flat nosed 22 bullets?



Hello to all.

I am interested in what companies make flat nosed 22 cartridges like the CCI SGB's.

Amo is for precision shooting from a modified 10/22 for squirrel hunting, witch might be a problem from some of the top match cartridges not handling semi-auto's well.
I do NOT like the hollow points because they do to much meat damage and I do NOT like to miss!
All shots will be under 50 yards.

I hear that Eley makes them in several grades (flat tip) but I have never used them on small game so I don't know effectiveness, if you have experience in this area I would really like to hear if you have the time.

I'm aware of the other 10/22 forums, however those forums do not have the level of expertise concerning this type of question that the 22 bench rest shooters have.

Another reason for posting here is that it is going to be quite expensive to buy various box's of what you guys come up with that I should include in the accuracy testing to see what the barrel likes best, not to mention the "massive" purchase of the 22 amo that comes in first, so it just makes good sense to ask the experts, I hope you understand.

Not trying to intrude, just need the advice of the 22 caliber experts.

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As an ol' retired squirrel hunter might I give an opinion. I have hunted with folks who fill the air with ammo on running squirrels and those who hunt with stealth and the squirrel never knows what hit it. I preferred the latter. Also I used standard velocity long rifles for their accuracy and a little quieter. Shooting a sitting squirrel means a head shot and no damaged meat. And any terminal energy is enough for a head shot. Anyhow this gives me a chance to brag. Not that I ever do. But this past summer I got out my old 1930's squirrel rifle. Put a scope on it cause my eyes don't see the iron sights well any more. Anyhow I had a lot of fun shooting it. It was a lot more relaxing than shooting my bench guns. It is factory. Rich


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Do a search on RFC for a Waltz sizing die.
You can make EPS tip rounds out of the ammo of your choice.
My grown son and I both have used CCI SGB bullets on squirrels and other pests for several years with great success. The bullet hits hard and some batches shoot as well as match ammo. His factory-barrelled, but "tweaked" Rem 581 has grouped some batches around 3/10" at 50 yards. The worst batches were around 3/4" at that range. He's killed smallish red squirrels at 80 yards with them and he's not a target shooter.

I just mounted a scope on a late '40s Marlin bolt action that grouped them 1/8" at 30 yards (too much snow to shoot farther). That old rifle was amazing, especially when I expected it to group an inch at that distance! (The magazine looked long enough to be for a 22 Hornet. I wonder whether some were chambered for that cartridge.)

My grown son and I both have used CCI SGB bullets on squirrels and other pests for several years with great success. The bullet hits hard and some batches shoot as well as match ammo. His factory-barrelled, but "tweaked" Rem 581 has grouped some batches around 3/10" at 50 yards. The worst batches were around 3/4" at that range. He's killed smallish red squirrels at 80 yards with them and he's not a target shooter.

I just mounted a scope on a late '40s Marlin bolt action that grouped them 1/8" at 30 yards (too much snow to shoot farther). That old rifle was amazing, especially when I expected it to group an inch at that distance! (The magazine looked long enough to be for a 22 Hornet. I wonder whether some were chambered for that cartridge.)


Thanks for the reply Picher, I like the SGB's a lot (reason for my post) but was wondering if any of the experts in 22 had tried using any of the Eley type flat nose in there 10/22's that they built for squirrel hunting.
But it seems most here just shoot paper with bolt actions and know very little about the rest of the shooting sports like hunting squirrels or helping out people with valid questions.

I certainly hope you and your son have a great hunting season, stick to those head shots, they never fail, you just have to find the right combination!
Whoops, I forgot that this is not the right web sight for asking such questions concerning accuracy.
You guys need to sit in a dark room and think seriously about the affect you are having on the shooting sports!
First off Changeling, dont know where you come off saying we have to think about the effect we have on the shooting sport. You even stated in your inital post that you want the advise of 22 experts. I thought you got some good answers to your question here. If it not the answers you wanted to see, well then maybe you need to go to the other 10/22 forums you eluded to. If you are having problems in other threads, leave it there, don't take it to another. I just dont know why you 10/22 shooters come in here ask a question, get some good advice and when it is not what you want you bash us for not helping or giving you he answer you want to hear and then proceed to say we are scum in the shooting sports.

As for your question. If you want a top quality flat nose, just have to look as far as black box Eley. Black box is the most used round in 22 benchrest. I have seen it used through a custom 10/22. Now I dont know the specifics of the 10/22, just know it had a green mountain barrel, new trigger and couple other things. It did ok. I would say it averaged about .40 groups. Now this was shooting off a two piece rest at 50 yards also.

Now my honest question to you with no hidden meaning....why would you want to use $10.00 a box ammo to hunt when what you are using is working just fine? You even stated it would be a "massive" purchase on he ammo that comes in first. We can not tell you go get this lot at this speed cause it will shoot the best (but if that is what you want here you go...i suggest getting a case of Eley TenX the red box at a speed of 1058, lot dont matter nor machine, just the speed). We just cant, we have to do the testing you mentioned to find what shoots. If you dont want to do that, then that is fine, just stick with what you are shooting and make damn sure those crosshairs are on the head and you get one shot one kill.

That is my $.02. I wont respond to this again, so you can say whatever you want.
Don't worry Cadman I will definitely leave your web site to you guys.
I am just not interested in trying to get through anymore. You guys don't even bother to read posts by anyone other than your own group. You just catch a couple of words and then make up your mind that I should be elsewhere. I'll again take the forums advise or lack of and be gone in a flash!

Hunters vs. Benchresters

Guys: I'm not a benchrest shooter. I do like to hunt with a .22 and I enjoy spending time on the range with one as well. I read this forum often because I enjoy topics concerning accuracy. I know that I can count on the expertise of contributors to this forum for tips on rifle and ammo accuracy and I'll continue to do so. Seems the 10/22 shooter got a bit carried away, but don't let that be a reflection on the rest of us less dedicated shooters. To the 10/22 shooter, I believe the contributors answered to the best of their knowledge. They gave a list of available flat point ammo and also mentioned the option of converting standard ammo using a PACO tool. By the way, I've gotten good accuracy out of CCI SGB and wish they would load that bullet into a subsonic round.
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There are two sides to every fence. Those folks who can't seem to see that sometimes get bitten by the dog. For some reason, suggesting to some people that they might get better answers on another board seems to infuriate them. Good fences make good neighbors, but lower fences usually make better neighbors ones than high fences.

In the past, I've seen non-benchrest shooters treated shabbily here, but not lately. I thought all the answers were reasonable and informative and am disappointed in Changeling's attitude after he got reasonable answers.

Just don't go bashing fine folks on a benchrest board when the hunting question may have been better asked somewhere else. That's kinda like ordering steaks at seafood restaurants. You may get some good ones, but your chances for a great one is probably better at a steak house.

If anyone can't understand the point of this reply, I'm truly sorry. If someone can, you might explain it to me. ;) :D (Sorry, had to lighten things up.)
