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  1. E

    Cold Weather Match Pics

    Now THIS is what is meant by being "dedicated to your sport!!" Ernie
  2. E

    New to F-class shooting

    I'm not totally certain, but isn't the EVO F/TR Bi-pod built by Tier One Tactical in England?? It sure is a fine looking bi-pod, if not a little bit complex. I have seen a YouTube video of someone demonstrating one on a rifle built on one of those chassis stock systems and it looked to be very...
  3. E

    Counterfeit Leupold Scopes

    Yes, and if I live to be 200 years old, I'll NEVER understand why they did!! Based on how the vote 'appeared' to turn out, I now find myself faced with the fact that approx. 6 or 7 out of every 10 people I meet when walking downtown are bloody, blithering IDIOTS. I know of no other type of...
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    Wayne Lapierre's (sp) speach

    Bill, I would whole-heartedly support teachers having guns in the schools. I think teachers, cooks, janitors or whomever that are willing to step forth and take the training necessary to safely carry and use guns is an idea that should be supported by ALL reasonable-thinking parents AND should...
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    Wayne Lapierre's (sp) speach

    What a SUPER idea!!! And one that would no doubt meet with immediate success... Unfortunately, in this day & time, good common sense ideas such as this would most likely end up being a hard sell. I will never understand why that is, but it just is...
  6. E

    Could there possibly BE a worse response???

    Bill, I highlighted the first sentence in your post because what you said is EXACTLY what needs (ie; and has BEEN needed) to be happening. And, it needs to start happening NOW!!! If this 'us against them' mentality continues we are never going to have this matter settled with a sensible and...
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    Shelley Davidson hospitalized

    To Shelley & Family, Just as others on this thread have stated, I, as well, have never met you. However, I've been around this forum for a few years now, and though I'm a 600/1,000-yrd. guy, I have read several of your posts. Although I'm not a point-blank shooter, many times I found myself...