Any snow pictures

Here's one from the other day shooting to 300....

Looks like you guys have already opened your presents this morning and are on the computer like me.....Hope you get to go play in the snow... We just have cloudy skies, windy, wet and 37 deg with a wind chill in the 20's.....
Caught this one a couple of weeks ago, just before sunrise. When there's a lot of ice in the atmosphere we get what are called 'sun dogs'....light rays refracted through the ice crystals. A single sun dog like this one happens when the sun is still below the horizon. The colors were incredible and lasted only 3-4 minutes before the sun crested the horizon and the sun dogs split to either side of 'Ol Sol.

We get some amazing colors here at sunrise and sunset, but this!

Thanks Dave.... We lost power for 1-1/2 days because of the weight of the snow Dallas got on tree limbs.. I went thru the firewood for sure...

Hope you are having a very nice Christmas day
Wow nice catch of the Sun dog.

Doug you mention loss of power. At about 7:15 as I was leaving my parents farm the lights flicked about 8 times and went out. It is 9:15 I am back at home in Brandon 80 miles away and they still are without. You know all that Hoar Frost, as pretty as things end up looking it wreaks havoc on the power grids. I saw another spot where power was just about to go where the connection was arcing like a arc welder.

Here is a few pics from the trip to the farm and at the farm.


Hoar frost on some trees.


Little friend living in tunnels under the snow that is against the side of the house.


Here is the entrance to the little squirrel cave in the banks adjacent the house.

The birds are well fed all winter. They usually go throw about 10+ grain sacs of sunflower seeds. This translates into the squirrels as well and a few HUGE raccoons.

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These have been some really great pictures of snow, critters, sun-dogs and hoar frost...Looks like everyone pretty well has gotten there share of it already this year....

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and now it's time to take the Mrs. out for the day after shopping...... I know I know what your thinking "Man your crazy"" but it's a 2 way street...She gets daddy to take her out shopping and have lunch and Daddy gets to open the sinclair bible... Pretty good trade off for me... We always need brass, bullets, primers, powder....

Keep the pictures coming and it will soon be time to wish everybody a Happy New Years...
Here's one out my back door from a couple of Winters back. The surface of the deck is 30" above the ground, so that gives some idea how high the drifts are. 24 hours before this, we'd been sipping adult beverages on a gorgeous stretch of beach just North of Belize. Reality check......;)


This is the same view, last year. I hoped that once a few houses were built behind us, they would block the NW winds a bit and reduce the drifting against our deck. Not so much......:( :D


Olive loves the snow and asks only for a clear spot to do her business.
Floors Above Unheated Spaces RSI-4.0 (R-28) This would be say a cab over style house where there is say a bedroom above a unheated garage.
Walls Above Grade RSI-3.5 (R-20)
Roofs (Attics) RSI-8.8 (R-50) Some people may lay R-20 fiberglass bats between trusses and then blow in insulation.
Roofs (Sloped Ceilings) RSI-4.9 (R-28)

I think a bigger factor is how WELL the house is sealed around the windows, doors and how well the vapor barrier is installed and sealed.
Wife said there was ice in the Trailblazer this morning. I took her word for it, as I stayed in bed till it melted. So much for South Texas Weather.
Eau Claire National Rifle Club is pretty much closed because of snow right now.


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