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    Model 70 modification help

    Jack First Phone number 1-605-343-9544 I got them on speed dial.:D
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    Which trigger pull gage?

    Aimhigh, I have the Lyman electronic scale and it does a great job. Even on my 2oz. Jewell. If time is a factor, it is super quick. No dealing with water, lead shot, or tire weights though I do like all of those ideas.
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    Obama's books

    There's alot in this world that shouldn't be. That doesn't mean it's going to change just because you think it should. There are aspects of your life that I think shouldn't be, but I can't change them. That has to come from you. And I'm sure you could say the same for myself.
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    Obama's books

    D, can we agree that this is just part of the political process? I for one believe people are generally smart enough to see thru the BS and make a rational well thought out decision regardless of what is posted on this forum or any other forum. I don't feel the need to jump to JM's defense...
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    Fuel Economy

    Rusty, my son drives a Honda Accord with 140k on it and all I've ever done to it is change the oil and put brake pads on it. My last truck was a GMC Sonoma. Good truck up till 160k and then a cylinder went to pumping oil. Alot of oil but it was still a good truck that never left me stranded...
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    Obama's books

    Well then Snuffy, on the other areas you mentioned about politics and Obama, I would say I have to agree with you. Bad thing is I don't have a particular love for JM either but I don't feel I have much of a choice.
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    Obama's books

    Snuffy, like it or not, religion is part of the political process of getting elected. It's all part of it. What you are asking is to just talk about certain aspects of politics, but not all of it. And to a presidential nominee, nothing is private. That's just part of it and if a presidential...
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    Are you a angry conservative hippie?

    I suddenly feel the need to pull my pants legs up......cause it's starting to get deep in here!:eek:
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    Obama's books

    Well, if believeing what the Bible says makes me a far right fanatic, then......I am what I am.:D What I am not, is a murderer of anyone who doesn't believe what I believe in, nor do I push my beliefs down anyones throat, nor do I threaten them with death if they don't accept my beliefs. You...
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    Are you a angry conservative hippie?

    :D:D:D:D:D D, your alright.....I don't care what Phil says about ya.:eek:
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    Are you a angry conservative hippie?

    It's official then Well I guess it's official then!:D Now are we gonna make him a charter member or a scapegoat!!:eek::D
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    Are you a angry conservative hippie?

    Now D, I know you're hurt because you can't play. I know, I know, but this is just the way it is. No need to call us libs now, just to try to hurt our feelings. Look at the bright side, maybe in the future we'll have a "Liberal Day" and we'll let you in for that day. You can drive your big...
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    Obama's books

    Someone explain to me what fetal viability is? Life starts when the egg is fertilized. What's so hard to understand about that?
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    Obama's books

    Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah! Stop right there! Where did I say I didn't believe in religious thought? He has the RIGHT to practice whatever he wants. More power to him. What I pointed out is that he claims to be a Christian but doesn't have Christian beliefs. BIG difference there. Funny thing...
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    Obama's books

    Obama claims to be a Christian despite his denial of basic Christian tenets. For example, Obama does not believe that acceptance of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is necessary for salvation. Obama has repeatedly said belief in Jesus is only one of many paths to salvation. At one...
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    Are you a angry conservative hippie?

    Well, we probly need someone who is level headed and respected(read Concho Bill here) to come up with a few simple but effective rules and regs for us to base our platform on. Dues? Well, we are going thru a recession right now...........;)
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    creating memories with a grandson

    Kudos to you koginam. Whatcha want to bet he will remember that day forever.
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    Are you a angry conservative hippie?

    New Elite Order of Conservatives for Our Nation How's that??:D
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    Obama's books

    That doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Most of those comments broken down pretty much say the same thing. Especially the last one. He says he will stand with immigrants, I take that as any immigrants, and that is unacceptable. That would most certainly include the Muslim immigrants...
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    Are you a angry conservative hippie?

    Bill, my dues check is in the mail!:D