ARA Changes


Macky Locklin

What follows this brief introduction is an article I wrote for our organization's newsletter, the "ARA News", which is currently in the mail and will be delivered starting tomorrow, February 16. The article may seem a little long for this Forum, but since many of you do not receive the newsletter, I've decided that I'd include it here in its entirety in the hope that it would explain a change that should be of great interest to the many loyal supporters of ARA.

It details a change in ownership of ARA.

Here it is:

As I write this, I’m feeling very mixed emotions about ARA, its beginnings and the transition that is taking place.

However, as I enter my 13th year of ARA involvement and my 22nd year of rimfire benchrest activities, I felt that it may be time for someone with the enthusiasm and drive I once had to take over and carry the game to new heights. Dan Killough is now the sole owner of the game, and believe me, if I didn’t trust him to keep his word that the game will remain unchanged, this transfer of ownership would never be taking place.

During our discussions, I insisted that the game, as it has evolved into the game we now know, will remain AS IS. He assured me that “it certainly isn’t broken, so there is no need to fix it”. So, have confidence that as you Match Directors make your plans for 2010 or for those of you lusting after that new rifle or new piece of equipment, the game will be here for you, just as before.

All records that have been set over the years will continue to exist, and any new ones will be added, as they are set. The A/Line formula will continue to be used in calculating overall standings of all competitors. There will be no changes to the methods of record keeping, no changes to the Hall of Fame or other aspects of the game. It’s all the same, except from now on, when ordering targets or any ARA related supplies or sending in Match Reports and fees, all that will now go to Dan. That will be explained elsewhere in this final issue of the ARA News.

One of my disappointments is that the automated, interactive scorekeeping program that I hoped to have in place by January 1, 2009 is still an ongoing project, and will continue toward completion. It is very complicated, and the young programmer that took on the job is a little overwhelmed by it all, but is still tweaking it. Dan plans to continue following its progress and implement it as soon as possible. I have faith that it will work and be completed sometime early in 2010. It will benefit all competitors, and will be an interesting, fact-filled, fun place to visit when it comes on line.

Think of the transition as “business as usual” in the game you’ve grown to love and in which you and many others have a substantial investment in equipment and labor. I simply would not allow anything to endanger the game I love, that WE love, or to interfere with the way we’ve competed since 1998.

I recall the very first thoughts of creating a new game as BR-50 died around us, and wondered what those of us who loved the game would find to do to fill its void. BR-50 had become a raging passion with me and many others like me in 1989, and the thought of suddenly being denied the opportunity to continue shooting benchrest rimfire left me with an emptiness that couldn’t be filled. Many friends had been made during those busy years, and the times were truly golden as we traveled around the country every weekend from place to place to meet and shoot. What a time!

Larry Brown, the irascible, self-billed “inventor” of BR-50 did not hesitate to pat himself on the back at every opportunity for his genius. To his credit, he DID invent a great game. But, many people found him impossible to talk to, to deal with, and ultimately were turned off by his genuine absence of tact and a complete lack of diplomacy. That being said, and for reasons I’ll never understand, he and I got along very well. That is, right up to the end of BR-50. But, in that regard, I was not alone.

Without getting into a complete history of his game, which included centerfire, rimfire and airguns, his real love was the latter, and he flatly told those of us who embraced the rimfire side of it that we were “idiots” for shooting a rimfire rifle when there was a “better technology” that was far superior to the unpredictable, century old rimfire cartridge.

While he was probably technically right, his genius failed to comprehend that statements like those fell onto the ears of most of us who shot rimfire as part of his game, and a full 98 percent of all BR-50 targets that were shot were shot with a .22 rimfire rifle. Consequently, 98 percent of his income revolved around those of us who loved the little rimfire cartridge and the rifles that shot it. To show the shallowness of his thinking, keep in mind that BR-50 was his sole source of income. So, metaphorically speaking, he shot himself in the foot, and it wasn’t with an airgun, because it turned out to be a fatal shot both for him and the fantastic game he invented. He simply didn’t comprehend the consequences of his statements, and they ultimately led to the end of a wonderfully conceived sport.

A lot of history can be written about those golden BR-50 years, and maybe I will do that sometime, or if there is someone out there that wants to take on the task, I can help with some information. I have all my old correspondence with Larry and much of the history is both in my head and in my files.

In 1998, ARA began its first season, and it quickly caught on all across the country. While ARA was ascending, Larry Brown’s game quickly entered a death spiral, crashed and burned with no survivors. And like the legendary Phoenix, from the ashes rose ARA, with its simple rules, a Board of Directors who exhibited flexibility and straightforward thinking and a willingness to listen to the ideas of the everyday competitor and actually implement changes in the rules. ARA caught on, grew quickly and a new game rose to take the place of BR-50. It has flourished since. Unlike BR-50 and Larry Brown, this game will continue, and I think it will continue long into the future.

And how can this piece not include a few words about Polly. Without her, this organization would have folded long ago. Her tenacity, her willingness to spend countless hours at the computer entering scores, solving problems, compiling endless statistics, keeping the schedules updated, assembling the many ARA News newsletters, making constant changes to the ARA website, fielding schedule changes, and always doing so with a cheery voice and a smile, I wish to thank her from the bottom of my heart. She is the one we all owe a deep debt of gratitude for putting up with all she dealt with since she started handling this in 2000. Thanks Polly.

Thanks also to everyone who has had a part in making ARA one of the most popular rimfire benchrest games around. The game is here for you, and although I’m not going to be at the head of the organization any longer, I will be out there with many of you, doing my best to aim for that perfect target. Good luck to you, my friends, and I hope to see you as I travel around to ARA events all over the country.

Macky Locklin
Note from Polly

From the ARA News:
I am also experiencing mixed emotions as we transition ARA over to Dan. Over the past 12 years I have spent quite a lot of time working on ARA. It’s not exactly a “part-time hobby.” More like a full-time job!

Over the years I have become quite fond of not only ARA but all of the competitors as well. It will be hard to let go of my many responsibilities but hey, I’m willing to give it a shot!

There are a lot of moving parts to ARA and I am unable to just walk away cold turkey! I will still be available to help as Dan and Dawn become familiar with the many layers of ARA. Just not on the same 20 to 30 hour a week schedule as before.

As Macky mentioned, Dan has assured us that ARA will remain the same. Just a different contact name, number, and address.

Thank You

Thank you Macky, Polly and the entire board of directors of ARA; Congratulations Dan and Dawn.

Mackay, Polly and the board created and maintained the fairest, simplist, smoothist running and best rimefire game in the world. These people spent the past 13 years working on and improving the ARA until it evolved into the most popular rimfire game in the country. They all gave of their time, money and efforts freely, not for financial gain, but simply for the love of rimfire benchrest shooting. For this they are to be commended. Lastly, they deserve all members heartfelt thanks for ensuring the ARA tradition will be carried on in the same simple no-nonsense fashion that made it Great.

To that end, we should congratulate Dan and Dawn Killough for accepting and agreeing to carry on the same values and traditions that were created by the founders of ARA. There is no doubt these new owners will not only maintain the ARA but will infact bring it to new heights. The founders trust was well placed in the transfer of ownership to the Killough's.

Fred Leeds
Congratulations to Dan and Dawn Killough and all ARA shooters

I speak for all of the 22 shooters in San Angelo when I say, "I have known Dan and Dawn since their first competitive match". I am proud to say I was there. It was at our San Angelo Gun Club. Looking back, we were all beginners together shooting 50/50.

Both Dan and Dawn quickly moved ahead of us on the learning curve and they have never hesitated to show us their best secrets of accuracy shooting. Dawn shot the first 250 at our club. Dan recently confided in me that he loved shooting at any target with competition.

ARA shooters have landed the best the best two leaders for this time I can think of. Their enthusiasm is at a peak. Macky and Polly have led well and chosen well.

Concho Bill
Thank You

Macky and Polly for all the hard work and dedication you've put into this game, hope to see you on the Range sometime this year. Congrats to Dan and Dawn!
Thank You

Macky and Polly:

I just want to thank you for your great leadership and for making ARA the best rimfire game in the business. Your long and tedious hours of "behind the scene work" has m ade ARA what it is today..

And congratulations to Dan and Dawn for the willingness to take over our sport and keep it going.. Thank you.

One question I have is this.. I noticed in Macky's post that the "final" edition of the ARA news is in the mail;.. Does this mean that we will no longer be receiving the ARA News...??

Dave Smith
Thank you to everyone for your compliments. Thank you to Macky, Polly, and the directors of ARA Herb Gibson, Steve Wieck, James Pappas, and Danny Keeney. I appreciate your confidence in Dawn and I, and thank you for your many years of work to get ARA where it is.

The ARA is genius in its simplicity. I would be a fool to come in and make a bunch of changes. Any rule changes will be voted on by the Match Directors just as it has always been done. We will do everything we can to keep ARA the same while helping it to grow. We want to do everything we can to make it easier on match directors as well as keep everyone informed of the latest scores and statistics. This is a great game and we want to keep it that way.

Thank you,
Dan & Dawn Killough
Best of luck to Dan and Dawn.

I know I'm looking forward to the 2010 season.
Dave S.

Hopefully that is not the last edition of the ARA news. The magazine has lost money every year, and the price of printing and shipping keeps going up. It is a tremendous amount of work and by the time you print and ship it, it is already outdated. We are looking at many possibilities. I know it is a money drain, but I still love getting each edition of the ARA News. I read it from cover to cover many times. We will try to get the website going that Macky mentioned so that everyone will be able to see scores and statistics as they are turned in by each match director, and hopefully we can put the ARA news out about 2-3 times per year to re-cap the year and acknowledge the outdoor & indoor nationals champions.

I will keep you informed.
Congrats, to Dan and Dawn. I don't think Macky and polly could have found any better people to take over and run ARA.

Thanks for you reply.. I wish you and Dawn the best kin your new venture and if there is anything I can do to help, in any way, please let me know..

Dave Smith
West Central Florida MD
Dave S.

Hopefully that is not the last edition of the ARA news. The magazine has lost money every year, and the price of printing and shipping keeps going up. It is a tremendous amount of work and by the time you print and ship it, it is already outdated. We are looking at many possibilities. I know it is a money drain, but I still love getting each edition of the ARA News. I read it from cover to cover many times. We will try to get the website going that Macky mentioned so that everyone will be able to see scores and statistics as they are turned in by each match director, and hopefully we can put the ARA news out about 2-3 times per year to re-cap the year and acknowledge the outdoor & indoor nationals champions.

I will keep you informed.

With most of us being computer savvy, what is wrong with using the information super hi-way? Some form like PDF could be used and stored electronically and even printed by those who want to have a paper record. The information could be at least two weeks more current at very little cost.

Concho Bill
CONGRATS to Dan and Dawn! Being new to the game mid last year I was able to shoot only one ARA match last season, but I still remember the friendly,helpful group of shooters at Winter. Regards
Macky, Polly, thanks for all you have done over the years.

Macky, Polly, thanks for all you have done over the years, Simple rules, fun to shoot, great people all around.

I have no idea what you went through trying to build the ARA from the ground up, tweak it and make it grow, but can appreciaite it.

I agree that the ARA, really needs no tweaking on the competetion side...
there are some real oppurtunities to be had, being able to streamline the submission of scores and online results that I know has always been the big dream.
I think Dan and Dawn will eventually be able to fill that dream.

I can understand you being very cautious of who you hand the ARA torch off to, but I believe you have found the right couple to carry that torch, and eventually bring it to the next level, what ever that might be.

In my short two years of enjoying this ARA game it's been a pleasure to get to know Macky and Polly and of course will continue to enjoy visiting with them at the matches here in Texas. They, along with the directors, match directors and everyone who's involved has made this game what it is and I only see a big bright future for I don't think you could get anyone with more vision and drive to continue ARA than Dan and Dawn. Looking forward to 2010 and beyond.

Les Williams
Many Thanks

Since that memorable day in March of 1998 at Dietzville, Dorothy and I have enjoyed the family of ARA. We will continue as long as our health holds up. Thanks to the Board of ARA for making it an enjoyable hobby.

Welcome aboard Dan and Dawn, we support you.

Fred & Dorothy J
Mackey & Polly
I would like to thank you both for the hard work you have done for all of us! You not only ran the best game going but you helped make this world a better place since I started shooting ARA back in 01 I have made alot of new friends and have spent alot of money;) got keep them ammo dealers and hotels going.Seriously thank you all its been a great dealing with you.

I just joined the board due to a conversation about this sport. Spoke to Dan today and ordered some ammo to test along with some targets. Seems like a genuinely nice guy.