Benchrest History Thread

Frank Hubbard at Johnstown 1947. Target superimposed in the upper right.

Another shot of Johnstown 1948. Lucian Cary is on the far left, Marcy Prescott is in the middle shooting from his portable bench, and #2 is either Taylor or Robbins of the famed gunsmithing firm.

Johnstown 1947. Back row - J. Bushnell Smith and Ray Biehler. Front row - Sam Clark Jr, Havey Donaldson, Manley Butts, and Frank Lucas. This was the beginnings of the NBRSA.


The second picture was Clair Taylor.
That picture that is looking back to the line and shows all the old cars and the tent. I but you wouldn't have to look through too many of them to find a some hand made corn liquor, But I bet it stayed in the car till all the rifles were put away for the day.
Johnstown 1955. In the second row, third from the right, you'll notice Elmer Keith was in attendance (just look for the big cowboy hat). To his right is Bob Wallack, Homer Culver, and Warren Page.

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Keep them coming, did not have Cliff Allen. My personal Email is

In all honesty Wilbur has offered a special section, (I think), for photos. I am waiting until Sept and I will start showing pictures and hopefully someone will recognize someone. But in the meantime, Lee, keep them coming along with names. I have about 2525 pictures now. So if you Email me I will let you know whether I have the pictures. I have also included wives, but at this time I do not have many.
Not quite as long ago as the photos that Lee has posted, but a little bit more recent benchrest history. This was the first NBRSA Nationals that they held at the Whittington Center at Raton, NM. Don't remember which year it was. I scanned the photo with enough resolution that you can blow it up and recognize faces. Lots of shooters in the photo who have "Left the Range".

Not quite as long ago as the photos that Lee has posted, but a little bit more recent benchrest history. This was the first NBRSA Nationals that they held at the Whittington Center at Raton, NM. Don't remember which year it was. I scanned the photo with enough resolution that you can blow it up and recognize faces. Lots of shooters in the photo who have "Left the Range".

View attachment 18306

Mike, I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was surely one of Harold Broughton's and his wife Juanez proudest days. The Broughton's worked long and hard on the Whittington Center benchrest range and it was named in their honor.

I was able to recognize many of the faces in the first two or three rows. Harold is easy to spot, he's front row center and biggest of them all. You old timers, see how many you can recognize.


Gene Beggs
Mike, I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was surely one of Harold Broughton's and his wife Juanez proudest days. The Broughton's worked long and hard on the Whittington Center benchrest range and it was named in their honor.

I was able to recognize many of the faces in the first two or three rows. Harold is easy to spot, he's front row center and biggest of them all. You old timers, see how many you can recognize.


Gene Beggs

If you click on the thumbnail photo and then when the larger photo comes up click on it a couple more times at least on my computer, the photo will get pretty large and easier to recognize a lot of shooters. Jack and Michelle Sutton are in the middle left side of the photo. Jef Fowler on the front row. Pretty hard to miss Tom Libby in it as that was in his wild and crazy days before he got serious about his shooting. I recognize a lot of people in that photo and I'm sure that a lot of us would like to be the size that we were in it. I know I would, a few less pounds back then. There's a guy on the front row, third from the left who looks pretty familiar, hey Gene?
If you click on the thumbnail photo and then when the larger photo comes up click on it a couple more times at least on my computer, the photo will get pretty large and easier to recognize a lot of shooters. Jack and Michelle Sutton are in the middle left side of the photo. Jef Fowler on the front row. Pretty hard to miss Tom Libby in it as that was in his wild and crazy days before he got serious about his shooting. I recognize a lot of people in that photo and I'm sure that a lot of us would like to be the size that we were in it. I know I would, a few less pounds back then. There's a guy on the front row, third from the left who looks pretty familiar, hey Gene?

Mike, I was there, but I guess I missed the Picture.
Mike, I was there, but I guess I missed the Picture.

Too bad they can't get a group photo at every Nationals. Turk was taking the photos and he used my camera to take this one. That's how I wound up with a print of it. Pre-digital cameras or it would probably blow up larger where you could identify people more easily. Hard to see how a 35mm negative blow up large enough to see much detail. This was off of a scan of the photo, so 300 dpi was as good as I could get.
Help With Names

I see, let's say, the following:

A three-person front row (in the center) and don't know any of those guys.

In addition, one-and-a-half rows of guys kneeling or sitting, and recognize, maybe the following:

Is that Jackie Schmidt on the far left?
Is that Mike Ratigan near the center, shielding his eyes from the sun with his right hand?
Tom Libby, with the smiley face hat?
Obviously, Tony Boyer in the red shirt near the far right.
Is that Lester Bruno on the far right?
Is that Speedy, behind and over Ratigan's left shoulder?

As for the folks standing, I recognize, maybe, the following:

First row:
Is that Bill Brawand, third from left, with blue shirt and cap?
Manny Garcia, near the center, red shirt?
Lowell Frei, white shirt, just behind TB?
Carolyn Libby, on Manny's left?

Other rows:
Billy Stevens, dark cap, mustache, behind Carolyn Libby?
Ron Hohen, near the center, with a beard, no glasses, wearing a white shirt, behind a guy wearing a blue cap
Dave Tunbridge, near back right, plaid shirt, with glasses and dark hair, behind guy with long beard?

Who are the rest of those folks?
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Hey, wouldn't it be cool

if we could identify everyone in the picture? :p I'll bet we can do it. We've already made a good start. Once I followed instructions and learned to focus in more detail, I recognized several friends I missed the first time. Let's give it a try; what do ya' say?


Gene Beggs
Front row sitting, left to right: ?, Harold Broughton, Shorty Strickland

Second row sitting, left to right, Jim Hostetler, Bob Jourdain, Gene Beggs, Arnold Jewell, Jef Fowler, Dan Kinniman, George Kelbly, Ed Watson, ?, Tim Oltersdorf, Mike Ratigan, ?, ?, Tom Libby, Gary O'Cock?, Lou Murdica, ?, ?, Tony Boyer, Skip Otto, Lester Bruno.

Third row kneeling or sitting, left to right, ?,?,?, ?, Stan Buchtel, Charlie Delessandro, Fred Hasecuster, ?, Bud Mundy, Speedy Gonzales, ?, ?, ?

Fourth row standing, Larry Englebrecht, Terry Donaldson, Bill Brawand, ?, Pat Ferrell, Burton Ferrell, Red Cornelison, Manny Garcia, Carolyn Libby, Yvette Gonzales, Cherly Horner, Everett Horner, ?, Garland Holland, Jim Erickson, ?, Lowell Frei,Larry Baggett, Dennis Wagner, Mike Bryant, ?, Jerrell Mattingly, ?

Fifth row, ?, Otto Klittich, ?,?,Merlin Hubbard?, Don Creach, Jack Sutton, Michelle Sutton,?, Bill Hull, ?, Rex Reneau, Dan Dowling, quite a bit of space, Mickey Coleman, Don Gentner, Bart Sauter, Eunice Berger, ?, Dave Tooley?, ?, ?, ?, Larry Kuse, Ruth Kuse, ?, Jackie Schmidt, Joe Archer

Sixth row, Paul Holland?,

Seventh row, Bob White,

Eighth row, Dennis Tinkham,

If you recognize yourself or someone else, feel free to copy and paste adding your name. Be nice to get everyone named.

I can pick out people here and there farther back in the photo, but a lot more ? than names for me. If the photo was better, I might be able to pick out more.

Don Creach, Jack and Michelle Sutton are right behind Bill Brawand. Vicki Beard next to Michelle with Pat Byrne standing behind Vicki. Bill Hull behind the Ferrells. Rex Reneau next to Dan Dowling behind Red Cornelison. George Ulrich, Billy Stevens and Mickey Coleman behind Manny Garcia. Don Gentner behind Yvette Gonzales, Walt and Eunice Berger to the right and behind Don Gentler. P. J. Hart is in the upper right back of the photo with a blue shirt with two white stripes, sunglasses and maroon cap, Larry Baggett is standing between and behind Lowell Frei and Dennis Wagner. Larry and Ruth Kuse are standing behind Larry Baggett on each side of him. I'm pretty sure that's Jackie Schmidt standing behind me with the grey cap, right of him is Joe Archer. Darrell Whitman is standing behind Larry Kuse. Dave Blazzard is standing to the right in the photo of P. J. Two tall men in the very back, Tom Dickson and Chris Wramp who was the range officer for the match as well as range officer at Midland. Dennis Tinkham far upper left corner of photo with his signature hat. Ed Adams in yellow shirt and beard. Roy Damron to the left in front of Ed.
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