8208 brx, not there yet

One thing about carbon on your necks. It should look like a sine wave around the neck when in tune. Also, if you pay attention, you will notice that the sine wave will line up with the lands and grooves of the barrel.

Guys, this new stuff isn't going to shoot as fast as the top loads of V133. Matter of fact the V133 doesn't shoot that fast for long, then we go to twisting knobs (powder measures and tuners).

Stuff it in a 6BR if you want to shoot XBR that fast. In the PPC it shoots pretty good at the old speeds benchresters shot T and GI322, around 3150-3250 fps.

Will it agg? Few of the top shooters have yet tried that just yet. If they had to do without V133 then they would make it shoot top aggs.

I am hoping that it will shoot in the lower velocities.

What I am NOT wanting is to have to dig carbon, and what ever, out of the barrel after every group.

I guess we have been spoiled by shooting 133 in that upper window, were it burns so darned clean it is almost scary. It is nice to not have to worry that much about fowling.

We have the Gulf Coast Region Unlimited and HV Two Gun Championships this week end at Tomball. A front has come through, the weather is going to be "Chamber of Commerce" quality, 70 degrees and low humidity.

That means 133, and lots of it..........jackie
Guys, this new stuff isn't going to shoot as fast as the top loads of V133. Matter of fact the V133 doesn't shoot that fast for long, then we go to twisting knobs (powder measures and tuners).

Stuff it in a 6BR if you want to shoot XBR that fast. In the PPC it shoots pretty good at the old speeds benchresters shot T and GI322, around 3150-3250 fps.

Will it agg? Few of the top shooters have yet tried that just yet. If they had to do without V133 then they would make it shoot top aggs.

I don't know Jerry, from the little I've used it in my ppc it did'nt start shooting well till 3450fps. HBN coated 68 Ultras. Seems to zip along for me.
Freely admit I haven't done extensive testing though. Got other fish to fry at the moment.
8208 BRX,not there yet

I have started testing some.
Ist the powder i received from ron at hodgdon
29gr shot really well.
I just shot the new lot i bought in 8lb jugs Lot #4773
Same load of 29grs with a 68 bullet both shot really well putting 3 or 4 into a zero. The shots out were my fault.
It looks like a winner to me. I'll know more after i put up some screens and check some higher loads. Going up so far has made the groups bigger.
I tried 30Gr and it was worse. It was a tough day to test but 29grs looks pretty good even in the wind. The tems were in the mid 50 deg range and up to 62+ degrees.
I thought Lou Murdica shot it for a whole season?

Lou may have shot the XBR exclusively in the 2009 season.

I know for fact that Jim Carmichel shot it in all the big shoots, SS, IBS and NBRSA. His winnings include the HV200 and HV Grand at the IBS Nationals.

The load he shot was 31.0 grains that chronographed at 3340 fps on the very accurate chronigraphing equipment in Hodgdon's lab. I put much more faith in Hodgdon's laboratory equipment than I would in one of these $69 shirt pocket gizzies.
8208 BRX,not there yet

I haven't got that high yet.
We all know barrels and chambers are different creating different pressures.
I know Hodgdon has the best equipment.
Of couse the air is quite dense here as compaired to the western states.
Its quite damp also, I hopeing the weather will get a little better for more
testing. So far from what i see i looks like its going to be a real winner.
8208XBR vs N-133, Plus More

Here is some information that I think you guys might find interesting.

I have shot N-133 for years at an average of 29.2 grs. Since N-133 can be "difficult," I was anxious to try some of the new 8208XBR, and purchased lots 4736 and 4798. N-133 at 29.2 grs comes halfway up the neck in my 6 PPC. It took 31.2 grs. of both lots of XBR to come to the same level, which means load density of both lots was identical.

Next, I chronographed each, and the velocities were as follows:

N-133 @ 29.2 grs. = average 3340 fps
Lot 4736 @ 31.2 grs. = average 3371 fps
Lot 4798 @ 31.2 grs. = average 3393 fps

The temperature was a steady 55 degrees with 50% humidity.

Even with "untuned" loads of 8208XBR, I got less vertical and better groups than with N-133 right off the bat. Of the XBR loads, lot 4798 produced tighter groups than 4736. Even the primers looked better with the extra XBR than with N-133.

My second trip to the range was to chronograph 5-shot groups of Lot 4798 only, because it shot the best above. Temps this day were 55-65 degrees with humidity 48-43%. Results were:

Grp. # 1 of 30.0 grs. = average velocity 3170 fps
Grp. # 2 of 30.3 grs. = 3207
Grp. # 3 of 30.6 grs. = 3268
Grp. # 4 of 30.9 grs. = 3279
Grp. # 5 of 31.2 grs. = 3325

Can't explain why 31.2 grs. produced 3325 on a bit warmer day than 31.2 grs. at 3393 fps on a little cooler day. Anyway, the groups were ok and I think the best load is somewhere between 30.9 and 31.2 grs. Next trip to the range will be to nail down a tune...for that day, anyway.

Just thought I'd throw this in for discussions sake.


Have you shot the 31.1-31.2 XBR node when it was 80+ degrees, it seems I remember you talking about it at one time or another. My testing has shown this node to have big window, and velocity of 3440 fps at 73 degrees(hottest that Ive been able to test).
in a 6mmBR.....

My F-Class guns (3 of them) are all 6mmBR. Two Remington 700's and one Savage LRPV. One remington loves VV 550 and the other tow love VARGET.

I just got and started testing 8208 brx. The one Remington I have tested it in shoots 8208 better than the VARGET. Extreme spreads have been 7 fps or less with 5-shot groups averaging .25 MOA at 100 yards. The loading was 29 grains as heavier loadings exhibited excessive pressures but still shot very accurately. Velocities with 29 gr. average 2953 fps with a 105 grain Berger BT bullet jumped .020" in Lapua cases with Wolf SRM primers. Temperature was 45-50 degrees.

This weekend the temperature should be 70 or slightly more and I will test at 600 yards if the weather permits.

I am VERY encouraged with lot 4798.


I had the the same experience in my 6br 1in8, I shoot a 108 berger on top of 31.1 gr of XBR right at 3000 fps, but I have not been able to test my BR or PPC at temps at or over 80 yet. Hopefully the 6BR will hold at higher temps, and hopefully that 31.1 node in the PPC will hold too. Its kinda wierd though, Im shooting the same amount of powder in my fast twist BR and and my PPC.

My F-Class guns (3 of them) are all 6mmBR. Two Remington 700's and one Savage LRPV. One remington loves VV 550 and the other tow love VARGET.

I just got and started testing 8208 brx. The one Remington I have tested it in shoots 8208 better than the VARGET. Extreme spreads have been 7 fps or less with 5-shot groups averaging .25 MOA at 100 yards. The loading was 29 grains as heavier loadings exhibited excessive pressures but still shot very accurately. Velocities with 29 gr. average 2953 fps with a 105 grain Berger BT bullet jumped .020" in Lapua cases with Wolf SRM primers. Temperature was 45-50 degrees.

This weekend the temperature should be 70 or slightly more and I will test at 600 yards if the weather permits.

I am VERY encouraged with lot 4798.

I have been following this thread for sometime, I think there is some great information in it. I tried the XBR yesterday, and so far I am impressed with it. I like how it fills the case, and I learned something, On my Harrell's measure, I been able to cut fairly consistent charges, I use to go slow on the upstroke filling the cavity, ad then let the powder drop. I found out that if I slowly let the powder drop, the powder would fill the case better, and left more room. (I am using a 10 inch drop tube.) I found with 3.1. gr that dropping the powder slow it would fill the case up just past the shoulder and start up into the neck, If I drop it fast it would fill the neck almost to the top.

(Beside my newbie find,) I was wondering if there was any more information on this new powder? I can say that I did not find it to be any dirtier than H322.
IMR 8208 xbr in 80 degree temperature

We have a Regional Mid Range Match this Friday in Memphis, TN. The high is forecast to be 80 degrees. I will be shooting my 6mmBR with 29 grains of 8208 and a 105 gr Berger BT. It has been VERY accurate out at 600yards (2.5"- 3" horizontally and 1.5" vertically with no wind flags but light winds) and pressures look OK.

I will see what happens and report. (BTW, I have a box of the old standard VARGET loads packed if things get out of hand with the 8208 xbr.)

I was able to get to the range for a couple of hours very early this morning to test a new barrel. Used XBR vs. my good 'ole 8208 (Lowell's bullets in a Krieger; both powders had the same seating depth). Weather was 45 degrees, 58% humidity. Glad I had my lot of pulldown 8208 or the barrel could have been in the tomato stake pile. Could not get XBR to group at 30.6 or 31.4. Did not have time to do much beyond that. With the vintage powder I was getting 5-shot mid ones (smaller for 3 shot ladder testing). With XBR, just some ugly looking high threes in no condition.

This, of course, proves nothing although I think I could have made even 133 shoot better than the XBR! :D. Having said all this, at a winter league match in January XBR looked really good. Maybe by this fall we will have collectively figured out if XBR works, or works only in certain atmospheric conditions.

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Here are three 4-shot groups with varying charges of XBR. It has also worked well in my 6 Dasher with 32.0 grains behind a 106 Clinch River VLD bullet. James


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I have lot #4773 and have shot about 1/2 lb so far. And so far I am not greatly impressed. This is not a loadum up and shootum powder. In fact the only difference I see in it (XBR) and Benchmark is that XBR is about 1.2 or so grains slower in a 6ppc.
