Bart's 30 caliber bullets test Results

send us some more pics of the ditch. how do you keep the sides of the ditch from washing in and collapse? A good friend and myself have been brain storming on how we could build a tunnel of some sort. I have an ideal spot. Thanks Bart. Lee
send us some more pics of the ditch. how do you keep the sides of the ditch from washing in and collapse? A good friend and myself have been brain storming on how we could build a tunnel of some sort. I have an ideal spot. Thanks Bart. Lee


I am not blowing you off but, I've been hunting for some old pics of when we built the ditch. However, it appears an external drive i had them stored on has taken a dirt nap.

The ditch has concrete sides and is anchored every 50 feet. If you look at the arial pic, in the earlier post you can see the "T's" going down the sides to anchor the walls. I have to give credit to Armond Paglia. He was one of the first with a test ditch. His had some issues with his caving in. He said if he had to do it over again, he would have poured concrete by trenching each wall. Thats a great idea and no forms required.

So we ran a trencher for one wall with the T's. Cleaned it out the loose dirt as best we could and then Jim aka "Concrete Monkey", filled the trench with concrete and rebar. We waited about 10 days and trenched the other wall and repeated the process. Waited another 10 days and used a backhoe to dig out the center thus making our ditch.

Thought you was a pilot.
Wow. Great Idea.
How far to Park city? Over the hill and all. Think there might be a cousin there. About 40 yrs ago, the Ladies on my Dad's side, planned a trip. Grandma, Aunt, cousin, sister and my self.
Dad insisted I go, "Y'all need a man on this trip". Aunt said no. Dad said who's going to change a flat tire?
I was 11 yrs. old. Luckily no flat tires. From Park City to West Virginia. 3-4 wks. Wow what a trip. Met all kinds of relatives. Man the food was good.
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Bart, is the ditch valuable for testing? Do you find valuable info by shooting in it? Let us know what is the most interesting or valuable tidbit of knowledge you hace gleaned from the ditch. Is it as good as shooting in a tunel for testing, im guessing you have shot in a tunel before??? Thanks, Durward
Bart, is the ditch valuable for testing? Do you find valuable info by shooting in it? Let us know what is the most interesting or valuable tidbit of knowledge you hace gleaned from the ditch. Is it as good as shooting in a tunel for testing, im guessing you have shot in a tunel before??? Thanks, Durward


The ditch is valuable for testing. I think the most important thing you can learn from the ditch is the correct seating depth for a barrel / bullet combination. My range is normally pretty windy and switchy. There are some days that it is futile to try and shoot up top. Its just too rough. So, on those days when I need to test bullets I do so in the ditch. Ive not shot in a tunnel so I really can't say which is better.

For the most part I do the vast majority of shooting above ground.

before I started with the city here 14 years ago, I spent the first 20 years of my working life as a concrete finisher. You name it, and ive probably done it. Concrete wise anyway. I still do all the special projects for the city, but fortunately I don't have to pour concrete everyday any more. I was thinking about your tunnel before you replied and I wondered if you couldn't just trench a couple walls and dig it out. Sounds like you can. thanks for sharing. Lee
before I started with the city here 14 years ago, I spent the first 20 years of my working life as a concrete finisher. You name it, and ive probably done it. Concrete wise anyway. I still do all the special projects for the city, but fortunately I don't have to pour concrete everyday any more. I was thinking about your tunnel before you replied and I wondered if you couldn't just trench a couple walls and dig it out. Sounds like you can. thanks for sharing. Lee


Yes it works great! Getting all the dirt off the sides of the walls when you dig it out us a pain!

Shade tree engineering


That double ditch is a great idea. I would even call it a stroke of genius. It is simple and effective. If you don't mind, I would like to offer a suggestion.

I know something about construction and a little about bracing things. and I have a suggestion for anyone thinking about doing this. You have the Tees every 50 feet or so and that is good to stabilize the walls. All the force coming from ground swelling will try to force the concrete walls in, so it would be a good idea to pour a concrete floor between the two concrete walls. About 4" thick ought to do it.

With that all being said, I would be glad to shoot in your ditch. I even envy it. I covet your ditch.

Concho Bill
The wise man learns from someone else’s mistakes, the smart man learns from his own, and the stupid one never learns.

...and none of them have any business trespassing, which is what your link was referring to. Wise and smart men don't trespass, period. The stupid ones are why we pay insurance premiums.

Why bring up a problem in a solution based thread? This ditch is a also a great tiger trap.

"Good fences make good neighbors" Extra insurance might help. A lid might be the answer.

A set of stairs at the end might be the answer. Forgot, we would need a handicap ramp.

How about a sign on each side about every 10'. It could say, Watch out for bullets in the ditch.

Concho Bill
Fellas let me tell you something!

We are in the middle of 60 acres. Surrounded by nothing but farms and friends. To get to my place you drive down a deadend road. Then you turn onto my driveway, which is nearly a half mile long, and a deadend. I've got two big-a$$ dogs that let me know if anything around here moves! I know all of my surrounding neighbors and they know me! So for whoever manages to "trespass" back here. They have a hell of a lot more to worry about then that ditch!

Merry Christmas friends!


That double ditch is a great idea. I would even call it a stroke of genius. It is simple and effective. If you don't mind, I would like to offer a suggestion.

I know something about construction and a little about bracing things. and I have a suggestion for anyone thinking about doing this. You have the Tees every 50 feet or so and that is good to stabilize the walls. All the force coming from ground swelling will try to force the concrete walls in, so it would be a good idea to pour a concrete floor between the two concrete walls. About 4" thick ought to do it.

With that all being said, I would be glad to shoot in your ditch. I even envy it. I covet your ditch.

Concho Bill


Great idea! The concrete would cause some extra mirage. I think the ditch is going on 5 years with no movement yet. We do have a few 24 inch 2x4s cut and placed for bracing in the top of the ditch!

Bart, This is one of the best threads on this forum. Your ditch is a great idea.

Hunter, Your concerns are well founded. I think Bart has them fairly well covered.

Concho Bill
Bill, it is a good thread.
Bart, I was fortunate enough to have met the "concrete monkey" at a local gun show. He invited me to come shoot one Saturday. This has been a couple of years ago.
I was under the impression that you'd be there, too, but unfortunately, you were out of town that weekend.

Anyway, I did take Jim up on the invite. I struggled with shooting due to a gun problem that I later found, but truly enjoyed the opportunity to shoot in your tunnel. I was most impressed with the whole place. You have a beautiful place back there. We shot both upstairs and down in the tunnel.It was nice to meet Jim. He was quite hospitable and we had a good least as good as can be expected with a gun that wasn't shooting. Jim probably thought I had no idea how to shoot! It was shooting an occasional decent group, but many more that were probably in the .3's. It was a big relief when I found the problem with the gun, but the damage was already done, as I was embarrassed with how I shot. From that perspective alone...I'm glad you weren't there with us to see it.:eek:

I'm about an hour and a half from you. Maybe we could get together and try again some day, or meet in Bowling Green to grab a treat.
I'd like to finally meet you when you and I both have the time.

Tell Jim I say hello and thanks for the hospitality.--Mike