Action choices for hunter benchrest



Hello, all I am new to this forum . I was wondering what opinions you guys had on a custom action for a 30 br . rifle to compete in score shoots. We (the wife and I )are going to bob whites shop in NJ This coming weekend and I would like to get some feedback before I go. Thanks, John
If your talking hunter or varmint hunter class----

Real men (and proper ladies) use accurized factory actions (i.e.Rem. 700) like the founders of the game intended.

----Just the opinion of an old-schooler who can't shoot for _ _ _ _, but has fun trying.
Started shooting benchrest last year with a used LV gun in 6PPC. That's my entire benchrest battery. I also have an old rifle in .219 Donaldson Wasp built on a 98 Mauser action with a 24X Unertl scope on it. Would that qualify for Hunter benchrest?
when considering your purchase keep in mind that most competitors have more than one gun usually at least two and more. The reasoning behind this is that one is used for local shoots and then when the competition "heats" up such as state and national championship they'll bring out their "ace-in the hole". Guy's that can really shoot can damn near win with a beater it's a fact and they have done so maybe just to prove a point, but they usually got a fresh one in the safe for the big shoots !
If you can afford - - -

The cost and the wait, a BAT is, in my opinion, the very best of what is available. I have had all of them and the BAT, by far, is the smoothest and was the best shooting HBR rifle I have owned to date. I foolishly sold it because I wanted to switch to RRR's

I currently have two Stillers, a Kodiak, a Rimrock and a Remington, which was my first HBR rifle. While the other actions are perfectly servicable, they ain't BATS !
If your talking hunter or varmint hunter class----

Real men (and proper ladies) use accurized factory actions (i.e.Rem. 700) like the founders of the game intended.

----Just the opinion of an old-schooler who can't shoot for _ _ _ _, but has fun trying.

And LH, I would bet you might find it interesting and maybe even a bit more competitive if you would step up to a custom action. Come on out of the Dark Ages and play w/ the rest of the Benchrest Community.
a well accurized and blueprinted Rem 700 will shoot just as well as the custom actions. The same competitors who may be shooting one of the "custom" actions currently, I'll bet started out with a Rem 700 and upgraded from there and probably have a Rem 700 ready to go in a pinch if need be in their safe as a back-up. Alot of the overall outcome, has to do with the "nut behind the butt". Deep pockets and an understanding wife helps too :rolleyes:
An Understqanding Wife - - -

Here's a tip: Paint your rifles all the same color, that way she will always be "Understanding"! ;)
If your talking hunter or varmint hunter class----

Real men (and proper ladies) use accurized factory actions (i.e.Rem. 700) like the founders of the game intended.

----Just the opinion of an old-schooler who can't shoot for _ _ _ _, but has fun trying.

Until Y2K, at the NBRSA Hunter Nationals, at Casper, Wyoming, I would have been in this camp - believing that custom actions were "sacring off" new shooters . . . then, after the show was over, upon perusing the equipment list I discovered that I was one of only three or four individuals who used rifles based upon non-custom actions - there were 106 competitors! :eek: Those of us who were shooting trued Rems. were all dinosaurs!:D That was pretty much the end of my trued action days . . . Occassionally, I shoot one of the old 700s - just to proove that they will shoot - but it isn't as much fun as running a nice shiny custom deal!:D The elusive "dot" (0.0625" diameter X-ring") doesn't care whether the fatal hit came from a barrel hanging from a custom action, or a trued 700 - I've yet to see an action tune a rifle, dope contitions, or execute a perfect shot . . . I've completely changed my position on this issue: purchase one of the custom actions and don't look back! Keep 'em ON the X! RG
An interesting thought - - -

I never see an abundance of HBR rifles for sale, even the trued Remingtons. I know that I will probably have my Remington until I am done shooting. It shoots as well as my custom actions but it ain't a BAT either nor is it , in any way, as nice as any the costom actions I have. I drive around in old used cars but I have pretty rifles; just one of those things I guess but my rifles will always be worth nearly what I have in them as long as they are well maintained. My motor vehicles, on the other hand - - - -
Hello, all I am new to this forum . I was wondering what opinions you guys had on a custom action for a 30 br . rifle to compete in score shoots. We (the wife and I )are going to bob whites shop in NJ This coming weekend and I would like to get some feedback before I go. Thanks, John

Hunter Class in either organization can not be a 30BR the case is not big enough to meet case capacity requirement. In IBS a Var Hunter can be a 30 BR

For Varmint for score you can legally use almost any action in existence as long as it operates safely and can make weight.

would the new

6.5 x 47 necked up to 30 make it. that would seem like the easiest way to get good brass now days.
6.5 x 47 necked up to 30 make it. that would seem like the easiest way to get good brass now days.

Jerry, lots of Hunter Benchrest competitors are doing just that. The 6.5X47 Lapua necked to .30 offers great brass, reamer dimensions that are well worked out, off-the-shelf dies that are inexspensive and a HBR-legal case capacity that works with a bunch of great powder/bullet combos from the 112's to the 'Flying Ashtray' 150 gr. wadcutters. :D -Al
6.5 x 47 necked up to 30 make it. that would seem like the easiest way to get good brass now days.

Jerry, I have a 30 BR in a Viper action, can this action eject a loaded 6.5x47?
Come to tink of it, I can check it whit a 22-250 case and a long bullet(of course no primer, no powder) at the same AOL as the 6.5X47 factory ammo.
What do you think?

If you are going to build a NBRSA or IBS Hunter Class rifle the three most common actions used are Kodiak, Rattler, and BAT; in that order. The most popular for new rifles being built are Stiller Rattler and BAT. You can win with any of the three. Do not waste your money or time with a Rem 700. You will spend just about as much on a Rem action rifle as a custom action rifle and in the end you will still have a Rem action rifle.

Starting out you do not need or want more that on rifle. Spend your time learning how to shoot one rifle. Trying to practice and compete with multiple rifles can be counterproductive, especially if they are different chamberings.

Look at the names of the posters responding to your question; only take advice fron the ones who actually shoot HBR. The others may lead you down the wrong path.

Paul O'Neal