Josh got his college football scholorship!!!

Butch Lambert

Active member
A few of you know Josh and shot with him. I am very proud of my Grandson. He signed a letter of intent to play football with West Virginia. They are scheduled to play in the Big 12 next year. They are supposed to have a good criminal justice program. That is his interest.
Great Butch! He seems like a great young man, and I know you're rightfully very proud. I'll be watching for him. Tell him congrats for me. Maybe that'll bring you back through my neck of the woods....dinner's on me.:D--Mike
Congrats, Butch. Time goes by so quickly. It seems like yesterday that Josh was 13 years old and used Papa's rifle to whip same at the matches. I hope that he does well. I thought that he might go to Vanderbilt, but he will be playing for a great program at WVA. Next thing we know is that he will be signing a pro contract. James
Wonderful.....Congrats to shure have been a good grandpa to him........I will watch for him on the field,at the HOME games...hahaha.......Roger
Congratulations! It looks like I'll be pulling for West Virginia next year.

Joe Henderson
Hey Joe,
Thanks guys from Josh. Mr Mock, he almost came into your back yard. La. Tech offered, but it really wasn't what he wanted. They have a very good coach though. He may have gone to Lafayette for the food if for nothing else.
Congratulations to Josh! A full Football scholarship to West Virginia is like money in the Bank any way you slice it. I hear they will be moving to the Big 12 in the near future. The NFL scouts are always looking for a good field goal kicker like Josh. Hope all his dreams are realized.

Great school lots of hunting , GREAT Opportunity, (when you graduate the giants need help)

They grow up fast !! My Chris came home a few weeks ago and told us he was getting married this summer......

Congrats to your grandson Butch!! I am sure Grandpa had something to do with him turning into a good man.
Congrats Butch and Josh! He will be in some beautiful country in WV, tell him to take full advantage of the opportunity.
Congratulations to Josh; couldn't believe the size of that kid when I met him in Dallas; looked like nothing but solid muscle and bone.

I know how much effort Butch put into supporting Josh. He attended most, if not all of the High School Football games Josh played. That's saying a lot for a Granpa. He even got me to attend one of the games. I could see the strong bond between Grandson and Grandpa. All I ask from my friend Butch is, when he goes to visit Josh in West Virginia, remember to bring me back some of that "White Lightning" that comes in them Mason jars. My new hobby is collecting Mason jars.:D

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Congratulations to your grandson. I sincerely hope he goes on to earn a degree, which will be the real accomplishment. Today, too many fine young men are used by their coach, to further the coach's career.

It appears that WV has a good football player graduation rate of 75%: , unlike the University of Texas with only a 49% rate. He's fortunate to have been selected by WV. Good Luck.
that is really nice, there are far too few success stories in life.
