Best Bore Guide

Geronimo Jim

New member
I remember reading on a forum about "the best" bore guide availaable. I just received a Bat small varmit rifle in 20 Tac and would like to get the best. Your advice appreciated.
Diddo for Mike Lucas, that is the one that I use. Dave Halblom also makes bore guides. I have never used one of his, but if it is like any of his other products, it will be top notch.

HAving seen them all

I met Mike Lucas years ago and got some of his bore guides. They work extremely well. Mike has always been there when I asked for prizes for benchrest schools, postals, and the Michigan Score Series. He gives selflessly. Mike Lucas can be reached at 803-356-0282

Then I met David Halblom. David makes a bore guide similar to Mike's. David also gives freely to deserving causes. David can be reached at 515-556-5833

T.K. Nollan is reputed to make the very best but T.K. has never helped out with prizes for anything I've been witness to so I can't personally say if they are good or bad.

TK's has them all beat, hands down. They are a bit pricey but so are barrels and crown jobs. I saw one in use a few days ago and I must say, I was impressed.

TK's guide is a work of art vs an adjustable wrench. David's guide is a step up from the Lucas, IMHO. One of the big plusses to either TK's or Davids is the longer rod inserts = more support. I have ruined crowns over the years using my Lucas guide. I am currently using one of David's.
Bore Guide

I use TK Nolans bore guide and they are very nice and TK is a very nice gentleman. I don't see how the generosity of a person has to do with this question.
I use TK Nolans bore guide and they are very nice and TK is a very nice gentleman. I don't see how the generosity of a person has to do with this question.


Though some view it as generosity, others view it as cheap advertising. When asked to donate to the benchrest school where 40 new shooters (perspctive customers) would be gathered, Mike Lucas jumped at the chance to Generously give, David Insisted he not only generously give but also Instruct at the school. TK asked if we knew how many of these things he sells and claimed he doesn't make enough of them to warrent giving one away. Maybe cheap advertising would help him, I don't know.

David makes the best one that I can vouch for, Mike Lucas makes the best one that we all can afford. And I've never torn up a crown with a Lucas rod guide. I like to see when fellas give back to the sport.

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I realize I am slow. I just noticed you

I remember reading on a forum about "the best" bore guide availaable. I just received a Bat small varmit rifle in 20 Tac and would like to get the best. Your advice appreciated.

are talking about a 204 cartridge. I make guides specifically for all the 204 CF cartridges. I may be the only one who does. E-mail me and we can discuss this further.

bore guide

I dont under stand stand whats holding the end of the cleaning rod up if your patch falls off when pulling the rod back.whats keeping it from draging on the bottom of rifleing when pulling it back out?Remember your rod is 28 inches or so.Its gotta drag on its way back out right?
I have a Lucas but bought a TK barrelsaver. He asks what diameter rod you use and then makes the inserts with minimum clearance for the rods. The insert is about 10 or so inches long. Once my rod exits the barrel it is not riding the bottom of barrel. I use a 44 inch ss rod. When the patch exits my barrel I still have foot plus of rod left outside the barrel. Randy J.

I have read and heard nothing but good about Mr. Nolan's rod guides. As a point of reference though, would you mind mentioning the diameter of your rod along with the length and caliber of the barrel you are running it in?

Don ...BRBCP ...
I met Mike Lucas years ago and got some of his bore guides. They work extremely well. Mike has always been there when I asked for prizes for benchrest schools, postals, and the Michigan Score Series. He gives selflessly. Mike Lucas can be reached at 803-356-0282

Then I met David Halblom. David makes a bore guide similar to Mike's. David also gives freely to deserving causes. David can be reached at 515-556-5833

T.K. Nollan is reputed to make the very best but T.K. has never helped out with prizes for anything I've been witness to so I can't personally say if they are good or bad.

Francis, Francis, Francis .... It is comforting to know that others also have memory problems. The true facts are that you personally received my Barrel Saver donations for the Holton, Michigan IBS Score nationals last just last summer! I also have contributed Door Prize certificates for Barrel Savers at the Super Shoot, Van Dyne Wisconsin State Matches and the NBRSA Hunter Nationals for the last few years, and will continue to do so. Just the FACTS! No offense intended!

I receive 15-20 requests for donations to various matches every year. I'm not able to satisfy them all. The Barrel Saver is an expensive very low volume product made as a precision tool for shooters who also want the very best barrels, bullets and scopes for our benchrest competition! Enough said.
T. K. Nollan
Tk, You need to notice that this is an old thread that was resurected from years ago....

That was before you donated for the Nationals in Holton Michigan... We appreciate you donating and recommend your Rod guide as on of the best in the buis.

Thank You,

Welp, this may be the reason people don't like T.K. Nollan. Not saying he doesn't make a good product but clearly doesn't have the wit to keep positive customer relations. Good luck T.K. You will need more than a good product to maximize profit. Keep trying; you very may well figure it out one day.


So who are you? You joined to jump on TK evidently.