Carbon Fiber barrels controversy

Carbon fiber CAN be made to create very good heat conduction along the LENGTH of the fiber.

Since carbon has a smaller mass and density than metal it is rarely as good a heat conductor as metal.

The material used to bond the fibers into a useful assembly (epoxy in a number of flavors) is NOT a good heat conductor.

Since the fibers run the LENGTH of hte barrel and the heat is generated inside the assembly it will NOT be an effective heat sink or radiator.


That's the "anisotropic" aspect of CF.......It's true that the substance we refer to as "carbon Fiber" allows energy transfer along it's length about 10 times as readily as acros't the grain, but AGAIN, as you point out, the matrix ("epoxy", "polyurethane", "resin", "polystyrene", "vinyl ester" etc etc etc) is an insulator, the SATURATED strands of fiber act differently than the bare stuff they test and in any case the CF we're dealing with won't come within 1/50th of the transfer rate of steel........

And all of this is moot.....

We don't HAVE to understand or know anything,

we can observe.

We observe by TOUCHING A CF WRAPPED BARREL as many in this thread have done. And they all agree IT'S COOLER!

I think all will agree that the outside of a carbon fiber wrapped barrel is cooler than the steel barrel next to it.

And to this I say

I Can Explain It To You But

I Can't Understand It For You!
Actually, by one definition, this is a controversy...

"a prolonged public dispute, debate, or contention; disputation concerning a matter of opinion."

By my controversy exists here.
Wuhh'BAMM! :)

We have a winner!

If the whole "CF cools better" were true, the barrels would be HOTTER on the outside, not cooler.....

Agreed, this is just common sense but then again common sense is like a super power these days.