100 yd golf ball



I was wondering how challenging a golf ball size target would be to hit at 100 yds for you guys with the more premium quality rifles. Been thinking about putting together a fun match
That's about right for the target. How big would the bull be?
Thanks for reply. This would be a reactive target. So hit or miss only. 2 classes. Unlimited and stock. Factory rifle costing 600 dollars or less.
fun match

I was wondering how challenging a golf ball size target would be to hit at 100 yds for you guys with the more premium quality rifles. Been thinking about putting together a fun match
We are going to be putting on a similar match at our club this spring. The other thing we will try is using a slightly easier target for the novice first-time shooter. It really helps if you have a spotter or at least a way to telling where your shots are going. We have seen people who are missing and they don't have a clue where their shots are going so they get very frustrated and give up.
What do you think about a golf ball for the target. A spotter is a great idea. I have shot some silhouette so I know what you mean. I was also thinking about a closer target for beginners

What do you think about a golf ball for the target. A spotter is a great idea. I have shot some silhouette so I know what you mean. I was also thinking about a closer target for beginners
We have thought about all the possibilities. A novice still likes to feel he is competing with everyone else. If you are giving awards or scoring then how do you compare scores? So, we decided the same distance and the same scoring just a slightly larger target. We need to keep it simple with the least amount of set-up time and scoring. We don't want to be going down range and re-setting targets all the time. That's one of the things that killed silhouette with us. It really is a lot of fun.
I shoot in a long range silhouette match. They use 3/8 scale targets. Link below. For breaking ties they have been using std rimfire 1/5 scale targets at the end of the ram line [ 188 meters ]. 2 pigs, 2 turkeys, 4 chickens. Hitting 2 or 3 of the chickens is pretty common for the better shooters. They are probably close to the size of a golf ball.

Now that being said, due to the design of the target stands it is possible to bounce the bullet into the target so if you make your target holder so this is impossible it will make it a bit more difficult to hit the golf ball at 100 yds.

If you make the target stand with a vertical 'fence' just in front of the ball holder you could then make the ball holder adjustable somehow so that you could hide a portion of the ball behind the fence to increase the difficulty. Maybe make the first few balls stand above the fence and make the last ones so that less of the ball is showing.

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We used to do egg shoots for the kids at 50 yards, golf balls at 100 for the adults. Kids loved to explode an egg when they hit it. Just put a dab of glue on a piece of string and put it on the egg the night before.
. It really helps if you have a spotter or at least a way to telling where your shots are going. We have seen people who are missing and they don't have a clue where their shots are going so they get very frustrated and give up.

A spotter is important.

What kind of sighter arrangement ?
Please post the match schedule for some of us "semi-locals". Where will it be held?

Good shooting!:D
considering the fact that a few friends and I shoot golfballs at 50yds with a pistol 100 yds with a rifle should not be too difficult.
Get a bag of tootsie pops. They are about the same size as a golf ball and will crack apart when you hit it. Dumdum suckers are a little smaller if you want a little more challange. Just rig up a board with drilled holes for the sticks and your set to go.
This is a thought on a fun match. I just moved to New Mexico from Colorado and the club I will be joining does not have any rimfire matches to my knowledge. So I will post and let you guys know if I get the match up and going. I appreciate all the ideas. I thought we would run 10 balls for score in 5 min with a total of 100 shots. with a sighter target on paper (basically circles same size as ball) next to the bank of real targets. I have also thought of silhouette animals all the size of a chicken. I would want the match to be challenging enough that a perfect score 100 would be very difficult but could be accomplished. Kind of like a 40 in a Silhouette match.
Egg shoots..

Go to this site and read up. Pretty close idea to what has been posted.
I have taken part in it for the past few years. Centerfire shoots 200 and 300 yards. Rimfire 100 yards, 9x scope max. 3 sets of 5 eggs each, 10 shots per set max. Person with the most eggs broken and least number of shots wins. No wind flags have ever been out, I don't know if allowed or not. I shoot this event with a Ruger 77/17 in .17 HMR.
match schedule

Please post the match schedule for some of us "semi-locals". Where will it be held?

Good shooting!:D
Our matches are are the Albany Rifle and Pistol Club in Oregon. We shoot the fourth Sat. of the month beginning in April. Our web site is www.arpc.info.

crb, That range of yours is very nice. What a great silhouette set up!

We like to put at least several hundred rounds down range for score so paper punching is still our game. That would be a whole bunch of suckers for our shooters. We just are not going with a sanctioned program. Also, we will be shooting 50 yd and 100 yd rimfire targets. There is a a range rule that only allows us to shoot on targets posted on the frames so bouncing golf balls around is not going to work. Agree it it is an easy target that is why shooting for score at a bulls-eye target separates the shooters from the plinkers.
At our local weekly Silhouette matches we started a fun shoot at a ping pong ball at 100M. Made a rod like an upside down 'L' and ran a fine wire from the outer end to a ping pong ballm or small foam ball hanging about a foot down from the rod. Everyone put in a buck and the one that hit it got the pot. Now shooting off hand you would think the pot would grow but someone usually won it every week. :)

It was a lot of fun and everyone usually tried it after watching.
What do you think about a golf ball for the target. A spotter is a great idea. I have shot some silhouette so I know what you mean. I was also thinking about a closer target for beginners

I believe golf balls would not be such a SAFE target as when the bullet hits the ball it will not penetrate, it will ricochet. I was nearly hit by a ricochet when someone shot at a bowling pin at 100 yards and the bullet came back and hit the post next to me. I said something to the guy shooting the 10/22 and he said I was full of crap. As I was packing up my gear he was still banging away at the bowling pins and all of a sudden I hear a bullet hit the garbage can right next to where he was sitting. He looked at me and shrugged. I told the range officer and then left.

just my 2 cents...but let me know if you ever come to a club near me and shoot at golf balls as I will leave immediately and you can have the range all to your self :D
I was wondering how challenging a golf ball size target would be to hit at 100 yds for you guys with the more premium quality rifles. Been thinking about putting together a fun match

Not very. In schuetzen the 100 yd target has a 3/4" bull. Perfect scores are shot frequently. 249s out of 250 can be good for 3rd place or worse.

Shooting golf balls with .22 is likely to result in bullets leaving the range.