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  1. G

    Barrel PreTreat For HBN

    Cleaning Procedure Would you guys explain your cleaning procedures using BN bullets. How often...what solvents. How do you work on the carbon ring? tks
  2. G

    transporting flag poles

    Bag for poles I use a bag from one of my folding lawn chairs. It has a shoulder strap and most everyone has one of these. It will hold the poles only.
  3. G

    Rachel's Glen Update...

    Thank you Matthew Please keep the up dates coming. I had to cancel at the last minute and would like to keep up with the outcome. Congratulations to David Glen
  4. G

    Reminder - Rachel's Glen coming up this weekend

    I also will be there. I think gary Morgan has several shooters from the B'ham area coming. Glen
  5. G

    Unaka, potential world record!!!!!!

    Outstanding Sure wish I could have been there. Outstanding shooting Johnny.
  6. G

    Rachel's Glen results.....

    Thanks Mickey & Brady...wonderful shoot and awesome food.
  7. G

    S.E. Region schedule

    Does anyone know about the dates for River Bend and Unaka? Thanks
  8. G

    Trouble in Paradise!

    Works great. I.E. 7 with XP.
  9. G

    Rachel's Glen Spring Match

    Thanks Mickey & Brady Thanks again for giving us a nice place to shoot and I for one was glad Brady was not shooting (or his Grand kids). Thanks Mickey for repairing my bolt. Congrats to ALL the shooters who did not mind a little rain.
  10. G

    Clean Moly out of barrel

    :confused:Can someone please tell me how to completely clean the moly out of my barrels in order to switch to BN. Thanks
  11. G

    Rachel's Glen spring match....

    I am also looking forward to it. Mickey I will be there. Everyone depends om me being there so they know they won't come in last. Glen