Boyer's New Book

Looks like I'm the slow one. I didn't see that you guys were from Australia when I posted my question about BRT. Wish you a good summer. We here in Maine are preparing for a long, cold winter.

I find it hard to believe that there are concerns about this book being "Printed in China". It was "Made (written) in America" by the most accurate rifle shooter of all time and he is American. That is what matters.

I imagined that most people in the shooting world believed in the concept of a free market. Many of us ending up walking the isles of Walmart for bargains - Walmart is far more supportive of China than Tony's book. Printing the book in China brought great savings as Mustafa pointed out. This will bring this fantastic book to many more people (young shooters in particular) at a price of $35 a copy. So who cares where it is printed!

I have read the book and continue to re-read parts all the time - I have 3 copies. I just love it. This is no ordinary book and I guess that it is going to be stocking shelves in many decades to come.

I think we should use a book like this help our shooting friends finally unravel some of the "mystical" matters of tuning and shooting - Christmas is coming.

When can I get it on my iPad?


Yea !!!! What he said.....
I ordered mine today from Bruno. He said he has ran out of stock on these books several times already but expects more in tomorrow. I cant hardly wait!! Lee
I find it hard to believe that there are concerns about this book being "Printed in China". It was "Made (written) in America" by the most accurate rifle shooter of all time and he is American. That is what matters.

I imagined that most people in the shooting world believed in the concept of a free market. Many of us ending up walking the isles of Walmart for bargains - Walmart is far more supportive of China than Tony's book. Printing the book in China brought great savings as Mustafa pointed out. This will bring this fantastic book to many more people (young shooters in particular) at a price of $35 a copy. So who cares where it is printed!

I have read the book and continue to re-read parts all the time - I have 3 copies. I just love it. This is no ordinary book and I guess that it is going to be stocking shelves in many decades to come.

I think we should use a book like this help our shooting friends finally unravel some of the "mystical" matters of tuning and shooting - Christmas is coming.

When can I get it on my iPad?


I was listening to BBC tonight and there was a guy on there carping about Germany the same way we carp about China. I use to believe in Free Enterprise and the Global Market but I have changed my mind about that. What has happened is Corporations and Individuals have placed The Bottom Line above those who Brung Them To The Dance and that is where it all falls down. There is no big mystery as to why there are 10M folks in this country looking for "decent" jobs currently. MBA's have disregarded them for the Bottom Line.

I also heard a Manufacturing Engineer speaking on this subject today. He stated that many companies shipped jobs off shore for as little as .0005 cents per item. He said that only about 25% of Manufacturing Engineers are able to find work now in the US. He is 50 and has no one to train. This has to change. Thanks "Chainsaw Al" , Warren Buffet, "The Waltons", Morris Greenburg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and all the others who have brought our country and the free world to it's knees for their selfish benefit. They aren't lifting the Third World, they are dragging us down to it.
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I attended my first match in September. I'd had my 6PPC for a week and was still fireforming (second pass) when shooting for record. I had the good fortune to buy this book from Mustafa. Tony Boyer was just a name and I didn't know much more about Mustafa. The book is superb in all respects: content, editing, photography and graphics. For a neophyte like me it's a treasure. I've since learned that this is Mustafa's first published book. I looks like his thousandth.

Regarding the printing venue, let's not hold these fine men accountable for world economics but, rather, let's honor them for their creativity and initiative. This book obviously involved an incredible investment and, I suspect, that Mustafa was far from certain that he would break even on it given the limited readership.

Bottom line: these guys, Larry and others took a risk and we benefited from it. I'm already re-reading the book. Now, I'm going to go out and buy an American-made washing machine.

I bought the book in hardcover (#350). Glad I did. I would have wore out the paperback version by now. :)

Somebody can tell me how/where to buy one with easy payment method such as by credit card or paypal, please?
Thanks you,
seb in Indonesia.
Hi Butch,
Thanks you for the info, anyway just ordered one from Mustofa a moment ago.
Best Wishes,

To Mr. Boyer & Gangs,
I know Mr. Boyer doesn't read this forum but here my own view...It doesn't matter at all for me although the book is made in china or anywhere else, because I only buy "the content"...the unvaluable knowledge in the book, created from the Bests. It's stupid thing to not have this book. Thanks you all to make it inexpensive!
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Just started pocking around the book myself. Great to see, some things I am already doing are on the right track, others not so much. Some new angles on our sport not focused on in other books I have. Wording easy to follow and every example well thought out. Excellent read for anyone, not just Bench gun nuts. Anyone who ever thought of reloading or becoming a better shot would benefit.
Impresive .. very well done

Andy B
I got my book yesterday and i have been reading it ever since. Lots of good info for a fellas like myself. One other thing i would like to see is this book recorded onto a CD. That way i would have something to listen to on the way to the big matches, that require long drive times. I'm not much into music. Actually i dont ever listen to it. Talk radio is more my speed. This book on a tape would be fantastic!! Just a thought! Lee
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