Benchrest handicap

maybe, jackpot the entry and have a payback.

lets see, the shamrock had 60 pay up and at 100 bucks that is 6 thou to pay out.

A money payback option might help. At least be part of an incentive. Look at Rimfire benchrest PSL. The winner there gets about $5,000 for their win.

Added-the Super Shoot does have a payback system that is very popular. Their attendance has ranged up to 400+ at times. And, we do have Strong Man pots at times. BUT, this takes more manpower to run...


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I too hate to see matches going away especially as I have just gotten to the place in life to be able to compete in a sport I've followed most of my life.
Not even winning but just finishing toward the top of the heap in a full two days of competition consisting of 100 record shots fired into 20 five shot groups combined for an aggregate of .200" or less has no comparison. It is in my opinion the ultimate test of rifle accuracy. It is not for all
I love it and wouldn't change a thing.
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NO handicapping

I too hate to see matches going away especially as I have just gotten to the place in life to be able to compete in a sport I've followed most of my life.
Not even winning but just finishing toward the top of the heap in a full two days of competition consisting of 100 record shots fired into 20 five shot groups combined for an aggregate of .200" or less has no comparison. It is in my opinion the ultimate test of rifle accuracy. It is not for all
I love it and wouldn't change a thing.

I agree with every word. Keep it just like it is.
Kelly Ellis
Mike - I don't think anybody can argue with what you wrote. It's just the way it is....

Wilbur, I agree with Mike also. But we gotta' do something. What we have now in CENTERFIRE/GROUP is dying and these one day shoot solutions, while great for busy shooters, will not work for GROUP with the requirement of moving and fixed backers.

Of all the disciplines I've shot over the years all had up and down cycles. Maybe we will just cycle back up, but for now things look dim.


I see no justification for the fees listed for the "privilege" of shooting a registered match.

The fees are so the club can cover expenses. Yes, registered group shooting takes a lot more effort on the part of the club. When I ran shoots at Brock's Gap in Birmingham I had to hire a target crew because there were no volunteers willing to put in two days of work. I wound up discontinuing the match because I only had one volunteer.

Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club (VA State Championship next weekend) lets members get in their work days by handling target crew duties. That system seems to be working well and they have plenty of volunteers. My club actually let's members get out of work days by paying a minimal fee, so volunteers are hard to come by.

We participate in registered matches because we do want to shoot against the "Big Boys". The famous Scott Mims :cool: won the Shamrock a number of years ago, something I've never done. I see him shoot small groups on a regular basis but it's really hard to put five consecutive small groups together to win an agg. Striving to do that is why we compete.

Just to offer another perspective to this topic. I run the Benchrest, as well as several other club matches, at the Iosco Sportsmens Club in East Tawas, Michigan. We are located on the shores of Lake Huron and the County is mostly comprised of State and National Forrest land. We see a large variety of fun activities.

As far as Benchrest shooting being too expensive for those with young families, I just can't see it. In the winter the forrests are full of young families running the trails on snow machines. When they arrive in town they are pulling trailors with several snow machines. These are not cheap by a long shot. If the snow conditions are not to their liking, driving another 150-200 miles to get to Michigans upper peninsula is not a deterrent. In the summer months they are on the lakes and rivers with jet skis, jet boats, and pontoons. The forrests are also full of people running the trails on quads and dirt bikes.

As far as shooting at the clubs matches, I try to encourage as many people as I can to participate. We get a lot of people who have no interest in competition. The pistol ranges are full on weekends with those who bring a lot of ammo to shoot up. When I talk to the rifle shooters they have several cases with AR style rifles and seem more intersted in going through a case of ammo and are less concerned with accuracy.

I certainly don't have any answers to the problem, but I just do what I can to accomodate everybody that shows up to shoot my matches.


Everybody running matches experiences the problems you describe. We started running matches in Harrison in 1991 and have learned a lot in 26 years. Incidentally, our matches are where your's came from. Tawas guys came over and shot and said, "We can do that." I helped them with paperwork forms, etc to get started.

Our matches have now moved to the Isabella County Sportsmans Club near Mt. Pleasant. Send me your email and I will see that you get match schedules. Our first match is the last Saturday in April. Come over, shoot and we can talk. You know Matt Dardas... he's now running them.

The best way to get new shooters is to have a Factory Class. Guys with varmint rifles will shoot if they don't have to compete against Dwight Scott rifles.

I wrote long articles in Precision Shooting about this problem. There's too much on this subject to write and I am no longer getting paid to do so... Call me... 989-386-3932.

I'll try to get over and shoot with you this year as long as you have a Factory Class. My bench guns are gone and I have a Ruger No. 1 in .222 with an 8X Unertl that I will be shooting.

We know why it's dying...and we don't care. The rest of the world doesn't matter. Our minds are not closed, no tunnel vision, deaf ears or hard headedness. We don't want to change to accommodate anything or anybody because if we do we're not shooting the game we love to shoot. Get over it...we have. When it's gone, it's gone.

Some of you may read this as if I'm trying to elude to something and I assure you I'm not. I meant every word.

Wilbur, I enjoy reading your highly-perceptive posts. I'm not sure why you think anyone might think you were "trying to elude to something." BTW, I'm glad the Bear was willing to change with the times in the early-70's.
Wilbur, I agree with Mike also. But we gotta' do something. What we have now in CENTERFIRE/GROUP is dying and these one day shoot solutions, while great for busy shooters, will not work for GROUP with the requirement of moving and fixed backers.

Of all the disciplines I've shot over the years all had up and down cycles. Maybe we will just cycle back up, but for now things look dim..

Well...I realized when I read Scott's post that it's not actually dying but rather reduced to the folks that can afford to attend. That said, the entire issue comes down to what it has always been...get more folks interested. While the expense is one thing, it simply means that there are fewer folks to go after.

Everybody running matches experiences the problems you describe. We started running matches in Harrison in 1991 and have learned a lot in 26 years. Incidentally, our matches are where your's came from. Tawas guys came over and shot and said, "We can do that." I helped them with paperwork forms, etc to get started.

Our matches have now moved to the Isabella County Sportsmans Club near Mt. Pleasant. Send me your email and I will see that you get match schedules. Our first match is the last Saturday in April. Come over, shoot and we can talk. You know Matt Dardas... he's now running them.

The best way to get new shooters is to have a Factory Class. Guys with varmint rifles will shoot if they don't have to compete against Dwight Scott rifles.

I wrote long articles in Precision Shooting about this problem. There's too much on this subject to write and I am no longer getting paid to do so... Call me... 989-386-3932.

I'll try to get over and shoot with you this year as long as you have a Factory Class. My bench guns are gone and I have a Ruger No. 1 in .222 with an 8X Unertl that I will be shooting.


Dick, i am looking forward to getting over and attending some of your matches at
Isabella. There may be a discrepancy in the first match date. The club calendar shows this match on April 22 instead of the 29th.
Our matches at The Iosco Sportsmens Club have factory, factory modified and custom classes.
Benchrest School

I believe BR schools, Like those run by the Sutton/Long clan at Canastota,NY back at the turn of the century are the way to build back up the group shooting BR interest and involvment that has been lost.
If the NBRSA and IBS want to secure a future for continued group shooting they need to organize the participation of friendly gun clubs to host the school and willing top level shooters to volunteer one weekend a year as instructors and coaches for this event.
By giving up one weekend shoot a year we can introduce hundreds of new shooters a year to our sport.
The cost to students and time involvement for them would be exactly what they would invest for a weekend group match. The hosting club would receive exactly the same revenue as if they held a match.Volunteering instructors and coaches could feel good about giving up there time to promote the sport they love. Most importantly, new shooters would enjoy the experience of being coached by the top guys in the game and would be likely to start attending registered shoots in the future.
Win, Win, Win and Win !
Lets open up dialogue at future NBRSA and IBS meetings.
Senior Entertainment

Don't mess with our Senior entertainment. It's the one thing that keeps us going. That and watching Young Ladies Line Dancing.

Sorry Wilbur, I just had to do it.
I can't argue with that Joel.

On another note I wonder how many of the complainers about match fees ACTUALLY SHOOT, and if they do, have they ever in any way, for free, helped run the match.

I can't argue with that Joel.

On another note I wonder how many of the complainers about match fees ACTUALLY SHOOT, and if they do, have they ever in any way, for free, helped run the match.


NONE of them, I was going to another institution, but thought better of it. Oh well, we can talk this to death and nothing will change. The only club I belong to has over 1000 members, and only four run the matches. One runs the score matches, one has to sit all day Friday because he is a range officer. One is a do nothing, know nothing, that's me, we have the man who runs the matches, and that is it.
Benchrest seminar

Once again this coming April 1, 2017 Bob White and I will be putting on a Benchrest clinic at the Cherry Ridge gun club in Highland Lakes, NJ. This will be our eleventh year of this type of clinic. The first session will be classroom where Bob and I will discuss things from the history of organized Benchrest, the types of competition, types of rifles used, reloading, rests, tuning and wind reading plus much more. There will be plenty of time to get all your questions answered. The second session will be a shooting clinic where you can have your choice of shooting a Score or Group target.
Over the years this clinic has been a very big success because we have started students that have went on to be IBS Rookie of the year, became a match director holding IBS registered matches at their range and over twenty shooters that regularly attend registered matches. We are working on prizes for the raffle for the participants and I know we have a Sightron scope in the drawing. Anyone interested in attending please contact Bob White at The Shooters Corner 973-663-5159 or Harley Baker at 610-496-6768.
All are welcome from those that just want to check it out, to the beginning shooter that wants to get better or to the seasoned pro who is looking for that nugget to take them to the next level.
Thank you. Harley Baker
Think of the impact if the NBRSA held an annual event like this with over 40 instructors and coaches somewhere like St.Louis or Phoenix ?
I dont have the clout to put something like this together but there are those among us who do.
Kudos to Bob and Harley for making this happen by getting involved individually. Same to Jack Neary for holding his tuning clinics. But these three guys shouldn't be our only hope for the future. Isn't the job of protecting and promoting Benchrest the responsibility of the BR organizations that we belong to, pay dues to and support.
If the NBRSA and IBS can organize club matches and national events they can organize and promote a shooting school.
Kudos to Bob and Harley for making this happen by getting involved individually. Same to Jack Neary for holding his tuning clinics. But these three guys shouldn't be our only hope for the future. Isn't the job of protecting and promoting Benchrest the responsibility of the BR organizations that we belong to, pay dues to and support.
If the NBRSA and IBS can organize club matches and national events they can organize and promote a shooting school.

That would certainly be a nice thing to see in each region