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  1. D

    stock design question?

    Stock could be considered legal because there is no convex section. Both the rails and the cutout are flat. Definition of convex: convex [ˌkänˈveks, ˈkänveks] ADJECTIVE having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a circle or sphere.Compare with concave. "a convex lens" synonyms...
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    glue rear bag to metal plate?

    For 600/1K you will be fine in heavy gun.
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    Sporter Class NBRSA

    .25 caliber or larger!
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    IBS link is incorrect. Remove the hyphen in the address.
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    Benchrest History Thread

    At that match where heavy rains had washed away a portion of the firing line in the week or weekend before the match. Still have a copy of those results kicking around somewhere.
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    Shilen Swap Meet barrels

    Email links not working, please post list or working link to it. Tthanks
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    .22 PPC vs. .22 PPC USA vs. .22 PPC Sako

    If it's a Wichita Classic with the octagon barrel, why not call Wichita and ask about the chambering?
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    2015 IBS Group Natls

    Where are these tentative schedules posted. Thanks.
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    Possible First Step

    Curious to know the details of that build, the components and weights.
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    Possible First Step

    A one piece rest is not allowed in heavy gun.
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    Possible First Step

    I think with the diameter/weight of that action it's going to be tough to find a stock wide enough to fit which will be light enough to allow you to make 17-pound light gun weight after adding barrel, scope and mount.
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    Sad news

    Just received word Jerry Simison passed away Friday night after a long battle with Parkinson's Disease.
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    Clarification on proposed IBS rule change

    Then why the Williamsport exemption for the IBS 1000 yard nationals? If any match should require IBS membership, it should be the nationals.