Any snow pictures

Doug Penttinen

Anybody have current snow pictures of there ranges or area they want to share with the benchrest world....

All we have here in Dallas so far is rain and cold...
I went shooting this morning and i wish i would have had a camera with me. The snow was falling straight down and it was really serene. I didnt even have to set out any wind flags as i could see the snow gently sway left and right. it was picture perfect. I wish i had taken more ammo with me as i really didnt want to leave. I have been testing a new 17 twist 30cal Brux barrel and i think i have a real winner on my hands! What a day! I needed a day like this too! Merry Christmas fellas!! Lee
Okay I just shot a few of these for you guys who do not ahve the pleasure of snow for a MERRY CHRISTMAS.




They may not be perfect but it finally feels like Christmas. The Hoar Frost just sets things off.

Merry Christmas to all my shooting friends around the world.

I don't have any snow pictures all we have left is frozen slush and mud but I got this email from a friend and I think he is pulling my leg....

"Well, I just talked to a friend of mine in Minneapolis. He said that since early this morning, all his wife has done is look through the kitchen window and the snow is nearly waist high. He said if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in.... "

Merry Christmas!!!
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Ahhhhh, a Minn'desoda joke.... gottalivvit!!!

Now THAT'S the Spirit Of Winter right thar right thar...

You want snow
Picture #3 my truck after 2 days and 1 night, same for picture #10


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WOW you boys across the big north border sure have the white stuff for sure... I'm sure we will get some but probably not like what we had last Jan...But again you never know about Texas weather..It changes faster than any wind flag I have ever seen
We got 3" last night and another light dusting of 2" today. It was a beautiful snowfall..thick, wet and soft with barely enough wind to raise the down on a maidens cheek. A perfect Christmas snow.

Out my front door:


We had a little more last year.

Here's a couple from today.


Over 8".........still coming down.

Hoar frost....moisture frozen on trees, ect....probably from high humidity, we've been seeing quite a bit lately. Makes for some awesome scenery, espically in the morning.

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Interesting, the only thing we ever called hoar frost was when the ground froze in such a way that it "lifted" like hair ('hoar' transliterates as hair) sometimes to the ht of an inch or two. When you walked acros't it you left deeply indented footprints and the crunch was like sand on glass.

We're all got it right.

Definitions of hoarfrost on the Web:

•frost: ice crystals forming a white deposit (especially on objects outside)

•Dew-drops which have undergone deposition and frozen into ice crystals to form a white deposit on an exposed surface, when the air is cold and moist

•A deposit of ice crystals formed in the same manner as dew except that the temperature of the objects on which it forms must be below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and the dew point temperature of the air must also be below the freezing mark.
Sorry, not current, but when you live in south Georgia you have to "savor" snow for a while :D. Here is a photo of the range at Dublin earlier this year.


For about 2 weeks we had snow on the ground at my house in PA. Not nearly as much as some of the photos above, but snow anyhow, and it was cold. Thankfully that's gone now and we're back to normal. Some big storms have missed us here and for that I'm thankful. I can do without 10" of snow a week for 3 mo. btdt.
Many years ago in a land far away, Vernal, Utah actually. I was there in Feburary. I awoke one morning to find hoare frost on everyting. Being from Oklahoma, I hardly knew what to think. It was beautiful. Everything, trees, fences, etc was covered in it. I bet it was at least 1" long. Have never seen it since and that was about 1972 or so.

I live about 25 miles south of Eggman (Rodney)

Here's what we had this Christmas morning!!

Click to enlarge
