GUNSMITH question

like the kid says.......


"YES, YES, let's all preac...I mean REACH acros't the aisle here....."


"I mean, we're ALL THE SAME on the inside..... Right??"


"Let's all grow up and quit gettin' our pannies all up in a knot cuz..... sorry, we don't all view the world from the same place, nor thru the same lens....."


vive la difference!....."
And Wilbur..... You EVER put them infantile "like" buttons on every post???

"HAIL no".... "I be go full reta'd on 'AT eh!!"

I once loaned a gun to a guy from acros't The Pond to use at the Super Shoot.... a Good Gun. We were emailing details and he made a comment about "as long as I'm not boring" as in "I don't care if I'm RIGHT or WRONG, or CLUELESS or even paddling so far over my head I can't find up, as long as I'm out there giving it a righteous swing and as long as I'm not boring"

I didn't understand the "not boring" part back then.

now I do :)

"Let's not be boring folks... please"
The usual:
Flag guy making snide comments
Al with long winded posts that people instantly skim over
I should block you two, but it’s fun to watch you act like morons too
Gunsmith question

The usual:
Flag guy making snide comments
Al with long winded posts that people instantly skim over
I should block you two, but it’s fun to watch you act like morons too

I have no dog in this fight, but I must ask...….. Is there anyone that you like?
I think you need an eyeassectomy…… know, where they cut the optic nerve between your butt and your eye so you don't take such a crappy outlook on life.

I have never had anyone on ignore, but you just may be the first!
gunsmith question

Let's try to keep this a place for more friendly conversations...…….hostility does no one any good. Reminds me of children on the playground.
Let's try to keep this a place for more friendly conversations...…….hostility does no one any good. Reminds me of children on the playground.

Re read your post toward me, then start with yourself. Don’t know you and you obviously haven’t seen the posts by those two jokers toward me that started this a while back. Feel free to mind your own business since you are obviously ignorant to the facts.

Notice how I never posted anything toward you until you fired shots at me?
gunsmith question

Re read your post toward me, then start with yourself. Don’t know you and you obviously haven’t seen the posts by those two jokers toward me that started this a while back. Feel free to mind your own business since you are obviously ignorant to the facts.

Notice how I never posted anything toward you until you fired shots at me?

Good God man, grow up. You are the one with the problem here! I've read all the posts on this thread, and you're the one with the problem. Kindly leave the forum now. Your kind is not needed here.
After all the years here, Ignore has become my friend.