7wsm vs 6x47L


Active member
I have narrowed down my choices for a 1000 yard benchrest rifle rig to a 7wsm or a 6x47L. I didnt know if you could compare these two chambering as to what chambering the most inherently accurate? Recoil is a factor but i have plenty Things are good with my neck now, but i sure dont want to get it all out of wack again!! Is the 7wsm really that bad? I have never fired one. Thanks Lee
I think the 7 wouldn't be bad with a muzzle brake, however I hear it's a real barrel burner. I have heard that as little as 700 rounds and it has gone south. :eek:
7mm Rem Mag

The 7mm rem mag would be a better choice over the 7mm WSM, because of the barrel life. Plus, my 7 Rem Mags, kick less than the 7WSM ever did. I found that after 450 rounds that the 7WSM was pretty much done. And another plus is that you can find more options of makes of brass for the 7mm Rem Mag.
If you still want to go with the 7WSM, I have a reamer, used once that I will sell for about half price, made by Dave Kiff. And dies come to think of it,(Redding).

The 7mm rem mag would be a better choice over the 7mm WSM, because of the barrel life. Plus, my 7 Rem Mags, kick less than the 7WSM ever did. I found that after 450 rounds that the 7WSM was pretty much done.

How do you account for that short barrel life ? Can you give more detail like what bullet and powder you were using ?

Have you tried just a 284 ?

I have both. I shoot the 7WSM at 1,000 yards and in Palma matches (800, 900, and 1,000) and the 6x47L at 600 yards. There is a significant recoil differernce between the two based on the fact that one shoots (at least in my case) a 180 gran bullet at roughly 3,000 fps and the other a 115 grain bullet at the same or slightly higher velocity.

I'll not ventrue too far into the accuracy discussion, as people tend to have their own idea of what is acceptable. I shoot F-Class which I AGREE is clearly NOT benchrest. I shoot for score, not group size.

My F-Class open rig recently retired its first barrel (Kreiger 9 twist) at 1,684 rounds through the barrel. Yes, it died an ugly death on the last relay of a match and it cost me dearly in that match. But, it shoot far longer and better than I ever thought it would. Ultimately, I decided to shoot it until it died just to see how far it would go. I'm sticking with it because it gives me a large margin for error with the wind.

To me everything over 1,000 rounds was gravy.


I tried as far as powders go, N165, H4831, H1000 and Retumbo. My target speed was 2950. I was using 210 primers and finding no pressure. The first barrel had just over 600 rounds through when I decided to go to a 600 yard match in Dec. 2005. I loaded up enough rounds on already fire formed cases and went to the match. I asked a friend to watch where my first shot went as I was coming up from a 200 yard zero from the day before. I added 10 minutes to the scope and watched the vapor trail draw a straight line to the target with what seemd no arc. It got there a whole lot faster than 2950. I didn't shoot anything smaller than 6 inches that day. Not very good. A couple of days later I started looking into what was causing the high speed that I chronographed, ( over 3200 fps), and found that I could not seat the bullet out far enough to touch the lands.
The following weekend I took the gun down to Clay Spencer to get him to rebarrel the gun. We bore scoped the gun and found that the throat was eroded over 8 inches.
We decided that a new barrel was in order, DUH! Also, found that my existing reamer was not in the best of shape after being used once. The previous smith had somehow put a bend in it or it was defective from the get go. I don't know which. But we ordered another from Dave Kiff and Clay installed another barrel after doing a couple of other things to the reciever.
When I got the gun back, I quickly found a load that shot to my satisfaction and proceeded to shoot the gun in the matches. When the time came to get ready for the 2006 World Open in Pa., I rechecked the seating depth and found that I had to extend the seater out in the die to where I had one thread left before it came out of the die. My round count at that point was just under 450 rounds. Myself and another shooter shot the gun, competitively that weekend, but I spoke with other guys shooting the same cartridge, and found that I was not the only one with the same conclusion. One guy told me that he set his barrel back evry 400 rounds.
I went back to Clay the following week and he ask me what was wrong with the gun, and I told him that it needed a bigger hole down the barrel. The gun has been a 300 WSM ever since. I have a HG in 300 WSM that had over 4500 rounds on the barrel and was still very competitive when I told Clay to put another barrel on that.
In closing, it is my determination that the 7mm WSM is very overbore. If I had the money and time, I would shorten the case, and try again, but the 7mm Rem Mag is doing all I want with the 180 Berger, except I would like to see 2000+ rounds out of the barrel before replacement, instead of around 1200.
I get well over 2200 out of my 300 Win Mags, and I am very happy with the 300 WSM.
And, no I have never tried the 284 Win. case, but I do not see why it won't work.
I feel that as tight as money is these days, you need to get all you can out of the various components that we use in this game.

Sorry to be so long winded, but I studied this for a while because of my ultimate dissapointment in the case, after having very high hopes.

On the other side I have some very nice dies and a reamer for sale cheap:D

In closing, it is my determination that the 7mm WSM is very overbore. If I had the money and time, I would shorten the case, and try again,
On the other side I have some very nice dies and a reamer for sale cheap:D

Thanks for the info - have been thinking that the 7WSM was overbore and have plans to do a a 284 to see if it would push the 180 fast enough. I do have that short 7wsm reamer as well - and will try that as configuration as well. I just need to get one more barrel to do so.

Thanks Jerry


Don Nagel shoots a 284 Shehane and is doing very well with it this year. He just won a big F Class match in Wisconsin with what amounts to his LG. He had it at Whitehorse the weekend prior to Wisconsin and had it shooting very well.


Don Nagel shoots a 284 Shehane and is doing very well with it this year. He just won a big F Class match in Wisconsin with what amounts to his LG. He had it at Whitehorse the weekend prior to Wisconsin and had it shooting very well.


So how is the barrel ware how may rounds thru it - is it going south like the 7WSM ?
Would have to ask

Would have to ask him,but I would guestimate that barrel life is pretty good seeing how you are only putting 50 odd grains of powder in the case. That's quite a bit less then the 7WSM.

In the larger 7mm's in my tests Retumbo has been the most severe in the barrel wear stakes of any powder previously tested.. If i had another cartridge that was a perfect match for Retumbo's burning then i would simply change to another case rather than get that sort of erosion ..JR..Jeff Rogers

Don Nagel shoots a 284 Shehane and is doing very well with it this year. He just won a big F Class match in Wisconsin with what amounts to his LG. He had it at Whitehorse the weekend prior to Wisconsin and had it shooting very well.


Any idea what velocity can be expected from a .284 Shehane and a 180gr class bullet?
Thanks fellas for all the readings. I have decided to go with the 6x47L.. I have issues with recoil from a long history of shotgunning. I even put a brake on the 6x47L. I went with a 7.5 twist hoping the 115's would do the trick. Now i need to decide whether to go with the Berger 115's or the tubb 115's?? Thanks Lee
284 Shehane Velocities with Berger 180

Troy G
I have done some testing with several powders and I have seen 3000fps with N560 and the naked Berger 180 VLD jammed .015 into the lands. No pressure signs and QuickLoad says that this is just below maximum pressure, but I didn't go higher because the vertical was starting to open up and the case was full. My barrel is a Krieger 31" straight 1.250 1:9 twist on an F-Class gun. The accuracy node seems to be around 2950 to 2975fps.
Thanks for the replies.

Good to see that a 2950-3000fps accuracy node is achievable without running really high pressure. In a 28" barrel I hope to be around the 2950 fps range to justify building one over a 6.5/.284 and gain some advantage ballistically and see some barrel life improvement.
I try to help...

... when I can. I have had a great deal of fun and pleasure in this game and I try to repay for the help given to me over the last 10 years or so. If it had not been for guys smarter than me, or the ones that had been there & done it, I would still be trying to figure out certain things.
These little tidbits most likely saved me a few thousand $. And I would hate to see someone else go through what I did with the 7 WSM, without a little warning.

...it is my determination that the 7mm WSM is very overbore. If I had the money and time, I would shorten the case, and try again, but the 7mm Rem Mag is doing all I want with the 180 Berger, except I would like to see 2000+ rounds out of the barrel before replacement, instead of around 1200...

You are saying that your 7mm Rem Mag is better on barrels than the WSM. Isn't the older case greater in powder capacity? Is there also something about the shape of the WSM case which causes more throat erosion?

F class

Hey i was wounding if yous new anybody wanting to sell an f class rifle i an new to the sport and looking to buy one