Are we missing out on something?

Credibility is very important to actual shooters and those looking in from the outside seem to know were the problems are far better than those actually involved with the sport.
If your sanctioning body is not doing its part your not going to draw in new shooters.If those in charge don't want new shooters your not going to draw in new shooters either.
If your not blanketing all your local ranges with flyers and computer website information how will the new guys ever find you?
On the credibility issue the cowboy action and tactical guys are spending more money than the benchrest shooters and they are turning people away as they simply don't have enough room for all that want to shoot in a competitive arena.
I have talked with them about bringing there guns to another venue and they simply and quite frankly don't want to do it and they are not shy about it.
Next time there is a tactical match in your area post how many shooters shot the match and post what they said when you asked them to join you.
I'll be damned if I would go across town for a 1 day match
Well David
Luckily you are not representative of the average Score shooter. The vast majority of Score shoots are one day, it has always been that way and seems unlikely to change. Personally I used to shoot a lot of group but I found shooting two aggregates a day two days in a row tiring and found when I returned to the lower pressure of one day Score shoots I was enjoying myself much more. I know you are of the "shoot more for multiple days" school and that is understandable coming as you do from an area where the shoots are few and far between as you do. That is your prerogative, but you are beating on a dead horse when you try to tell everybody who does not like it your way that they are wrong. We are all entitled to our own opinion.

Credibility is very important to actual shooters and those looking in from the outside seem to know were the problems are far better than those actually involved with the sport.
If your sanctioning body is not doing its part your not going to draw in new shooters.If those in charge don't want new shooters your not going to draw in new shooters either.
If your not blanketing all your local ranges with flyers and computer website information how will the new guys ever find you?
On the credibility issue the cowboy action and tactical guys are spending more money than the benchrest shooters and they are turning people away as they simply don't have enough room for all that want to shoot in a competitive arena.
I have talked with them about bringing there guns to another venue and they simply and quite frankly don't want to do it and they are not shy about it.
Next time there is a tactical match in your area post how many shooters shot the match and post what they said when you asked them to join you.

I see the Action Pistol shooters at the ranges I frequent here. There are big nimbers of them when they have matches, I'm guessing 75 to 100. I haven't seen any Cowboy Action folks this winter and one range I go to said they are not having Cowboy Action shoots any longer. There are other kinds of shoots tho that seem to attract quite a few people, much of it seems centered around having fun. I personally don't see the point of it but I guess it must be Fun?

My question was a serious one because of my observations. The Rimfire Benchrest Matches aren't heavily attended here and I don't understand why they aren't. It's a load of fun as far as I am concerned. They are heavily attended at other locations when there is a Championhip event as one can see by the results.

I\We went to watch the AMA National Short Track Race Friday night that was televised today on the Speed Chanel. Before the races began there was an hour for Fans to walk around in the "paddock", as they call it now. We went in amd I talked to a couple of the Tuners about the bikes their riders use. They now use 450CC Motocross Bikes with the suspension lowered 6", the forks pulled back and a special Goodyear tire or tires. The idea is to make the sport the least expensive as possible. I don't know what the cost of two 450 cc Motocross bikes is but I'll bet it is a whole lot more than our entire collection of stuff, not counting their spares etc, etc. Pretty much dispells the belief that our sport is expensive. ( most of em seemed to have two bikes set up; one in reserve) I believe they said 81 souls showed up here to compete; a couple from Australia and one from Japan. I guess one could say they are using the equivilent of "Factory Rifles in a Custom Class", considering one can buy one of the bikes at any Dealership they say. Several brands were used and were competative.
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If one thinks about it a little bit, isn't it kinda rediculous to sit down for either 7 or 10 minutes to shoot only 5 record shots; spend 4 or 5 hours to shoot 25 record shots when it can be done easily in 20 minutes? I know of at least one shooter who almost always shoots 20 + sighters plus his 5 record shots during a 10 minute match. All of em could have been "Good Ones".

This could also aid in the Tune situations. One wouldn't have to be concerned about falling out of tune; be able to get the match in all in one sitting. Shoot Three matches or 6 matches, like is done in a number of venues and THEN go home. Lots more shooting and bang for the buck.

I don't know if I have mentioned this but I attended a match a couple of years ago and assisted by calling the line, etc. Three or so of the fellows who had showed up to shoot their Factory Rifles requested to be able to shoot all of their record shots in one sitting. Perhaps what we are missing out on is in today's society folks want to do things in a more concentrated way; jam more into their life, if you will. I also heard one of the long standing shooters in Maine complain about a match taking all day.

How many people want to go to a movie and sit there 6 hours to watch it? How many folks would want to spend 5 or 6 hours listening to a concert, most of the time? People are more use to deriving their pleasure from smaller, more concentrated periods of time. I ain't sayin, I'm just sayin. I realize all of us are accustonmed to what we have but are we missing something?
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If one thinks about it a little bit, isn't it kinda rediculous to sit down for either 7 or 10 minutes to shoot only 5 record shots; spend 4 or 5 hours to shoot 25 record shots when it can be done easily in 20 minutes?

It kind of depends on what you like to do. I attended one rimfire match in my life. shot one time in the morning and waited 3 hours to shoot the other class gun in the afternoon. Never returned, never looked back. I found it way too slow for me. My friend Rod who spent many thousands of dollars on the two rifles and assorted paraphernalia plus supply of ammo tells me he attended a couple more matches before deciding it just was not for him either.

Pete, Have you been to Knob Creek, KY. There matches only take seconds.

No Centerfire, I went to Kentucky last spring and it was so deep in the woods I nearly could not find my way out. So I sez to me, If you ever get outta here Fool, you had better stick to your knittin closer to home :)
It kind of depends on what you like to do. I attended one rimfire match in my life. shot one time in the morning and waited 3 hours to shoot the other class gun in the afternoon. Never returned, never looked back. I found it way too slow for me. My friend Rod who spent many thousands of dollars on the two rifles and assorted paraphernalia plus supply of ammo tells me he attended a couple more matches before deciding it just was not for him either.


Wuz this an IBS Rimfire Match Dick? If it was, you shot what would be an entire CF match on one target. It just seemed short becausse it was so much fun!