100 yd golf ball

Those Schuetzen Shooters always amaze me. I agree, they shoot 3/4 inch groups at 100 yds. frequently.

And don't forget how they have to do it.
No tuners are allowed.
One piece rest are not allowed.
At a lot of the events I've been to there were no flags.
And no Bolt Actions are allowed.

They do all this at 100 yds, like you said a 249 out of 250 on there 3/4 inch target may give you only a third place. And there doing it with old High Walls, Ruger # 1's, and other actions from days gone by.

Those Schuetzen guys are just amazing when it comes to shooting 22's at 100 yds and I've seen a lot of there scores and groups that were under 3/4 inch, some were under 1/2 inch.
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We do like our old .22s. And they are no slouches for accuracy, but I don't know how well they compare to the benchresters here. I would like to see someday, but I don't shoot this game. As a schuetzen shooter, I'm interested in ideas that transfer and much of the stuff I see from guys like Calfee seems to transfer pretty well, and I used some of that info in going about setting up my own .22 low wall, though I did not do the really critical stuff myself.

While 100 yds is fun, the real action is at 200 yds where shooting .22s becomes a real science and we see the shooter being at least as important as the rifle.

We do use a lot of windflags however. And we use mirage and all the same things that any benchrester would use. But we do not shoot at 50 yds. I always wonder about that with the most modern stuff. I would think you guys would be bored stiff, but apparently not. One day, I'll get my chance to shoot against a Calfee rifle or similar at 200 yds.

What do you think about a golf ball for the target. A spotter is a great idea. I have shot some silhouette so I know what you mean. I was also thinking about a closer target for beginners

Might try ping pong balls or the cheapie plastic practice golf balls with a bit of double sided tape to hold them down. Cheaper and safer than real golf balls.

Put a sheet of white foam board behind them so people can tell where they're hitting.

Greg J.