Rachel's Glen Spring Match


Club Coordinator
Here are the results so far. They may be a tad difficult to read and for that, my apologies. I was not sure how they would turn out. I'll know more about it tomorrow.

This first one is the standing in the Four Gun through Unlimited and Heavy. Light and Sporter to be shot tomorrow.

The next two are the results in Unlimited and Heavy. I hope y'all can tell something about them.


It started raining last night and continued to rain until noon today. We got at least 3 inches of rain in this front that passed through but no wind damage. The range was plenty soaked but being pretty sandy it's already drying out. We hope for nice weather tomorrow.
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Benchrest pfffssssst.....I think I am sleeping in tomorrow:) J/K but arrrrgh it is frustrating see yall tomorrow.
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kinda weird how you read on here and it seems pointless to shoot w/o one, yet the users of the tuners seem to be localized in one small area. I think the use of muzzle devices will spread once everybody decides on a design they feel comfortable with and see some winning going on with em in place. wish I coulda been there Mickey- put in 16hrs yesterday and haven't had a day off in over 5 weeks. looks like David Reynolds pulled one of my moves there:eek:
Had the Four Gun results, but............

had to put it on the wall, Brady said only one was printed so I couldnt bring it home, Hope Mickey mails them out ;). All I remember is Billy Stevens won it.
I have copies of everything and will try to get it posted some time tomorrow. Too tard tonight.
I wish there was a way you could put it in a file so we could print it out. Im a nerd and I have all of my targets and match reports since I have been shooting.
How about that target crew?

----- Trudging thru the rain and mud! and thanks to Charlie Hood for stepping in. I am not surprised everything ran so smooth but those were trying conditions.Brady was top notch and didn't sing too much.:D

MICKEY: I did not get to say thanks for the well run shoot due to my schedule and my being lazy. But I appreciate all your efforts to provide us dumb shooters a place to shoot. Jim Casey
Thanks Mickey, Brady, Charlie and everyone else

I just wanted to ditto Jim Casey's cudos. I had a great time this weekend, and I appreciate everyone who contributed to the match management and the competitors, all of whom contributed to the high level of competition. The teen agg was alive and well this weekend. Thanks, guys.
Oh, I also need to thank Billy Stevens and Mickey Coleman for helping work on my old and worn out equipment.
Thanks Mickey & Brady

Thanks again for giving us a nice place to shoot and I for one was glad Brady was not shooting (or his Grand kids). Thanks Mickey for repairing my bolt. Congrats to ALL the shooters who did not mind a little rain.