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  1. Randy Jarvais

    Question for score shooters?

    Check group rules for tuner David, I questioned the use of tuners in Htr class as well, but someone pointed me to the group rules to which it states as Jackie has pointed out. The language in the score section that you mention should have been modified/deleted and/or the language in the group...
  2. Randy Jarvais

    Shooting multiple rifles at a shoot

    I beg to least for IBS Sorry Dick but you can shoot a HV and a LV and both count toward the agg. standing EXCEPT for shooter of the year points. The same is true for a VH and Htr gun in the Hunter class. Generally it is left to the host club as to whether they would award a person...
  3. Randy Jarvais

    Shooting multiple rifles at a shoot

    Yes at least in IBS If you did, you would have two chances at winning in VFS. The Eubers usually do this when possible. Back in the day when we had three classifications, VFS, VH, and Htr, many Maine shooters shot all three classes just about every time out. With the cost of components more...
  4. Randy Jarvais

    Question for score shooters?

    When I decided to get into the Htr game, I bought a custom action that was made for the htr class with a magazine already cut out. I know you can get them from Bat and Borden and suspect also from the others as well. You certainly don't have to go with a Remington. An extension of the...
  5. Randy Jarvais

    Question for score shooters?

    Thanks Dick Thanks for the clarification. That particular myth may not have come from my traveling partner, as there are others who think they "know" the history/progression of IBS lore. I will have to put that story into my myth binder...for now any way. :)
  6. Randy Jarvais

    Question for score shooters?

    Dick, let the truth be known. :) Dick G., was there any discussion similar to what follows as this is what was told to me? It was some time ago so memory is what it is. With that being said, I was told that the topic of custom actions centered around the notion of just what constituted a...
  7. Randy Jarvais

    Question for score shooters?

    Here is my argument. I am new to Htr class by most standards. When this season concludes, I will have competed in the class for 2.5 years. I do know quite a bit of the history though as I travel with a long time Htr shooter. Mr. Harren is not the only long time Htr shooter bemoaning the...
  8. Randy Jarvais

    Scope for Hunter Class

    Go to Leupold custom shop! The dot on the FX3 is about a half inch moa. I had Leupold do a custom job which does cost another $200 but you can get a much smaller dot that way.
  9. Randy Jarvais

    Cases & Overpressure

    Tight bore??? A friend has a situation whereby he couldn't use what were considered average loads due to a pressure problem. Turned out his barrel had a tight bore as the grooves were not cut as deep as they generally are. The maker made it right and now the barrel is good pressure wise.
  10. Randy Jarvais

    Neo front rest

    Thank you. Dusty, thanks.
  11. Randy Jarvais

    Neo front rest

    Picture? Does anyone have a picture or link to post of what a JJ rest top and bag looks like?
  12. Randy Jarvais

    Annealing hard on neck bushing dies ???

    Check definition of elasticity... Elasticity is the ability to resume it's shape after being stretched. Work hardened brass is elastic. That is why it becomes difficult to size as the brass retains/bounces back to its fired shape after it is removed from the sizing die and why you have to...
  13. Randy Jarvais

    trouble throwing charges

    Wilbur All but one each match. ;) Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
  14. Randy Jarvais

    trouble throwing charges

    I weigh because... when I miss, I know it wasn't the powder charge, therefore it had to be something else. Now, I try to find that something else. Was it table manners or a missed condition. If table manners were good, then something down field, but that isn't always apparent. If it had...
  15. Randy Jarvais

    Follow through in benchrest.

    Glenn, with your expertise and experience you can answer your question better than I, but seeing as you referenced 'physics', I take it you would like me to respond. Having jerked a trigger, started to open a bolt on a hang-fire, and less than rock solid benches leads me to believe there is...
  16. Randy Jarvais

    Follow through in benchrest.

    Inferred too much from the videos! Physics dictate that there is an equal and opposite reaction when the primer is ignited. The gun is beginning to move at that time. The amount of movement is much, much less than a bullet in the barrel because the mass of the rifle is much greater than the...
  17. Randy Jarvais


    CMaier- Your statements are spot on and absolutely correct. I wasn't trying to correct anything you said. I made an assumption from some of the other comments that maybe that some people did not know what temps their brass achieved, and hence why they felt a need to quench. Remy- A friend...
  18. Randy Jarvais

    6mm br dies

    N1ydp22 You asked if the only difference between the 30br and the 6br is size, and the answer is no, although size is a biggie in a best edge shooting event. I don't have any experience specifically for the 6br but I have loaded for many others and especially so for the 30br. I have found...
  19. Randy Jarvais

    Rimfire or centerfire

    Don't forget factory class! At the Maine IBS centerfire matches previously mentioned by glp, we have a factory class which allows someone unfamiliar with Benchrest shooting to experience the event using a factory and/or slightly modified factory gun. Doing so provides a taste of actual...
  20. Randy Jarvais


    Brass conducts heat... and will continue to conduct heat until the temp stabilizes. If the case neck is hotter than the web area, the heat will migrate until equalized. Without a heat source, the area the hottest is decreasing and most likely when the heat in the case stabilizes the temp will...