Hepler, Kenimer, Young Q&A at PSL/Kettlefoot Challenge

i am a new shooter and would like to know if the video will be for sale?

We will post the video on the web. I am not exactly sure how yet, but we will get it done. Of course, you could also come to the match and ask them questions yourself.

I am very honored that Dan would ask us to answer questions . Please remember we are just fellow shooters just like you and may not have all the answers . There are definately more qualified and accomplished shooters out there than myself to learn from and I to hope to pick up some cool tips just like you. Being a part of the USA Team was one of the best experiences I've ever had shooting. Just to be on the same team with DJ and Creg and represent the US was huge and competing in the World Championships was and is the greatest boost to my confidence ever. I hope that this Q and A session as well as the next one helps all of us and I think it is a good thing Dan is trying to do. I look farward to seeing everyone at Kettlefoot this week end . David K
I have

Me too, hope you're felling better and hope you get back to normal soo James. Or as close to normal as you can get?:) Take care of yourself and get well. When you feel like listening to some boring conversation, let me know. I want to give you a call, but don't want to disturb your rest.
Harry And Kent

I have been doing real good since I got out of the hospital. Not well enough to baby sit so Jessica could go to the PSL shoot but pretty good. I go to the shop quite a bit but I can't do any kind of lifting. I can run the lathe and mill for a while before I get tired. I hope to be back shooting soon. I haven't shot a shot outside since last Oct, so I really want to shoot.
Good to hear you’re back moving around, sounds like you’ve been through a bit of late.

Take care
Glad to hear you're feeling better. Good news.:) Hpoe you get to shoot soon, just don't over do it. Good to see you posting.


PS: Harry, all the squirrels ain't in the woods!:D

about Chipper, he ain't been right ever since he fell off the watermelon wagon when it ran over that chipmonk. Just have to be nice to him and pat him on the head now and again. James good to see your doing better, hope to see you at the next PSL shoot. Look forward to the Q&A time at Kettlefoot.
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Glad to hear you are doing better.. I really wanted jessica to come. She lights up the shoot... :):):).. Harry..
Dan video'ed the meeting and will place the video on the PSL website in the near future. He wasted the weekend shooting so he didn't get it done. 8>)