Good caliber for 600/1000yd BR

If you want a 6.5 I'll strongly recommend the 6.5X47L case as the very best foundation of the ones mentioned. It will eat them up. It ain't just about capacity, the 6.5X47L case will easily take 10K more pressure.
One thing on the 6.5x47L side is a little more barrel life than the others, especially the 6.5x284.

This might be a unthought of factor in a rifle for someone starting out. Once you get that rifle built you're going to need to figure things out that no amount of forum reading or good advice are going to give you. You're going to need to shoot it, screw with something, shoot it some more, figure out "is it me or the setup", shoot it some more, experiment with X, Z and G, shoot it some more. Having a nice long barrel life cartridge is more conducive to this than a burner. Sitting back and wanting to try something out and weighing that want vs eating away at a little of that barrel life is sometimes a tough choice.
One thing on the 6.5x47L side is a little more barrel life than the others, especially the 6.5x284.

This might be a unthought of factor in a rifle for someone starting out. Once you get that rifle built you're going to need to figure things out that no amount of forum reading or good advice are going to give you. You're going to need to shoot it, screw with something, shoot it some more, figure out "is it me or the setup", shoot it some more, experiment with X, Z and G, shoot it some more. Having a nice long barrel life cartridge is more conducive to this than a burner.

Unless, of course, it is a mediocre barrel. In which case, you spend years trying to figure out what you're doing wrong, when you're not doing anything wrong. I figure the odds on getting a mediocre barrel are about the same as getting a great barrel. It's only in the U.S. educational system where everyone's an A student.
The 6.5X47L case will easily take 10K more pressure.

The 6.5x55 case will take a lot more pressure than an old Mauser can handle, but I'm going to have to suggest you've been a little glib with your pressure claims for the 6.5x47, Al. I can remember people greatly exceeding published maximums for the 6.5x284 shooting 142 grain MatchKings with H4350 and H4831SC (I used H1000 because I could get the velocity I wanted within published limits). And what about those using this case necked up to 7mm? I've heard about some pretty hot loads to push the 180 grain Bergers along.

I shoot 120-123 grain bullets in my 6.5x47 because the 139 grain Scenars wouldn't go any faster than 2700 fps. I haven't tried 130 grain bullets but I've read many posts suggesting that it's the best weight for this cartridge. The 6.5x55 and 6.5x284 will burn out barrels faster but they approach 3000 fps with bullets in the 140 grain weight range and track really well in 17 pound rifles.

The 6.5x47 may be a great performer with 120-130 grain bullets, but in 6.5 mm the 140 grain weight range offers a lot in a light gun.

I have been away from the 6.5x47 but i do know it will push the 140 over 3000. i did it with two different powders VV550 and RL-17 and i did drop back to 2950 with the RL-17 and did well at 1K. It was scary fast out of a Brux 30" with VV550........ jim

Do you still use the 6.5? I heard you did okay this season, was that with the 6.5? I had no idea you could push 140's like that, i was thinking about "dasherizing" one for an ultralight deer rifle.

Tom, No, i sold everything to a guy in WV. Yes you can push them that fast and they seem very easy on barrels. I think the small primer maybe the down fall of a larger improved case. ...... jim
The reason the case will take pressure better is the small primer pocket and flashhole. The PPC/BR family of cartridges do things that simply cannot be done otherwise. I've made BR cases from 308 brass. I've run the 6X47L head to head against the .243AI. I've had 6PPC's with both small and large flashholes.

The small holes just take more pressure, they've more support. What I hear is "the dasher is the winningest wonder" and yet "the 6X47L is treacherous and wretched."


"The case is too big?"

So make it smaller....use the 6.5X47L brass to make your "dasher" cases..... push the shoulder back to equal the dasher if ignition is really a problem. It's STILL a great case. It really IS just a stretched 6BR case from the same factory. So I stand by my assertion, AND..... AND.....AND..... if you have a rifle built and it's a dog, if you find you really need the big primer then go buy yourself some cheapo Lapua .243 brass and make your big primer cases. No big deal.

I still say it's easier to make good brass by pushing shoulders back for headspace than by blowing them forward off the bullet seat.


If want to run a 6mm,start with a BR case.The Dasher, BRX ,DX or what ever, are proven winners. At 600 and 1000 you don't feel under gunned with any of these,just check the records,If the work of fire forming is the lesser of of the work you need too put forth to win.....jim