New to F-class shooting



I decided to shoot F-class matches this year. I have a Blaser R93 in .223rem so I hope for F/TR. My barrel is 60cm long and has a 1-9" twist. The scope that I have is a Schmidt bender 5-25x56 PMII, I know that it is among the best tactical scopes but is it good for Fclass? I have 1000 69gr nosler CC bullets. Should I sell them and use 77gr nobler cc instead? Most matches are at 300/600m and 1-2 at 1000m. I would be also interested to hear how do you guys start load development?

Thanks, Tomaž
new to F class reply

So far I have not seen a Blazer R93 on the firing line at a F class match. (USA) However this is what you have so why not start with it and the scope you have.

The 1-9 twist is usually used with the lighter bullets 55-69gr and may do ok with the 77gr. Most .223 F tr shooters in the USA will have a 1-7 twist and shoot 80 to 90 gr. bullets, more in the 80gr family than 90 grain.

Most of us probably started in the 20 to 25 power range with our scopes and now it is more common to see scopes in the 30 power to 55 power or more. I use a March 5-50 power and rarely use it below 40 power.

Go to some matches with what you have and then adjust your equipment as you see fit.

Thanks Bob. Actually Blaser is my long range hunting rifle in .300win mag and it is a superb shooter. I have got a new barrel in .223 for a really funny price so I went for it. The scope is also from my hunting combo, but I don't want to buy something without getting an idea what would be good for F class. So I will start with my Schmidt bender and then I will change it for something better for F class. I am also looking to find a good bipod for f class. are there any preferences? Now I use a versa pod. I really like it on the field but I doubt that versa pod is something that you would choose for f class...

You can see my .300wm on the photo...


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new to F class, bipods

A whole lot of us started with Versa Pod and other tactical type bipods. What we have found, is that the slight swivel properties of the bipod that work well for tactical shooting are not really what works well for F tr shooting. Since you are in Europe I do not know what bipods are available to you there. Popular bipods in the USA are; Phoenix Precision, Sinclair, Duplin, Flexpod, MWerks and others I cannot think of right now including homemade bipods. The Versa Pod will get you started, see what is used and ask questions at the matches.

I'm not totally certain, but isn't the EVO F/TR Bi-pod built by Tier One Tactical in England?? It sure is a fine looking bi-pod, if not a little bit complex. I have seen a YouTube video of someone demonstrating one on a rifle built on one of those chassis stock systems and it looked to be very solid without any unwanted movement anywhere in it. Hope this helps.
