Boyer's New Book


steve b.

Just got mine ( the soft-back version ) from Bruno's, and I'm impressed. Outstanding quality, layout, and content. This is probably the highest quality shooting book that I've seen in a very long time.

No corners have been cut making this book, and I'm confident that this will be one of the best books ever to be written on the subject.

Excellent work to all who helped with this project.

Just got mine ( the soft-back version ) from Bruno's, and I'm impressed. Outstanding quality, layout, and content. This is probably the highest quality shooting book that I've seen in a very long time.

No corners have been cut making this book, and I'm confident that this will be one of the best books ever to be written on the subject.

Excellent work to all who helped with this project.


+1 :)
Boyer Book

Tony does not look in on the Internet but I am sure that he is very pleased with the reception the book has received.
I spent two years of free time writing the book and doing all the drawings and I can tell you that Tony wanted the book to be clear and informative. We spent countless hours re-working everything over and over again.
I certainly learned a lot and I hope that all the readers get something good out of it.
Good luck guys.

Larry Costa
I can tell you that in our little corner of the benchrest world that your efforts are very much appreciated and have made us all better shooters.
Thank you very much,

I spent most of the day reading it, finished it, and I'm very pleased with the book.

First off, the graphics and drawings; they are just outstanding, excellent quality!

I was surprised at a number of things; first being that this book is about Tony's opinions and perspective, and I think alot of people may not expect that just by guess at it's contents. Tony does not show testing or results like a technical engineering book would, but rather he explains things as he see it, and why he does what he does. It gives the feeling of talking with Tony about shooting, more than being lectured about benchrest shooting in general. I think that was a good move for this book.

I also like that Tony spends time discussing details that he feels are important, and not trying to address every option, such as which is the best rifle scope out of x number of manufacturers. He shares some of his tips and tricks, a few of which I'm gonna look into this weekend.

I was shocked at the frequency he switches out barrels; I had no idea he did it that much, but when he explains his reasons, it makes sense considering his position.

Again, a big thanks to everyone who took the time of help out with this book.
Larry, along with Tony's input, you did a great job with this book. I know that Tony gives you very much credit for this book. Without your work, this book would have never reached the Benchrest community. Thanks, James Mock
And let us not forget Mustafa Bilal’s work to finally get this fine book published and out to us!

Rick Graham
Tony's expertise, supplemented I'm sure by yours Larry, the clear presentation, and illustrations are all top notch. This and the Vaughn book (Rifle Accuracy Facts) are must reads and reference sou
ces. Thanks for you effort.

The only criticism I can voice is the printing source (China)
Tony and I wanted the book to be in color so that flags, etc., could be seen better. It (China) probably had to do with cost for color printing. Neither of us knew where the book was going to be printed.

Larry Costa
Tony, Larry, Mustafa:

The book is GREAT!

Thanks for sharing such a storehouse of hard work and knowledge with the rest of us.

Finally beginning to understand TUNING!

Bill Scheider
Thank you Rick and Bill

Larry’s work on the content was tremendous and I know Tony is very thankful for it.

One more person that needs to be recognized in this project is Denny Andrews. After a project hibernation of about 5 years, Denny had the foresight to see its potential and bring it to Turk’s Head. Denny quickly sold me on the idea of making it a reality. Since that day, no less than 8 of our team members worked on the design, production and editing of the final version of the book, and I am grateful for their hardwork and professionalism.

One more item I need to address for the first and last time is the “Printed in China” issue. Everyone involved in the project that needed to know, was involved in the final decision to go overseas. The unfortunate economic realities of today’s printing industry dictated this. The soft cover version alone would have retailed for twice the current price had we printed here. This was not an easy decision but a necessary one. In an effort to make the project feasible and the book affordable to all, we settled on a best quality and value vendor with US representation.

Please enjoy Tony and Faye’s generous sharing of their knowledge. We think this is the book for anyone interested in rifle accuracy.

For ordering information, please visit;


Thank you,

Turk’s Head
Hi John, of course.

We have been shipping US Priority Mail boxes of 5 books each your way with great success. And if we are talking quantities, we can certainly discuss other friendly options as well. Maybe we should move this to PM. Thanks.


Thanks for clearing up the China issue. I'm also glad that you mentioned Denny Andrews who was terrific in the review process and in the legal immunization process (he's one of the "good" lawyers). He was also pretty good at telling me that I had no clue at writing (but in a nice way).
At the Super Shoot a couple of years ago he was the ultimate diplomat; he approached me and started to explain the difference between writing a novel versus a writing a technical book... That left me a tad confused!
Another terrific source of information was Dwight Scott. I remember being on my tractor while we discussed the shape of a firing pin tip for two hours. I must have talked to him a hundred times during the writing process. He really knows his stuff! Good times.

Larry Costa
I find it hard to believe that there are concerns about this book being "Printed in China". It was "Made (written) in America" by the most accurate rifle shooter of all time and he is American. That is what matters.

I imagined that most people in the shooting world believed in the concept of a free market. Many of us ending up walking the isles of Walmart for bargains - Walmart is far more supportive of China than Tony's book. Printing the book in China brought great savings as Mustafa pointed out. This will bring this fantastic book to many more people (young shooters in particular) at a price of $35 a copy. So who cares where it is printed!

I have read the book and continue to re-read parts all the time - I have 3 copies. I just love it. This is no ordinary book and I guess that it is going to be stocking shelves in many decades to come.

I think we should use a book like this help our shooting friends finally unravel some of the "mystical" matters of tuning and shooting - Christmas is coming.

When can I get it on my iPad?
