thanks

1) Is there any mental preparation before the matches?

2) How do you stay calm and focused during a match?

3) How many lots do you bring to the bench?

Mental preparation is a good question, I think too many rimfire BR shooters think its all about the gun and ammo and if they get beat it’s the wind. I’m a strong believer in the Lanny Basham way of doing things.

For a bit of fun ask them about the food in Italy, I still can’t get my head around pizza with lettuce on it.

Also future teams, what is coming up and who do you kill to get on the Team USA squad.

I took advantage of my time in Italy and spent a bit of time watching Team USA and I had good one on one talks with DJ, David and Craig and all 3 were extremely helpful and generous with their time, I came home much wiser. This is a good thing you are doing.

What is the impact of temperature on group size indoors?And how much degrees does it take to change.What is the solution to make the groups smaller,changing the tuner I presume?Or keeping the ammo warm in your pocket?
Ammo question

I would like to know what their procedure is for testing and choosing ammo such as lot#'s and how they test to determine which ammo to use and buy. Do they test at short range or at 50 yards? Indoors or outdoors testing?
Hopefully not to ambiguous of a question but dealing with the wind.

Besides the factor of shifting wind speeds and directions, do they favor a wind coming from one direction over the other? e.g. left to right, right to left.

Do they make ammo changes related to a wind condition? Faster or slower ammo.

Next, not dealing with the wind, but depending on the air denisty, humid or dry, do they make any changes related to such, ammo, tuning, guns maybe?

Dan, good thread here. Ask'em if they suppliment any regular cleaning routine with any kind of less frequent but "major" steps such as using JB coumpound,etc.
Are there any "rules of thumb".... as outside temps increase, do you slow down the bullet or speed it up?
thanks joe:)
I would like to know in detail how you use sighters?

After shooting for all these years what is the most recent thing that you have learned that has helped you improve your shooting?

What is your greatest challenge when shooting a match?

Well done Dan a great topic.

I would like to know how they read heat haze, what do they see through the scope that and how do they adjust for that?

whats the view on a fix rest or a coaxial rest?

if coaxial which type and how do you get one?

have they or do they do finger pinching as i do?

is there such a thing as mental setup as Peter talked about or do they go for it.

and Finally give a big hello to the guys for me Wheelchair Andy and tell that we miss their banter:D
