Could there possibly BE a worse response???


oft dis'd member
I'm hearing today that Dick's Sporting Goods, Cabela's and Walmart are pulling AR-15 stuff off the shelves, along with Ruger 10-22 mags, hi-cap 9mm's etc...... Am I the only one who feels this is irresponsible and even treacherous? I once went on a wild tear against S&W because they caved into anti-gun rhetoric and responded inappropriately but IMO this is even bigger. I'm ready to go all Nugent on the world.

So far I've personally called my local sporting goods suppliers starting with Wholesale Sports and working down and politely asked them whether or not they've "responded to the recent shootings by pulling merchandise." They HAVE NOT, and were properly scandalized. They felt as back-stabbed as I do but their pain was being assuaged by the fact that guns are flying off the shelves as fast as they can fill out the paperwork.

Sorry Wilbur.

If this is inappropriate, pull it.

I'm hearing today that Dick's Sporting Goods, Cabela's and Walmart are pulling AR-15 stuff off the shelves, along with Ruger 10-22 mags, hi-cap 9mm's etc...... Am I the only one who feels this is irresponsible and even treacherous? I once went on a wild tear against S&W because they caved into anti-gun rhetoric and responded inappropriately but IMO this is even bigger. I'm ready to go all Nugent on the world.

So far I've personally called my local sporting goods suppliers starting with Wholesale Sports and working down and politely asked them whether or not they've "responded to the recent shootings by pulling merchandise." They HAVE NOT, and were properly scandalized. They felt as back-stabbed as I do but their pain was being assuaged by the fact that guns are flying off the shelves as fast as they can fill out the paperwork.

Sorry Wilbur.

If this is inappropriate, pull it.


Watch the major networks, Evening News Reports, and what they're reporting. It's millions and millions of average Americans and the largest pension plans of Teachers Unions in many states versus alinwa. Guess who's going to win?
the average american is buying....
this last weekend colorado set a record for gun sales...after the incident, after anti gun talk by the gov 5 pm sat eve over 1600 names were still being worked thru the check system...over 4000 guns sold on sat.....

sales are up not down....politially correct to dump the stocks but not a good dollar move......

mike in co

Watch the major networks, Evening News Reports, and what they're reporting. It's millions and millions of average Americans and the largest pension plans of Teachers Unions in many states versus alinwa. Guess who's going to win?
Changes are coming.

It would take a blind man not to recognize that changes are coming. The technology of the combat rifle has changed greatly since WWII. We accuracy shooters and the hunters, as well as, those who protect with firearms should not be effected but we may be caught in the tide of this movement if we don't help frame the coming legislation. The cool heads among us need to realize this.

What happened at the school at Newtown could happen again and again. Where is our sense of reason?

Bill Wynne
The anit-gun people will not stop at "assault weapons" It is a slippery slope. They will never stop until they get them all. We should not give one inch. These are the same people who want to tell you
what to eat, drink and how to live you life. To quote Obama "people shouldn't have guns".
Changes are coming.

It would take a blind man not to recognize that changes are coming. The technology of the combat rifle has changed greatly since WWII. We accuracy shooters and the hunters, as well as, those who protect with firearms should not be effected but we may be caught in the tide of this movement if we don't help frame the coming legislation. The cool heads among us need to realize this.

What happened at the school at Newtown could happen again and again. Where is our sense of reason?

Bill Wynne
So you're saying since it doesn't affect you, we ought to just go ahead and sacrifice the evil looking black plastic rifles and that'll take the pressure off of what you keep in your safe. Nevermind that AR15 style rifles are the home defense tool of choice for a great number of Americans. Question is though, what will you think next time when they want to take the next very reasonable step and do away with evil high-precision-sniper rifles? Afterall, why would anyone NEED a rifle capable of shooting an egg at more than two football fields away?? This isn't about passing laws that will make anyone more safe. It's simply liberal politicians taking advantage of a tragedy to try and achieve their goal of no private ownership of firearms in this country.
As "gun-control" efforts have increased - so have the frequency of incidences like these. If you were really looking for a cause/effect relationship - it wouldn't be the tools that should be further restricted - it should be the interference that started the whole downhill slide.
the average american is buying....
this last weekend colorado set a record for gun sales...after the incident, after anti gun talk by the gov 5 pm sat eve over 1600 names were still being worked thru the check system...over 4000 guns sold on sat.....

sales are up not down....politially correct to dump the stocks but not a good dollar move......

mike in co

There are over 300 Million people in this country. The "average" American is not buying.

Don't confuse the "average person" with a few gun owners who are making a mad dash to buy an assault weapon before legislation limits their insatiable thirst for another firearm they may have had their eye on but hadn't purchased yet.

The "average" American, not someone who ventures onto sites such as this, is tired of the day to day, week to week, month to month, carnage they see or hear about, whether it be in a school, an office, or on a battlefield, in this country or abroad. They're just plan fed up with it all.

There are firearms in 47% of households in the U.S. That's a statistic. It doesn't matter. Emotion is the fuel that's in charge now.

Change IS coming. The average American has had enough. 20 school children was the straw that finally broke the camel's back.
If they want to stop these mass killings at schools then arm the school officials and teachers and give them some training instead of passing another stupid law that does nothing except deprive law abiding people of the guns that they want. It was already against the law to have a gun on school property in Conn and most of the country and you see how well that is working out. It's not an accident that all of these shootings occur in gun free zones.
If they want to stop these mass killings at schools then arm the school officials and teachers and give them some training instead of passing another stupid law that does nothing except deprive law abiding people of the guns that they want. It was already against the law to have a gun on school property in Conn and most of the country and you see how well that is working out. It's not an accident that all of these shootings occur in gun free zones.

If they want to stop these mass killings at schools then arm the school officials and teachers and give them some training instead of passing another stupid law that does nothing except deprive law abiding people of the guns that they want. It was already against the law to have a gun on school property in Conn and most of the country and you see how well that is working out. It's not an accident that all of these shootings occur in gun free zones.

Like Archie Bunker always said! My dear you you like it better if they were pushed out a window? There will always be sick people in the world that are going to try and kill people that piss them off. So do we start putting people that we think are mentally ill away it will end up like,ONE FLEW OVER THE COOCOO'S NEST. And for the so called Assault weapons thats all they are is something that looks Military, you don't think someone won't build the same rifle with a reguler stock to get away from this so called tarable looking menaceing weapon of choice. You could have done the same damage with a 10/22. I've seen changes in everything none to man to get away from the laws that are past. That is why the old USA is still NUMBER ONE as fare as thinking goes! So its always the inanimate oject thats to blame not the person.

Joe Salt
you, sir ,are just what the anti gun people are looking for.....
"its not my gun they are taking away so its ok."....
sir the constitution makes no distinction when it says
."...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"


sense and reason was used quite well by the framers oof OUR constitiution...

mike in co
Changes are coming.

It would take a blind man not to recognize that changes are coming. The technology of the combat rifle has changed greatly since WWII. We accuracy shooters and the hunters, as well as, those who protect with firearms should not be effected but we may be caught in the tide of this movement if we don't help frame the coming legislation. The cool heads among us need to realize this.

What happened at the school at Newtown could happen again and again. Where is our sense of reason?

Bill Wynne
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you, sir ,are just what the anti gun people are looking for.....
"its not my gun they are taking away so its ok."....
sir the constitution makes no distinction when it says
."...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"


sense and reason was used quite well by the framers oof OUR constitiution...

mike in co
Let us not fight but rather let us reason together to fix what is wrong. If we had to pick up and clean the blood off the little bodies of those children and their devoted teachers I believe we would both see this problem in a different light.

The constitution was never meant to be a suicide pact.
If they want to stop these mass killings at schools then arm the school officials and teachers and give them some training instead of passing another stupid law that does nothing except deprive law abiding people of the guns that they want. It was already against the law to have a gun on school property in Conn and most of the country and you see how well that is working out. It's not an accident that all of these shootings occur in gun free zones.

Let us not fight but rather let us reason together to fix what is wrong. If we had to pick up and clean the blood off the little bodies of those children and their devoted teachers I believe we would both see this problem in a different light.

The constitution was never meant to be a suicide pact.


I highlighted the first sentence in your post because what you said is EXACTLY what needs (ie; and has BEEN needed) to be happening. And, it needs to start happening NOW!!! If this 'us against them' mentality continues we are never going to have this matter settled with a sensible and reasonable outcome. Why it will NOT be settled reasonably is that as long as we, the gun owners and shooters, continue to fight the anti-gun crowd simply by buying as many new guns as our budgets will allow us to buy, we are just giving them more fodder to feed the animal. In times past, I have done this very thing myself, but I've come to believe that instead of going this route, we now should be writing letters to our senators, congressmen, etc.. If we do this - and CONTINUE doing it - it will make for a much louder voice for our side than just stuffing more guns in our safes and shouting at one another on forums such as this one. Just one gun owner's opinion who happens to value his Constitutional rights at least as much as he does his guns.

I'm hearing today that Dick's Sporting Goods, Cabela's and Walmart are pulling AR-15 stuff off the shelves, along with Ruger 10-22 mags, hi-cap 9mm's etc...... Am I the only one who feels this is irresponsible and even treacherous?

No Al. I agree with you (shocking isn' it?!). I feel these organizations are showing a spineless "fair weather" attitude. How in the 'ell does pulling these items from the shelves help the situation??? All it shows is that they agree with the libs and their anti-gun agenda. They will no longer be getting ANY of my money until they issue an apology and proudly sell legal guns to law abiding citizens.
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Let us not fight but rather let us reason together to fix what is wrong.

I'm sorry, but I don't see what is wrong with the Constitution and I don't believe the laws need fixing.
There is already a law against stealing someone else's guns.
There is already a law against mentally ill people owning guns (check the 4473 form questions).
THere is already a law against murder.
There is already a law against trespassers in public schools.

Obviously, none of these laws had any affect on this young man. So how do you fix that? Not with more laws. I guarantee you that.

And if one of those teachers had been armed, imagine the different outcome.......................
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