Did anyone post the results of the Nationals?

Jeff and Woody. Jeff, I did indeed use the BAT/Leonard (only rifle I have) and it was truly tuned for the 200 yard distance. Woody, I know that I was a PEST ....borrowing all the stuff that I left at home, but I really appreciate your help.
Great shooting James!

Congratulations on your 200 yard agg... Wins among that crowd are difficult to come by, a shooter really has to on his toes to make it happen..

An excellent performance by you !
Mock, what are you doing?

Don't you know that, Carmichel excepted, gun writers aren't supposed to shoot good. You are going to screw things up for a lot of guys. Don't let it happen again...

I called Dave yesterday and told him. His response... "Good Lord, now I'm gonna get a twenty-four page article about this. Where am I gonna put a twenty-four page article?"

Seriously, you done good. We're proud of you.

Dick Wright
Thanks Dick. I know that gun writers can't shoot, and I normally do more than my part to prove this to be true. The only thing that I can find to explain my good fortune at KC is, "Even a blind hog finds an acorn on occasion." James
The Mock Dairies

Through my own fatigue induced fog, I could still make out the steeled eyed Mock at his powder measure. He had plotted the perfect algorithm, and while he acted surprised that every group was doing exactly what he wanted, I knew that was a ruse. A carefully calculated feint to throw his competition off the trail and claim his rightful victory at the very end. And he executed the plan to perfection!

So don't let that veil of humility throw you off the trail folks, this man is the next Carmichael!

Darn it, I should have had him sign my powder bottle....
James, it was no fluke. When I shot next to you at the Super Shoot a couple of years ago, I remember you leading after four targets in a 200 yard agg. Things just finally went your way and you kicked up your consistency to finish well. Keep it up!
