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  1. P

    Look whati just got!

    Congratulations! I have a set I got about 10 years ago, that originally came from Harold Broughton if I remember correctly? I use them quite a bit, makes a really good bullet on .790” jackets. Old dies, but still great! Peter Ericson
  2. P

    Bullet making?

    A tiny bit of citric acid in boiling water take all the oxidation off in a second. It´s bit of a mess getting all of the water of the jackets afterwards, it clings to the inside like crazy. Great jackets, but don´t like the cleaning!
  3. P

    Bullet making?

    Squirting my own cores, I´m lubing the lead slugs with a mix of about 1 to 20 of ATF and break cleaner. Mixed ATF and acetone to begin with, but for some reason they didn´t combine at all... I´m no chemist but didn´t make sense to use that mix. Cleaning cores in 2 baths of break cleaner and I...
  4. P

    Core squirt die - squirt holes position

    In case you use a press with a threaded in punch/ejector frame holder, make sure its held firmly in place with epoxi or permanent thread lock. Bad things happen when they come loose!..
  5. P

    how can i improve the finish of my bbl threading

    Raise the RPM´s to 5-800 and your finish should improve greatly. I´m normally running around 600rpm treading away from the shoulder with a full profile carbide insert. I´m taking about 50% of the depth of cut suggested by the mfg, taking about a dozen cuts to finish the thread. Make sure you...
  6. P

    Has anyone seen this?

    I´m quite sure Andy from Bix n´Andy showed a very similar concept at the Austria WBC in 2007, not sure if it ever passed the prototype stage. I remember Jim Kelbly saying it could be difficult with the "chamber bit" being deemed as a very short barrel in the states, thus causing some kind of...
  7. P

    Firing pin spring pressure in Bat Neuvo

    Did some quick measuring on the two Neuvo actions I have. Measured both bolts in the same action, and both had very close to .252" of fall. Spring pressure in cocked position is about 22,5-23lbs.
  8. P

    Frozen Leupold 45X help

    You don´t have an Bix n' Andy trigger on your rifle by any chance? The ball bearings inside them rattle quite a bit...
  9. P

    Bullet swaging questions.

    Probably the worst place to start if interested in Benchrest quality bullets. Contact George Ulrich or Dave Detsch, they know what it takes to compete!
  10. P

    Feedback From The Tunnel

    Whats the temperature of the air in the barrel after the 1st shot fired? 2nd? 10th? I would imagine the temp swing from combustion gases heating up the barrel is quite large?
  11. P

    Lapua 220 Russian Primer pocket test

    As well as having a FL die that size enough, I think it´s also a matter of sizing the case all the way to the bottom of the body. Several dies I have seen have such a big radius cut that they leave ~.100" of unsized brass at the bottom of the case... Not good!
  12. P

    Lapua 220 Russian Primer pocket test

    I´ve had plenty of brownbox brass giving up prematurely, and some bluebox stuff acting strange as well.. No doubt that there has been some bad lots from time to time! Anyways, has anyone been able to measure any difference between the good old lots . vs bad blue stuff? If the caseheads and...
  13. P

    WBC 14 Nelson New Zealand

    Great report and many thanks for keeping us that couldn´t participate updated! Noticed that you wrote "See you all in Canada 2019" ?! Has the venue been changed from Italy?
  14. P

    Some claiification needed

    In case of carbide dies, my understanding is that its possible to cut the carbide insert out, and placing it in a new die with a tighter squeeze to reduce the internal dimension. Hopefully George Ulrich might see this and further explain whats possible. On steel dies, I have no idea. My guess...
  15. P

    Anyone running a Boyer 3 reamer?

    There is lots of people running .4414" base reamers with stout loads without any issues at all! Sure an ill fitting sizing die gets you into trouble quicker with a smaller reamer, but its really the dies fault and not the reamer. There are plenty of dies out there that have such a terrible fit...
  16. P

    Anyone running a Boyer 3 reamer?

    There is a whole lot of different "boyer 3", "pure magic" etc prints out there. I´ve seen prints from .4409" to .4423" at the boltface... .4409" is probably clicky, but .4414" at the base, that is standard for the boyer reamer, workes great with a fitting reloading die.
  17. P

    Sta-moly jackets

    Gerry, Thanks for your input. I have no good explanation as to why it happends. I use .825" sierra jackets, and they are pretty much the same lenght as J4s after core seating. They just stretch alot less during pointing. Strange stuff! Its probably something with the difference in the jacket...
  18. P

    Sta-moly jackets

    I have noticed that the Sierra jackets point up to shorter bullet than the J4´s, about 0.010". Core seated jackets are pretty much same lenght. Anyone else with the same experience? What about the Hines jackets? I haven´t had a chance to use Hines yet, but would like to try in the future.
  19. P

    Bullet making 2.0

    I would imagine that the carbide inserts from the orginial dies were reground and used in the new dies...
  20. P

    Bullet core stripping

    REMYs advise is good! Measure the diameter of the ejection pin and adjust the die until the outside edge of the meplat is the same diameter as the pin. I don't belive there is some magic "base to ogive" lenght for your die. One of the most anoying things that can happen to you is to stick the...