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  1. 750k2

    a 40x b/hognisto steal

    I was teaching my bud how to reload yesterday and we took a break to surf a little and I've been after him to get a proper target rifle so we were in the classifieds and saw it. Told him that it was a steal and should be all over it - scrolled the next pages as I was tellin him it wouldn't last...
  2. 750k2

    Thank you

    For the most part I've got some real direction in here. I've tried to help when I thought I could - not very often and not that much I suspect. But boy do you have some real tools in here. Once again thanks to all you guys who have helped me and others take the steps to move up to a new level. I...
  3. 750k2

    Importance of rest alignment and type of rest and simple mods to a annie 1913

    Temp change? 2 scores don't give much of a data base. Practice and keep good records - This is the only way to get and idea of what works and does not.
  4. 750k2

    J&J Slider test

    Have you had to use any additional weights or did you just run the tuner with the slide screwed in? Do you have the short or long? What is your bbl length? How much of the holes do you have showing? I just got my blue one and will be testing as soon as my glass gets back from TKLee Guess I'll...
  5. 750k2

    Ring Suggestion?

    Setting up for 200yd game I have a custom reticle 3 dot 6moa up center 9moa low set-up. Right now - scope ain't back yet - Weaver adapter Burris high sigs. BSA fill in from the crunchintickers. I would like a higher set-up with the ability of adding moa to the base? BKL risers would work but...
  6. 750k2

    scot hamilton-fudd ;)
  7. 750k2

    Killough shows how it is done

    I've got one of those noodles comin - now I know what kind of scores I'll shoot I see it was worth it:D Boy I wish I could shoot matches you guys sound like your havin a ball.
  8. 750k2

    T36 minimum focus/maximum elevation

    Joe what scale targets are you going to use? 1/5 or 3/8
  9. 750k2

    T36 minimum focus/maximum elevation

    I'm tellin ya mine is the way to go Gonna use Burris sigs mounted in the offsets to have the Top dot on @ 50 at one third up from the bottom of adjustment range, Should put mid dot on or close to @ 100 The lower dot should be close @ 150 And I figure ball park of 10 moa dial in for 200 No kinks...
  10. 750k2

    T36 minimum focus/maximum elevation

    I'm trying to get basically the same game going here. I'm building my 1411 & 16XX into my 200yd BR rigs. I sent a T36 and BR36 to TK LEE for a new reticle. I went with 1/8 min dots 1 - 6 moa up on the verticle 1- on the intersection 1- 9 moa down on the verticle Figured it would help me stay...
  11. 750k2


    Gotta tell someone! Brian Voelker just let me know my 1411 ships on Mon. Had a Broughton 5C threaded on her. I'm pretty pumped. Can't make it to matches on my job and work schedule so I'm building my own game shot at 50,100,150 & 200. Just play stuff with me and my pards - so no restrictions...
  12. 750k2

    CMP rumor?

    The number I heard was they were going to release 1000. If I here anything I will post. Thank you.
  13. 750k2

    CMP rumor?

    Well then this is for someone who is going to purchase for re-sale. I don't have a problem with someone getting enough for their troubles but I don't want to be violated either. And of course it would go thru my FFL dealer as a purchase. I just wanted one marked USN if possible as I did a little...
  14. 750k2

    Walther KKm

    Try here - I got stuff for my GX-1 here.
  15. 750k2

    CMP rumor?

    Then why aren't the profiteers who snapped all the previous ones up in the can? Guess I'll just have to pay the 30% mark-up for one if someone happens to buy to many AGAIN.
  16. 750k2

    CMP rumor?

    I am a member of an affiliated club - but they will be all gone before any orders get them. People who are able to go to the stores scarf them all up and the rest of the people who they were meant for never get them. History proves this.
  17. 750k2

    CMP rumor?

    Anyone hear anything on some 40X's - USN in the pipeline? Don't suppose I could talk someone into grabbing one for me if this is true? :confused:
  18. 750k2

    PSL 102 shooters

    Thank you
  19. 750k2

    PSL 102 shooters

    Will there be an equipment list? Need to see what the pro's use:D
  20. 750k2

    flat nosed 22 bullets?

    Do a search on RFC for a Waltz sizing die. You can make EPS tip rounds out of the ammo of your choice.