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  1. E

    Grizzly Rod upgrade

    Butch, Yes I do. This just allows me to go right to the throat for the initial dial in. Then I pre-drill and go in with Mituoyo DTI, take my direct reading, tweak the throat in as perfect as I can get it, and then pre-bore. Sounds like we are getting the same results with a little different...
  2. E

    Grizzly Rod upgrade

    You make me laugh Butch!!!!!!!! It works better than deltronic pins before pre-drilling.
  3. E

    Grizzly Rod upgrade

    Jerry, No, the other end (not shown) has the fitted to the bore bushing like the tapered PTG range rods. The Grizzly Rods aren't tapered.
  4. E

    Grizzly Rod upgrade

    Jerry, The other end is in the bore with a proper fitting pilot. I just wanted a better way to hold the tailstock end. This just allows me to go into the throat and indicate better (in my eyes) before pre-drilling. I still go in after pre-drill and get a final direct reading on the throat with...
  5. E

    Grizzly Rod upgrade

    Lots of guys like and use the grizzly rods that Gordy developed a few years back. One of the biggest gripes and what I didn't care for, was having to hold one end in a drill chuck, mounted in the tailstock. My take is you have to be inducing some flex into the setup (Grizzly rod) as the bore...
  6. E

    oversize chamber

    Left and right should be dead nuts, sweep it around with a .0005" or better indicator and adjust accordingly for left and right. For the tail stock height you can try by tightening down the tail stock more. This will generally pull it down closer. When adjusting for left and right (if yours...
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    welding helments

    After welding 13 years for Ford Motor, I would never weld without a speed lens. Flash burn doesn't take much to get and the pain in your eyes will be unbearable, not to mention the damage. A good speed lens will run you $200 bucks.
  8. E

    SSG True Bore Alignment System

    Nate is a smart fella and I think this system is great, and will work great for those who want it. But when truing an action in the jig, it's real easy to keep the action stress free. When you originally insert your truing mandrel through the bushings that have been fit to the receiver (PTG...
  9. E

    Where have all the reamer rental places gone?

    Elk Ridge (800) 996-0426 I don't think they open till 11:00am eastern standard time, but that could of changed.
  10. E

    ? chucking up a barrel ?

    I believe Jim meant "case" head Jerry, but I could be wrong.
  11. E

    ? chucking up a barrel ?

    You make me think too much Jim....but I like that. What about capturing the end of the Grizzly rod in the tailstock chuck jaws via small piece of.... lets say copper wire around the rod, like so many do when chucking up the barrel in the headstock, to allow that pivot motion when dialing in from...
  12. E

    3/8-24 swivel pad screws

    Very nice Dean! Thanks for sharing.
  13. E

    Josh got his college football scholorship!!!

    Congrats to your grandson Butch!! I am sure Grandpa had something to do with him turning into a good man.
  14. E

    Lathe progress

    Interesting point in theory Boyd, but wouldn't it be a moot point as everything should square as in shoulder lockup? Harmonics would be changed though:confused:
  15. E

    How about fluting barrels??

    +1 to everything al said. I have seen Karl flute literally hundreds of barrels and bolts. His flutes have no machining marks once finished directly out of the mill. 4 axis CNC Supermax mill and lots of set-up done on Karl's half to produce the hands down best fluting out there. When done right...
  16. E

    6.5x47L 8.5 twist chamber recomendations needed

    No turn .293nk 8.5tw Bart, throated for the 123 Scenar and 130 bergers.
  17. E

    6.5x47L 8.5 twist chamber recomendations needed

    Mike, When you get a chance try Varget. 37.5 gr behind a 123 Scenar (mine were danzac coated). This load agg'ed honest .25MOA for 5 shots in my 6.x47, they were running along at 2920fps. In my BAT action I was running 38.0 gr with the same bullet for 2980fps. Super accurate also. Broken ribs...
  18. E

    6.5x47L 8.5 twist chamber recomendations needed

    Reamer from Kiff with either a .293 or .294 nk for a no turn with Lapua brass. FB will be dependent on what bullet(s) you plan on using. Hope this helps
  19. E

    I got my hands on some danzac!!

    I have been using Danzac for about 5 years now, with a tumbler set-up just for it. Before I put them in the tumbler, I have a clear plastic sports drink bottle with a pull up top that I dump the bullets in first. Then I put some 90% isopropyl alcohol in the bottle. Close the top and shake the...
  20. E

    I shouldn't have looked....borescope shock

    And if that barrel looked perfect through the scope, you would keep shooting, looking for that load that shoots in the .1'S and zero's to no avail, and probably never get better than the .2's Your doomed either way. Blame it on the junky bore scope;)