Calipers - Advice

Calipers are for non precision measuring...

I have owned three sets of expensive calipers. I now have owned about 20 sets of cheap calipers. If you need precise measuring use micrometers. Stiller has got it right. Calipers eventually get dropped, jerked out of your hands, flooded with coolant or borrowed. I loose no sleep over cheap calipers. I would not loan expensive calipers or Micrometers. My cheap calipers are within .0005-.001. I check them multiple times per day and know where they are.
Ingress Protection

If you have ever wondered what the IP desigination means for some of the quality measuring tools you can look up the Ingress Protection on the web.
For quick reference.
The first number is for protection against solid objects and the second is against liquids.
The higher the number the better.
The first number IP6x would mean totally protected against dust.
The second Number IPx8 would mean long periods of immersion under pressure.
The ratings go from 0 - 6 for solids and from 0-8 for liquids. (at this time)
So if available an IP68 would be the best right now till something better is developed.
Hope this helps :)
Good Metal

You're saying that all the metal, including new stuff, is contaminated. All the iron ore in the ground across the country is bad?
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Would you want to fly on a space shuttle that was built with $10.00 calipers or micrometers?
I recall reading about one astronaut who was asked what he was thinking at launch time & answered, "Everything is built by the lowest bidder".