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  1. L

    Can anyone recommend a book, etc.

    There is another one I forgot. Precision Shooting Has a book on on 1000yd shooting that takes into account many different disciplines. Go here and scroll down to about the middle of the page.
  2. L

    6mm br brass

    I just got a new batch to make into Dasher cases but I haven't inspected them yet. Last batch I lost 5 cases One of them looked just like your little dents intill I shot it a second time. Will look the new ones over close. Larry
  3. L

    Bad day!! Or is it ???

    It sounds like the rifle is set up perfectly 600/1000 br. As a Light gun you can shoot it both classes, witch is what I do. Easier to master 1 gun, cheaper than 2 and twice the shooting. Larry
  4. L

    Can anyone recommend a book, etc.

    Mike Ratigan's book will explain the proper use of rests and bags. I have not seen Tony's book yet but I can only Imagine it would be money well spent. Larry
  5. L

    Action set up for belly shooting f-class style??

    I shot my first F-Class the other day with a RBLPRE dual port and after all my reading never even tried feeding through the left port. Next time around I'll try it the other way and see what I think. Larry
  6. L

    Bridgeville 600yd shooters.

    OK I'm throwin out the BS flag. Some prominent Bridgeville bull shooter shot an 8.3 on one target and won the 2-Gun. I also know your scared the secret weapon will get out of the bag by the all the blank spaces on the equipment lists. But I seem to remember Mike talking about a 6.5/250 or 6/250...
  7. L

    Bridgeville 600yd shooters.

    Oh you guys are SOOOOO in trouble! :D Larry
  8. L

    BR to F-Class. Possible fisrt timmer questions.

    Well I went I saw I learned I shot I won I came home and typed a great big ol post about my first F-class experience and my PC crashed before I got to post it. I am now heartily discouraged. But I wanted to talk about all I learned the people I shot with and everyone who taught me about what I...
  9. L

    Action set up for belly shooting f-class style??

    If you have dual port you can load through the ejection port as I discovered today. Larry
  10. L

    Recommended Barrel Length for 6.5 x 47

    Neck diameter depend on whether or not you mind turning necks. I turn my neck but I only wanted to lightly skim them so I went for a .269. That number might be different for blue box brass as I think I read somewhere that they are thinner than the cardboard box stuff I was shooting. As for...
  11. L

    BR to F-Class. Possible fisrt timmer questions.

    Well hopefully after may 7 I'll be able experience it all first hand.
  12. L

    BR to F-Class. Possible fisrt timmer questions.

    Witch do you like better?
  13. L

    BR to F-Class. Possible fisrt timmer questions.

    Thank you everyone this is a big help in my understanding. With the price of gas there is no way I'm driving to a match just to WATCH ! I'd be pulling my hair out. Racinready: I'm not a member there but shoot the 600 IBS there. Did not shoot at all last season though had trouble with my rifle...
  14. L

    BR to F-Class. Possible fisrt timmer questions.

    I have 6Dasher setup for 600yd IBS. But only 1 place to shoot it, while there are 3 places within driving distance that shoot F-Class. Bridgeville, New Holland and Cumberland Riflemen. I have read some of the rules but have never witnessed a match. I know they pull the target after each shot, 2...
  15. L

    Odd problem with a trigger

    My vote is for Hangfire too. I have 2000 wolf srm's that won't fire reliably in ANY of my 4 actions. Larry
  16. L

    Parts for a lawton bolt?

    No I didn't talk to Dave. The first person I talked to couldn't answer my questions and was forwarded. Several years ago PT&G I was told made the bolts. The person confirmed they used to make the parts for Lawton but said their parts won't fit my bolt. I know I can buy a complete bolt from them...
  17. L

    Bib 108's in a dasher.

    Got to shoot some this weekend. :D:D:D:D To quote Lee "doesn't make a hoot that the BT of the bullet is below the shoulder neck junction" Not to me. I coulda had this shooting a long time ago if I hadn't been so stubborn and trying to force the VLD's to work! Couldn't get my chrono to read...
  18. L


    I tried to PM but your pm box is full. I had a few questions can you email or PM me? Thanks. Larry
  19. L

    Parts for a lawton bolt?

    My parts do not interchange. Dimensions Not even close. PT&G said their wont fit. They suggested I call Tubb and that he has about 4 different sizes. My action is from 08. Jhart can you tell me more about the parts you used?
  20. L

    Minimum ES

    I think the way to find the answer would be to put your high and low velocitys into a ballistic program and see what the difference is on the target. Then compare that to the winning group sizes from match results.