got bad news today!!


mr. nobody

my girlfriend called this morning and told me she got a perm. lay off at her work today!!! time to tighten the belt up alot now!! i'm afraid i'm ganna have to hold off on having my hall rebarreled till tax time or maybe even later now. i'll be sending out a check to don stith on the 9th for my stock and i guess my suhl will have to wait awhile now!!

when my new shilens barrel arrives i'll just set it back and wait till funds come together for it.this is gana eat at me for a few monthes i guess. i could have jackie go ahead and install pillers and bed the rifle with the lilja barrel and fudd tuner like it is now.

so hows that hope and change working out for all you guys? i hope better than the rest of the nation at this time!!!
not any better

I had hopes of getting my first true custom BR rig this year. I took a $12k pay cut this year (off all summer), but at least I still have a job. I am not complaining too much.....

The BR rig will have to wait till sunnier days. I can still burn ammo with what I have and learn a little. :(:( tiny
i got rolled back from engineer to conducter myself. i took a $25,000 pay cut this year myself!!!! god it has really set me back on my plans but i could still reach them. now it will be a lil longer wait myself.

this hope and change is truely great isn't it!!!
Same here... Wife took a 10% pay cut and is working more hours because of all the layoffs at her company, but on salary so more hours and less pay... not fun. As for me, our company sold our division off and now going from day to day with the new company.

Change I didn't want to see or think about...
i'd like to keep my change and everybody else can have the hope they voted for!!!
It’s no better over here guys, boom and bust, from one month to the next. Ah well, soon be winter :(
could be worse she could be expecting octuplets. you wouldn't be able to afford
a single round from here on out. better get that thing fixed to fire blanks only.
Life is funny

You young people need to consider the change in your employment condition as an opportunity to expand. I once had a job at a lumber yard as a truss plant foreman. The base pay was low but the promise of a bonus based on the profits was what excited me. Those monthly bonuses that were promised just had a way of not coming through. The business was growing and the company was making a profit but my boss just kept figuring my bonus away. I wasn't very happy but I kept trying.

One day the boss told me that he just couldn't see how he could keep me on and gave me two weeks. After one week he agreed to let me quit and start contracting home remodeling.

Short story. During the next four years, remodeling, I more than doubled what I was making at the truss shop and learned more about construction in older buildings than could ever have been possible had I stayed in my old job.

That was in 1965. Sure, he was a cheat and he had a problem recognizing a working man when he saw one but he did me a great favor. I am glad I worked for him and I am glad that he fired me. I passed his mark a long time ago and I have more friends.

I hope my story will help inspire someone who loses their job today to reach within themselves and do better. There is always a bright side.:)

Concho Bill
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You young people need to consider the change in your employment condition as an opportunity to expand. I once had a job at a lumber yard as a truss plant foreman. The base pay was low but the promise of a bonus based on the profits was what excited me. Those monthly bonuses that were promised just had a way of not coming through. The business was growing and the company was making a profit but my boss just kept figuring my bonus away. I wasn't very happy but I kept trying.

One day the boss told me that he just couldn't see how he could keep me on and gave me two weeks. After one week he agreed to let me quit and start contracting home remodeling.

Short story. During the next four years, remodeling, I more than doubled what I was making at the truss shop and learned more about construction in older buildings than could ever have been possible had I stayed in my old job.

That was in 1965. Sure, he was a cheat and he had a problem recognizing a working man when he saw one but he did me a great favor. I am glad I worked for him and I am glad that he fired me. I passed his mark a long time ago and I have more friends.

I hope my story will help inspire someone who loses their job today to reach within themselves and do better. There is always a bright side.:)

Concho Bill

And hopefully, in spite of it all today, this is still a great country because guys like you prove[ then and now] what is possible to achive.
Ya`ll are definately not alone.This month we just seen our paychecks for the month and I would bring home $1,050 more dollars if I was laid off.It`s hard to keep your head up and keep putting out the work when it comes to that.Oh well we`re still in the game for a reason.The Lord is putting us through this for a reason we just got to hang in there to find out.
i just got home from oakdale tenn. we'll be able to make it fine off my check, but it will mean not extra's for awhile. she'll get unemployement. i feel unemployement is to be used only while you are really looking for a job. it is not meant to be used for the entire time then find a job. i truely believe in earning your way not in hand outs.

i made $75,000 last year at work. this year i'm about to break the $40,000 mark:(!! there is a big difference between what a engineer and a conducter makes. i might get back in the big seat next year because we have a bunch of old heads retiring.

i've been working since i was 12. i started out doing farm work for the farmers that lived around me when i was young. i remember asking my dad to buy me a new bike one time. he told me" son james needs his tobacco hoed out, bill needs help with putting up hay." i'm honestly glad he did so. i have earned every panny i have gotten since then. i guess that is the difference between parents then and now. nobody demands a child to earn anything anymore. i believe that is why we have so many adults demanding handouts.

i'll hold everything back and take it to jackie and hand him $400 and the parts(new stock, barreled action and new barrel). when he is finished if i owe him more i will pay him in cash. if it didn't cost that much then he can keep the extra. it's worth it to me because i don't have a lathe yet and a great gunsmith deserve more.

i'm holding back. i'd like to get it done so i can test it out and tune it. jim bailey and i are ganna try our best to have fun and enjoy ourselves. maybe when jackie gets his rifle done and we get started he'll inspire me to travel to other matches with him. jim is a great guy and i'm really glad to be able to call him my friend.

one thing is for sure. i have met some of the greatest people at buck creek. everybody has been friendly and given advice freely. i truely feel my life has been enriched by just showing up. i just hope i can repay everybodies kindness someday.
Gentlemen......................................... ..................

Remember you have congressmen and senators in your state...let them know what you think about what they are doing to the country!! I write mine 2 or 3 times a week to voice my opinion...I gave up matches this year to attend Tea Parties....wake-up before these idiots in Washington sell us out to socialism!! Right now your kids and grandkids owe $38,000.00 each for Obama's stimulas and now he wants to give you FREE healthcare....If you think healthcare is expensive now WAIT UNTIL IT"S FREE!!!
this ain't got nothing to do about anything here, but i'm curious about something. The first job I got right out of high school was a locomotive fireman on the best railroad in country, the Chicago and North Western. Back then you were either an engineman (fireman, engineer) or a trainman (conductor, brakeman), there was no such thing as switching back and forth. and everything was senority, you started out as a fireman and moved up to engineer as the old farts retired or died; same thing with the trainmen, you started out as a brakeman and worked up to conductor. The conductor was the boss of the five guys on each train, enginemen got paid based according to weight of the locomotives, the trainmen got paid based by the number of cars, 100 miles was a days pay, if your trip was less than 100mi overtime started after eight hours, if your trip was 150mi OT started after 12hrs. Thanks, Douglas
Get an ACORN grant!

If you need money,get one of those grants like they give/gave ACORN!
from what mr. n told me he gets paid by hours and trips but not
by cars and tonnage. i spoke with him earlier and i would say by
now he's asleep. and i think on the trains there're only two guys
an engineer and a conductor/brakeman. an engineer gets higher
pay and can bump back to a conductor job if they cut back on
engineers. sometimes he works either one depends on what they
need. they have a union but apparently are working under a contract
that's been extended for the last few years, they're not allowed to
strike, for matters of national security. i worked in communications
we weren't allowed to strike for same reasons. they probably tell
the power company guys the same thing.
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i have to say that times have changed on the railroads. there is only 2 men on the trains now. a conducter and a engineer. we have no choice anymore about becoming a engineer. it is called a forced promotion now. after you become a engineer you can't go back to being a conducter unless they(the company) cut you back. the unions are weak and pretty much useless!!! i'd rather not have to belong to one to work where i do, but i have no choice. we pay dues(we working people see it as being robbed by union officials because they do nothing for us at all). in the 10 years i've been there the unions have sold us out several times. it is a disgrace to say i belong to the u.t.u. the sad thing is the b.l.e.t. is no better!!!!

by the way i hate unions. they protect the screw ups and do nothing for the people who do thier jobs and stay out of trouble.
One Thing to Remember........................................
