Any snow pictures

Picked up an additional 5" yesterday. The temp is currently 2 degrees, light snow, the winds are honking 22-28 mph with occasional gusts pushing 40 mph and the wind chill is -20. Did some early a.m. population control on the rabbits that live under the deck. They thrash my tiger lillies and I've been leanin' on 'em pretty hard with the air rifle.

Todays 'whack' was about 18 yds., pointed nose first into the wind. Hold off was half a bunny length with a Beeman Silver Sting .177 pellet.

Al, that there rifle must have some pretty good foot pounds of recoil with a brake like that on it.............

The closest thing to any warmth this morning is watching the Tournament of Roses parade on the tele. Maybe then a trip out into the world is in order after it...........................
I need one of those sweeeeeeet little guns down here in Texas... I need to WHACK the darn squirrels in the back yard big time... No mater what I do they still find away to piss me off....
Snow Picture

A very interesting picture of the air rifle leaning against the rail. What got my attention was the number of ORBS through out the picture, indicating the enormous amount of energy there when the picture was taken.
Al, another Great picture.

Halo68, Love the Avatar!
The middle picture says it all !!!!
It is 26 here in Dallas this morning with hard frost on the ground.... You might call it Tex-Frost, sort of like Hoar Frost..... Step on the grass and it sounds like rice krispies...... Ha Ha Ha Ha
Nice pictures and album..... Guess you were the pilot and she was the navigator...So that looks like there will be lot of run - off in the spring... Man that was alot of snow.....Looks like some of it is ready to slide down the mountains...

Great pictures !!!!
I rent the club plane, a 1960's C172. Kyrie looks out windows and I make sure I don't fly in somewhere that I'll have a hard time turning out of. But up that high you're level with most of the peaks. Most of that was at about 7000' if I was another 1000 higher it's like that as far as you can see. White up there all year, just not that much of it. A local ski mountain, Mt Washington on Vancouver island just up from where Dennis lives has a mid mountain base of 16'. I think that would be at measured at about 4500'

Thats awesome !!! For being a 1960 model it looks pretty darn clean and nice...Bet that is very relaxing but I'm sure the weather could change at anytime. Thanks for posting the pictures and album.. For sure it is one of Gods best kept areas of wilderness...

I don't ski but put me on a 4-wheeler or snowmobile and you won't see me till it's time for dinner......