CMP rumor?


New member
Anyone hear anything on some 40X's - USN in the pipeline?
Don't suppose I could talk someone into grabbing one for me
if this is true?
Why not join a CMP affiliated club and get registered so you can buy your own instead of asking for a straw purchase on an open web sight.
I am a member of an affiliated club - but they will be all gone before any orders get them.
People who are able to go to the stores scarf them all up and the rest of the people who they were meant for never get them.
History proves this.
You are both correct. Doing as you ask would indeed be a straw purchase and could put you and the guy doing you a favor into Federal care and custody for a spell. Ever read the form you fill out when buying a cmp rifle or any firearm not part of a private sale? What you propose is a felony. bob finger
Then why aren't the profiteers who snapped all the previous ones up in the can?
Guess I'll just have to pay the 30% mark-up for one if someone happens to buy to many AGAIN.
What about the guy on Culver's page that sucks up 10 or 20 of them, c'mon? He calls himself cheese-with-the-wine of something like that, c'mon. He ain't buying them for hisself, he laughs all the way to the bank and he ain't in the can. Thanks, Douglas
No regard

Several years ago,when the 52D's became available, they went like Hot Cakes. At the next ARA National. someone has a table with several 52D's that had the CMP marking on them, and they said they could sell them any time they wanted too. I dissagreed, and walked any. By the way, they had them marked up around 100%.
The CMP has rules regarding resale of firearms they sell. There is no force of law regarding resale however, not that I know of. That's why it happens I suspect. You are legally free to buy one or more then turn around and sell them later. You MUST NOT know who you are going to sell them to when you fill out the form tho.

If you are a dealer and purchase for resale the guns go in your books and you can sell to your hearts content. (how you deal with the CMP rules is another issue)

If you as an individual ask someone to purchase a rifle for you and that person does not possess an FFL then the LAW regards it as a straw purchase and you both can be in deep trouble.

We are trying to keep you out of trouble, not cause you any. bob finger
Well then this is for someone who is going to purchase for re-sale.
I don't have a problem with someone getting enough for their troubles but I don't want to be violated either.
And of course it would go thru my FFL dealer as a purchase.
I just wanted one marked USN if possible as I did a little time with that
I have a std. bbl and will be hoping these are hvy's if they in fact do come out.
The number I heard was they were going to release 1000.
If I here anything I will post.
Thank you.
CMP just put out an update. Usually that contains rifle sales info. This is the content of the latest one below.

When they do put up the 40X's and 52D's, if you don't get an order into CMP South within 24-48 hours, you can forget it. I think lately they have limited sales.

There are no USN marked 40X's. They are marked either U.S. or USMC. Yes, I have two a standard barrel and a heavy barrel. Also two 52D's.


ORDER BACKLOG. Normally, we average receiving 2,000 - 3,000 sales orders per month and ship an order in 2-3 weeks. However, these are not normal times. Since October, 2008 we have been receiving 5,000 - 10,000 orders per month, which is several times normal. As a result, we are very backlogged and running several weeks behind on processing orders. Our staff is working up to 12 hours per day 7 days a week, and only today finished the 4,000 orders we received on 1 December alone (except for those 1 Dec orders with credit card or other problems). Customers with outstanding orders should expect orders to ship approximately 100 days from the date the order was received by CMP. We expect to recover from this surge in another 3-4 months (assuming the number of orders being received drops somewhat).

COMMUNICATION RESPONSE DELAYS. CMP is receiving hundreds of calls a day, as well as hundreds of emails. Each morning there are dozens of voicemails from the night before. Because of the large volume of constant calls in the daytime, it may take a few days for response. We have a state of the art phone system for a company our size, but the volume of calls is causing the system to do unexpected things. We apologize for any delay in responding to emails or telephone calls.

CMP STORES CLOSED 15-31 MARCH, 2009. In addition to the heavy volume of mail and estore orders, the shopping activity at both stores has been significantly higher than last year. As a result, we have had to divert more sales staff than planned from processing mail orders on the days the store is open. Both CMP stores will be closed 15-31 March. The Sales staff at both locations will work on processing mail orders in an effort to quickly reduce the backlog and shorten delivery time.

ORDERS OUT OF SEQUENCE. In normal times, CMP processes sales orders in date sequence as received, regardless of item being ordered. To help reduce the mountain of orders, we are separating the rifle orders from non-rifle orders. We have dedicated two of our staff to process the non-rifle orders without regard to dates of rifle orders still in the queue. This will result in an out of sequence delivery time for many orders, but will reduce the amount of pending orders quickly.

BUY NOW FEATURE ON CMP AUCTION. We have started using the "buy now" feature for selected items on the CMP Auction site. We are listing the M1A1 carbine, one at a time with this feature. Buy now price is $3,000. We will also list some M1A1 carbines for the regular bidding process.

LAKE CITY. .30-06 SOLD OUT. On 20 February, we posted the Lake City .30-06 ammunition as sold out. We fully expect to be able to fill all orders already in house and those in the mail on 20 February. It may take another 100 days to ship some of the orders just received.

NEW CMP DISCUSSION FORUM COMING SOON. CMP has purchased new forum software.
We plan to transition to it in April, 2009. Current member registrations and discussion topics will not be transferred to the new forum. Everyone wishing to post on the new forum will have to register again. Anyone wishing to save any information from the current forum should do so now.

ATTENTION HIGHPOWER AND AIR RIFLE SHOOTERS IN THE SOUTHEAST! The CMP will conduct its second test match for its new National Match Air Rifle discipline at the CMP Competition Center in Anniston, Alabama on 14 March.
If you live in the Southeast U. S. and are interested in an off-season event for highpower rifle shooters or are interested in finding a new recreation-oriented shooting game that is easy to start and promises to be a lot of fun, you are invited to come to Anniston on 14 March.

National Match Air Rifle features two courses of fire similar to the highpower rifle standing and John C. Garand courses of fire. It is shot on reduced highpower 200 and 600-yard targets on 10-meter ranges with air rifles. Provisional rules provide for three rifle classes, sporter, match/precision and AR-type air rifles. The CMP invites both experienced highpower shooters and recreational air gun shooters to try the 14 March test match to learn more about this new rifle discipline and provide feedback to help finalize the rules. The CMP has produced 10-bull paper AR-SR and AR-MR targets that will be used in this match and will be available to shooting clubs. Industry prototype AR style air rifles from Pilkington Competition Equipment and Creedmoor-Anschütz will be available for examination and testing at the match.
o For program and registration information, visit
o Register on line for this match
· A First Shot On-Line article on the first National Match Air Rifle Test
Match is posted at

Thank you for your support of the CMP in these historic times.

Orest Michaels
Chief Operating Officer
The number I heard was they were going to release 1000.
If I here anything I will post.
Thank you.

I am curious where you heard the rumor from? I searched the CMP forum up and down and that would be the first place a rumor would start and there aint nothing.
We shot a SEARC air rifle match in the CMP Anniston range Saturday. I managed to slip away long enough to shop the CMP South store. No .22 40X rifles and the sales staff had not heard of any Navy 40X rifles being sold. They are trying to catch up on the current backlog. There is no doubt that there are more .40x rifles out there and the best way is to visit the site daily to be prepared when some come up for sale. You should purchase something now and get into their system ahead of time. The current run on guns and ammo is hitting CMP as well as the retail stores.
I'm on the CMP email list too, sounds like they're really swamped, folks are prolly afraid Barak O. will shut them down. I just visited CSP smallbore forum to see about the rumor, nothing there; if there were anything at all it would be on that forum.

However, I did learn one thing new. Ken Viani is working on a scope mount for Kimber 82G, will also accept Redfield Palma, Int'l rear sights. A guy posted a pic of the prototype. Way off-topic, sorry.

Thanks, Douglas